Underwhelming, less would have been better/scarier as the special effects just took me out

Underwhelming, less would have been better/scarier as the special effects just took me out.

Great concept though, similar movies?

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Only the last monster appearance looked like shit.

It's not a horror, it's a thriller. It's probably my favorite movie of all time but at no point was I ever scared or felt like it was a horror despite what people say

They show too much throughout, enough to be reminded it's fake.

1978 body snatchers

The effects are what give this movie an identity. Learn to immerse yourself and enjoy a movie. You little shithead

Same. This movie just has an atmosphere to it that I love and can always rewatch

>immerse yourself
no the effects weren't good enough to convince me that what was happening on screen was real.

Alien got it right.
yeah i'm rating it as a horror which I thought it was intended to be, the character interactions and overall atmosphere were great.

>it's not a cgi shitfest so it's bad
Those practical effects were fucking incredible, especially for 1982 and even more especially because they were done by one 22 year old. Go fuck yourself you little shitehawk.

It's a monster movie you dick, you can't have a monster movie with no monster

Go watch unfriendes you pleb, looks right up your alley. No practical effects at all

lol no man its real dude

Babby's first manster mash

Shoot yourself fag. Effects are GOAT.

Those tentacles coming out of the dog monster at the start scarred me as a kid. It was the most horrific thing I had even seen

>it's another episode when OP continues being a faggot

just go watch "it plebs" that seems more your speed or better yet babadookie with its hip modern take on horror. You are too young for this movie anyways.

thanks, looks better than this


If you wanna watch it

Is this post satire?

No. I thought some people might want to watch it. If you have a problem with it I'd be happy to smash you m8

Never seen it. Is it good? Is OP a faggot?

Yes and yes

OP is obviously a faggot

>Never seen it. Is it good?
And so are you, underage newshit

>full reddit link
>fucking youtube stream
Better if you had said it was satire

it was good, just not scary and the effects are often poor at times.

it's ok. Sup Forums thinks it's some horrorkino but it's pretty tame and dated now. Still, ok story though.

I don't see the problem. You shouldn't be so uptight its not healthy

Of course you don't. Go back

No worries. Take care

But thankfully, nu-Sup Forums is here to correct the record

The thing is I can't disagree with anything you have said because its all true

but yet I am perturbed and I desperately wish to remind you the movie was made in the 80s

I unironically endorse this flick. It was memorable enough to get a reference in a Kevin Smith movie, I forget which one.

a product of it's time? i was expecting more

jay and silent blob strike back

Alien or The Thing, Sup Forums?

Maybe because I saw aliens and (I think) the thing before alien, I never understood the big deal about it.

Alien is better made. The Thing is a better movie

I got more enjoyment out of The Thing, but I think the Alien is far better made, barring the special effect work gone into The Thing.

That's right. Jay sees Affleck and shouts about how great he was in 'Phantoms.'


It's Kino. What the fuck are you smoking.

the thing
both of their sfx hasn't aged well tbf

>John Carpenter: Self-proclaimed "Master of Horror"
>not a horror movie because some random sperg on the internet says so

Really nig'd my noggin

must be hard for modern babbies to put things in context. this movie is 35 years old after all.
and well done for finding the shittiest fan made poster too, that fucking dog face is photoshop lasso first attempt hilarity

>Alien got it right.

a dude in a suit

I'm not trying to make it look bad, good movie just not scary for a horror.
The comparison was on how Alien got the horror right.

special effects are one of the least things i'm bothered about

What did user mean by this?