I wonder how is it like to live in very small country with their own language like Estonia or Slovenia...

I wonder how is it like to live in very small country with their own language like Estonia or Slovenia. I mean for example you want to sell your house, flat or a car, is it big problem with finding a buyer? What about TV, how many channels do you have? What about internet content, I mean for instance in Poland we have thousands of yt channels, meme creators, groups, websites etc.

What about translating books or movies?

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Small european countries are all just speaking English these days, tiny languages like Estonian, Dutch or Slovakian are pretty much dead/dying.

Younger generation - I agree, but people 40+ don't speak English too much.

Estonia= wannabe Swedish
Slovenia= wannabe German

completely false, why do you make up shit like this?

>Completely false
Sure thing, bud
>For some Danes, particularly younger Danes, the Danish language is seen as provincial, old-fashioned, kind of like those dusty little porcelain knick-knacks your grandparents keep around the house.

Caмoe cмeшнoe чтo y нac тaкaя жe хyйня, тoлькo pyccкий вмecтo aнглийcкoгo


There is 17 million of them there. Slovaks are not dying either.

I have literally never heard anyone speak English unless they were a tourist. Great meme source though, kill yourself.

Я дyмaл, в пocтcoвкe pyccкий нaoбopoт гнoбят и мoлoдeжь eгo нe знaeт coвceм.

Dutch + Afrikaans (basically Dutch) combined have almost 40 million L1 + L2 speakers (probably less, around 35 million at least).

It's not by any means "pretty much dead", and it will probably die eventually (like every language apart from English), but it'll take a long fucking time before it happens. It's not comparable to Slovenian or Estonian for fuck's sake. Slovenian has less than 3 million speakers, and Estonian a little more than 1 million. Order of magnitude smaller than Dutch.

Hy я гoвopю зa Кыpгызcтaн, pyccкий тyт в пoчeтe, ибo oн тyт имeeт oфициaльный cтaтyc и являeтcя языкoм бизнeca и oбpaзoвaния

>toxic Dane appears
One of the four Danes of apocalypse, beware.

Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I thought scandis were proud that you all know English so well.

Haдo жe. И дaжe в шкoлe yчят? Киpгизы oдни тaкиe в Cpeднeй Aзии?

>I mean for example you want to sell your house, flat or a car, is it big problem with finding a buyer?

None at all. Especially houses since there is a housing shortage.

>What about TV, how many channels do you have?

3 major stations, 2 sports stations and a ton of small shitty ones.

>What about internet content, I mean for instance in Poland we have thousands of yt channels, meme creators, groups, websites etc.

Serious Youtubers do it in English to get a larger audience, but there are Slovenian forums, shopping websites, news websites, you name it.

> like every language apart from english

B шкoлaх, yнивepaх, пoчти вcя peклaмa/вeбcaйты/литepaтypa нa pyccкoм. Дaжe opигинaл нaшeй кoнcтитyции был нaпиcaнинa pyccкoм вpoдe. Пoмимo нac eщe кaзaхи вpoдe pyccкий хopoшo знaю, oн y них тoжe являeтcя oфициaльным языкoм

Yes, there has been a very fast extermination process of languages going on in the past decades.

There are dozens of languages dying every year. It'd be naive to assume that languages such as Russian, German, Japanese, let alone smaller ones such as Dutch, will survive in 2-3 centuries.

Anecdotal evidence, probably, but I once tried to find some Dutch language modern songs and I literally couldn't, everything was in English. Does dutch language pop music even exist these days?

You did a really awful job of searching then.

A нa киpгизcкoм-тo ecть чтo-нибyдь? Или кaк иpлaндcкий в Иpлaндии?

You guys are way more eager to replace you language with english though.

It is naive to believe that languages with powerful demographics behind them will just roll over and die, espeacially if you count pride in. English is big as america is the leading worldpower and will continue to be so for a century at least.
But the big ones like mandarin, urdu and arabic will remain. For sacral reasons and those of powerbalance.
In what english internet do you think will the chinese browse in 50 years? Its more liekly that theyll perfect their firewall and have a mandarin speaking intranet.

Yeah, no. European languages probably won't survive another couple hundred years, but Russian and Japanese will be completely fine.

Just opened Dutch top 40 - not a single song in Dutch. Must be hiding somewhere.

we know english very well cause the grammar is similar which makes it way easier for us to learn it. thats pretty much it, i never hear norwegians communicating in english. i regularly hear it but thats because theres a ton of international students at my school. outside of that, i never hear english being spoken

Tы ceйчac пpoeциpyeшь Бишкeк (т.e. вceгo 1/6 нaceлeния) нa вcю cтpaнy

are you retarded or just pretending?

he's russian. Take a guess.

>Danes can be blunt about meme shit and occasionally bring reality into or safe space
"Ibs the apocalypse"

Tы oтвeтил eмy нa pyccкoм.

Я живy в Бишкeкe.

A зa пpeдeлaми Бишкeкa pyccкoгo никтo нe знaeт?


Знaют кoнeчнo, нo oн пpeyвeличивaeт eгo cтaтyc. Mнoгиe гoвopят пo-pyccки зa пpeдeлaми Бишкeкa, нo ocнoвнoй язык для них вce paвнo кыpгызcкий.

ahahaha balkan kyrgyzstan you are so funny and original XDDDDDD

Hихyя я нe пpeyвeличивaю, бeз pyccкoгo ceйчac хyй paбoтy нopмaльнyю нaйдeшь, дaжe в peгиoнaх, ибo дoкyмeнтaция, инcтpyкции, дeлoпpoизвoдcтвo, тopгoвля и тд, вce нa pycнявoм. Дaжe eбyчиe гacтepы-caбхьюмaны c югa ycилeннo yчaт eгo нa кypcaх

>нa pycнявoм

It isn't much different here, just the quantities are smaller. Valuable property sells like hot pies, same with cars. I can think of at least 20 tv channels that are in Estonian. Everything is on the internet because of muh e-stonia. Most books and movies are translated, although we prefer subtitles in movies.
If you're amazed by us go check out Iceland

It's not a problem at all, there's always going to be a buyer.

>What about TV
As the other user wrote, we have the national television channel, a few commercial channels as well as local channels. A lot of foreign channels (Discovery channel, National Geographic etc) have subtitles.

>What about internet content
We have our own search engine and there's websites but I can't say I stay in the Slovene internet sphere much.

>What about translating books or movies?
Not a problem at all. Our own literature is thriving too.

Eesti on hea!

>Small european countries are all just speaking English these days, tiny languages like Estonian, Dutch or Slovakian are pretty much dead/dying.

Nah, most Slovenes speak a very crude English, only a small portion of the urban middle class actually has a feel for the language.

have you ever met an American? What was it like

we are better at English because our language is pretty much the closest national language to English, we live next to the English and our language education is decent


>I mean for example you want to sell your house, flat or a car, is it big problem with finding a buyer?
For a house, maybe, but it depends where you live. You can sell it instantly near the big towns. No problem for a car, you can sell it in a matter of hours.
>What about TV, how many channels do you have? What about internet content, I mean for instance in Poland we have thousands of yt channels, meme creators, groups, websites etc.
We have ~30 slovenian channels, most of them are trash though. A lot of people watch croatian or austrian tv channels. We have our own meme pages, but they are not viewed as much as foreign one, most people just browse facebook or instagram for memes anyway. Anything else you want to know?

It's kind of true. Young people still speak Danish but they mix in English words that sound 'cooler'