Why aren't there as many civil war movies as ww2 ones?

Why aren't there as many civil war movies as ww2 ones?

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Well the last Civil War veteran died in 1956, and usually these war movies are made for the veterans. Unfortunately for them they had two more giant wars a couple decades before that.

Because Ken Burns literally terminated this genre. Seriously watch his fucking series. The end.

It is kinda of a boring plot, muh states rights


There are fucking loads of them what are you talking about?

There weren't planes and tanks and nazis and shit. You know, all the stuff that makes war fun. Watching armies walk around for days while 70% of them die of disease isn't fun, nor is watching them load muskets for half a minute between shots as they all stand in a line.


because history doesn't sell

Yeah, but it's not 6 gorillion
Neck yourself, they were rifles

Because WWII is more relatable. Because it's modern.

The men come from working class. People are educated in schools. Work in factories and farms. Buy things with money. Drive cars. Modern appliance.

Gods and Generals seems to have killed it as a movie theme.

The dude is never going to make part 3 last full measure so stop dreaming

>stop dreaming
I was suggesting the whole thing was dead user, don't know why you thought I was hanging out for part 3
ACW movies, and indeed most period military pieces, are just too expensive to make and rarely if ever make a profit

>dat video game

Because film wasn't invented yet :)

>contrary to the explicit commands of Holy Scripture, traitorously and unlawfully rebel against your Christ-appointed sovereign, His Britannic Majesty King George V, and demand complete independence from the British Empire because you don't want to pay taxes on tea and would rather be ruled over by Jewish banksters and Freemasons and serve as their hangman until the end of time
>later on a few state want independence from you
>lol no you can't do that
>*kills 100,000 compatriots*
>*economically rapes the South and exterminated their unique culture*

At some level even the stupidest most brainwash yank must be aware of how hypocritical the War of Northern Agression was, and I think that cognitave dissonance manifests as a psychological repression of the whole affair.

t. Cletus

>Swear off kings and monarchy
>Have political dynasties instead
It took less than 100 years for them to become what they hated

I'm obviously from the Commonwealth.

Noone really cares about the civil war.



Oh that explains the homosexual vocabulary

Oh it shows.

>the only civil war in the history of mankind was in murrica
>the rest of the world gives lots of shits about this war and will surely buy every single movie

The Roman civil wars were 2000 years ago and they had more casualties in every single one of them. So why should anyone give a fuck beyond 1 or 2 movies?