Somebody get this guy job at MARVEL marketing! lol

Somebody get this guy job at MARVEL marketing! lol

Deadpool is FOX though.

Oh,nevermind then.

Pretty funny

brian here

we do have a rivalry with ryans

>this has 7586 upvotes
Reddit humor is truly disgusting.

that's really fucking stupid.

You. I like you.

Have an upvote, Sir!

Steven421 here guys! glad you all liked my post! what are some other whacky ideas Sup Forums have?

The comments are even better,they are acting like Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool is the reason for them to exist...

>God the first part of that headline scared me.
>I didn't realize what sub this was and thoroughly panicked for about 0.5 seconds.
>I was not expecting a /r/CrazyIdea post to be on my front page and was seriously freaked out about this.

But there are also kooky ideas for this ad campaing

>Like a bad actor, he should look at the camera awkwardly a few times as well when the other person is talking. Maybe get into someone else's shot.
>Have the mustache come half-unglued in a scuffle, but Deadpool doesn't notice, so his opponent has to point it out.

right like Sup Forums is a fucking circlejerk over dead and insipid memes

Holy... I want more


This redditor has another great suggestion

"Have other characters say he would look like Reynolds if he shaved off the moustache. Conversely, have random people ask if he's Reynolds with a moustache and why did he grow it and make that his pet peeve. Have the moustache look slightly different throughout the film. Make the moustache show in relief through the costume. Have him finally shave it off at one point but he still maintains that he's the other guy. In the final battle with the bad guy, the mask gets ripped off and the bad guy says "Ryan Reynolds?", in disbelief, and he gets annoyed that even the villain gets "confuses" him. If you put this in the movie, Reynolds, I want my username hidden in the credits."

keep on rocking on,f0k4ppl3

Holmes should have waited until deadpool

Reddit and tumblr literally ruined the world

>OP you are the future of marketing. You understand what these advertising fucks have been grasping at with their pointless "comedic skit" commercials for a decade-- how to make people genuinely give a fuck without being obnoxious.
Watch a GE commercial and tell me what the point of it is... are they trying to market the stock to investors?
Bravo OP. I'd say go get a job in marketing but you're too far ahead of the curve to be appreciated.

This was all supposed to be gt'ed

I have another great idea. What if Ryan Reynolds, while doing an interview, would spread out his hands and put them in front of his face? It would be like he completely disappeared. Everyone will be surprised and shocked, wondering where Ryan went. Then, as the interviewer starts to panic, Ryan simply lifts up his hands and yells PEEKABOO, reappearing out of nowhere. I think this would be a really good prank fitting the audience of the Deadpool movies. Thoughts?

You have to go back.

I don't know,I personally would be scared if he disappeared like that... What if he never comes back?

That would be twisted.... just the way i like it >:D

Holy fucking shit dude that would be so epicly meta



Lol so what if we find some random girl off the street and we kidnap her LOL

le reddit is so smart and funny

>it's a Sup Forums is jealous of reddit again episode