Is meme magic real?

Okay Sup Forums lets settle this once and for all. Is meme magic real?



No, it's not. It's been a series of coincidences which has led autistic faggots to think that they can influence world events by shitposting and rolling dubs. Kek was the god of the Ancient Egyptians. Where are the Ancient Egyptians now? They're all dead.

Kek is a false god



I couldn't believe when I saw this

Meme magic is real

>gets dubs on counterpost
try again fucker

Of course it is!

Delete this.

its magic you know

like pottery

>Not believing in meme magic

>Where are the Ancient Egyptians now? They're all dead
No they aren't. Just on the city bus yesterday I ran into several kings and queens.

Top KeK(pbuh)


Only autistic neckbeard redditors believe in meme magic.

kek has spoken


>1 post by this ID


>praises KeK (pbuh)

Finish Honor restored.

praise em

Kek is testing our resolve! Do not falter my brethren!

Praise Kek for He had granted us another message, but feel shame and reflect on your automatic assumption that this blasphemous poster has Kek on his side!

Fucking retards delete this. FUCKING DELETE IT. Dude stop or I wont get out. Dude stop let me go. Dude let me go. DUDE, I'm gonna report you. DUDE LET ME GO, FAGGIT. Alright, you're being banned. Hello? DELETE THIS DUDE, come on. STOP STANDING THERE, DELETE THIS, HOLY CRAP you guys are retarded. DEELETE THISS, DELETE THIS. STOP STANDING THERE AND FUCKING DELETE THIS. ARE YOU GUYS, F'ing RETARDED? Hello? OH MY GOD. DELETE THIS. hello? DE-LETE THIS. Hello? DELETE IT. DELETE THIS! Hello? It's not funny, FUCKING DELETE IT. DELETE THIS, NOW. DELETE THIS. keyboard smashing FUCKING DELETE THIS. IM GONNA HAVE YOU REPORTED AND BANNED. Hello? OH MY GOD! repeated keyboard smashing You fucking retards, delete this. DELETE THIS! Please dude. Hello? breaking mouse FUCKING DELETE THIS! DELETE THIIIIIS!!! GOD YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING RETARDED! DELETE THISSS! FUCKING RETARDS DELETE THIS! Hello? Alright you guys are going to be fucking banned, my brother works for steam. So fuck off losers, and have a fun time getting banned assholes. OH MY GOD, OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU GUYS ARE RETARDED! DELETE THIS! breaking house Hello? DEEEELETE THIS, NOW!

Meme magick is real

Kek forgives you. He does not ask that you believe in him, only that you feel his presence.