New German study finds no connection between Migrants and Crime!

>Over a million refugees came to Europe in 2015, and when mass sexual assaults left many nations in shock, migrants were the first to be blamed

>However, a new study suggests there is no direct link between national origin and crime

>The Berlin-based organization Mediendienst Integration (Integration Media Service) compiled the study

>he added there had been two types of crime that had indeed shown significant increases: burglaries and pickpocketing

>These crimes weren’t committed by refugees who arrived in the country in 2015, researchers say, rather by those who have been living in the country for years

Mama Merkel will send everyone back before they learn the ways of pickpocketing and burglary by staying in Germany for too long, r-right?

Other urls found in this thread:

>EU media
They literally edit the photos of perpetrators to make them look whiter and arrest those who dare question it. They make our media look transparent.

> The Berlin-based organization Mediendienst Integration (Integration Media Service) compiled the study


Yeah because I really going to believe anything coming out of a "country" that arrests people for having the wrong political opinion.

Hey Germany do you guys realize 1984 was a warning, not a manual right?

>rather by those who have been living in the country for years

Does not this argue that integration does not work?

It is okey guys, they may not be robbing now, but they will be in a few years!

good on them. being a migrant doesn't mean you're goign to be a criminal. this is fact. what they did find, but purposefully omitted, was that being from a third world shithole invites crime. this is also fact.

Sup Forumstards btfo once again

>Since the past year, there has been no jump in the number of offenses per 100,000 people for the most frequent types of crimes, Münster told the Deutsche Welle media outlet.

>most frequent types of crimes

They conveniently didn't look at less frequent types of crime such as murder or rape.

How convenient.

stay cucked, Germany.

Take a wild guess at who one of their financial backers is

>these migrants that have been here longer are doing the rape, not the ones that just came in
Deutschland Ja!

Isn't Germany not allowed to record the ethnicity of criminals or is that Sweden?

So blacks and browns already living there did it. I guess this means that the new blacks and browns will never do it.

Lysenko would be proud.

Germany has a better propaganda department now than when they had Joseph Gobbels.

Mediendienst Integration

so conclusion first, then the study

Yep they get send back. Just need to beat the shit out of the lefty fucks blocking and sabotaging plus build up a more threatening military precens to forcfully support international law of home countrys taking there scum back.

You take em or you get a few bombs as a reminder.

>Integration Media Service) compiled the study
Truly credible institution

>new German

Pic related guys.
Download addblock and block shills iamges just block one image gogogogogogo

It's like they're not even trying with their propaganda anymore.

Thanks for the confirmation bias bros

Science is being used as a scamming tool these days

Fuck the journal-publishing world of today

(((German Study)))

Dubs don't lie. It's like Marlboro doing a study if cigarrets cause cancer and should be banned.

>(((Integration Media Service)))

This has cracked me up ever since the migrant thing happened. I've been arguing against immigration using European examples for more than 10 years, long before the migrant thing because mudslimes were raising hell long before the syrian civil war. What these reports proudly proclaim is that muslims -DO NOT IMPROVE- with time. As if somehow saying there's no hope and these migrants will always be violent drug dealing terrorist criminals exonerates them! No! It means it's way worse than anyone thinks!



Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration

Freudenberg Stiftung

Karl-Konrad und Ria Groeben Stiftung


Amadeu Antonio Stiftung

Open Society Foundations

German Marshall Fund

Stiftung Mercator

Manfred Lautenschläger Stiftung


Das Projekt "Bundesweite Informationsveranstaltungen für Medienschaffende zu Integration, Migration und Asyl" (Pressegespräche und Medien-Touren) wird aus Mitteln des Asyl-, Migrations- und Integrationsfonds kofinanziert.

Asyl-, Migrations- und Integrationsfonds
Europäische Union

Stop being racist. Only tanned Germans commit crime.


Our government is disgusting as fuck.

Just to add to this, it would be interesting to know what their definition of "most frequent crimes" are. What is their cutoff point, because that is the only data being used in this "study".

Crimes that happen tens of thousands of times a year? thousands of times a year? Hundreds of times a year?

It makes sense you wouldn't see an increase in the number of petty crimes because most petty crimes go unreported. e.g. if someone spits at you on the street you may get pissed off but chances are you're going to go on with your day and not file an official report.

This "study" would've been much more useful if they examined least frequent, but more serious crime. Like rape. Murder. Armed robbery.

But of course, we already know why they aren't going to do a study like that.

Oh look, it's really Soros.

Nothing new to see here.

>German Study

Fucking can we like put this fucking Reptile on a most wanted list or something ? He is fucking with everything these days.
Yes, they are for a while now. They need to be purged.

>Open Society Foundations
The Soros International Poison Varan.

>rather by those who have been living in the country for years
So it did found connection.


>put this fucking Reptile on a most wanted list
He needs to be Breiviked for the win.

yes, all muslims are criminals whether they are 2nd gen or recent migrants

Given the Opertunity, every sane human being should execute the lizard on sight.

>Go to look up crime stats
>Can't because keeping stats are racist

>Oh but you can believe this, why would a group with such a name lie?

>New German study finds no connection between Migrants and Crime!

Just like Obama found no link between racial hatred and a man who killed 5 cops stating he "wished to kill white people"?

shh youre thinking this through too much.

Bad goy.

If German authorities don't register nationalities, then this study doesn't prove fucking anything.

Plus, are you shitting me? Over a quarter of all national crime is committed by foreigners? That seriously shows something is up.

>Property, violent, and sexual crime rates in Germany skyrocket
>Literally the only major change to the country is allowing half a million migrants in over the last year
>Study claims no connection between the two.

One can only draw two possible conclusions from this. Either
a) Hundreds of thousands of German nationals have all suddenly become thieving, violent serial rapists
b) German media is full of horseshit

How any reasonable person, even a German, could think the answer is (a) is beyond me.


Are you fucking shitting me