Download torrent to watch something while eating dinner

>download torrent to watch something while eating dinner

>dinner finished, torrent paused and probably deleted later

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Torrents are shit. Use filehosting sites.


Ha ha that looks like my silly girl.

Could be, found this shooberino on Sup Forums

>download bluray film to watch when eating
>cooking is done, go sit on couch
>watch simpsons instead
>repeat same procedure about 100 times

got a huge backlog.
gotta watch them.

>download dozens of films while sleeping
>watch when awake

wew that was hard

I didnt come here for a solution for my problems you prick

fuck me

Every thread on every board ever, including /adv/

I'm not a thread, I'm a person with feelings

>Sup Forums .. now the personal blog of some self absorbed faggot.


remove yourself from my thread now


relax, the mods will be removing you from my board in 5 ... 4..... 3......

>download torrent to watch something while taking a shit
>flushed the toilet, torrent paused and probably deleted later

I think your dog has autism

Quit acting like a woman.

>Tfw you have nothing to watch whilst you eat dinner

>download torrent
>split screen on 70% video 30% Sup Forums

>TFW you have nothing to eat whilst you eat dinner

>end up sticking on some shitty yt vid

That feel is too strong

>put the video on 2x speed

of course

>tfw you watch some retarded streamer while eating dinner

Fuck, that's spoton. Like Watchmojo or Cinemasins....

>remember you have a show to watch another day
>next day your food is ready
>you struggle to find something to watch
>finish food
>remember you had something you wanted to watch

It takes me literally 5 minutes to eat dinner

Scratch that. 3 minutes, tops.



I know. It's just bitesize enough for me to watch one while eating quickly

but you must have plenty of videos in your subscription feed to watch instead, videos of actual value

What one?

Is there still a Sup Forums FTP server? I remember a couple hosted by Sup Forumsaylords

scratch that, 2 seconds tops

Here bro

Not really subscribed to anything. I use youtube 90% of the time for music.

Thank you friendolino

fucking indians lmao

sometimes i dont even open the movie and just go to bed

Not at all related but i feel sad
>have single mum and two brothers
>live in shithole council house with them
>mum is running a bath for herself
>i say i need to go for a shit before she goes in
>sit down on the toilet to shit
>shes left her phone in the toilet
>i see the screen
>shes listening to some self help podcast called something along the lines of "making yourself better for the perfect him"
>realize that my mum is sad and lonely and feels just as trapped if not more so than me
>she used to be attractive in her youth and is overall a good person
>she is past 'the wall' and now is of no value to men and obviously just wants somebody to love her and give her companionship
>obviously regrets all of her poor life choices and wishes she could turn back the clock
>in the back of her mind she knows its a certainty that she'll die alone
>tears are welling up as i type this
>think of all of the times that ive sat feeling sorry for myself because nogf
>at least i still can improve myself and have a chance at happiness
>my mum's chance is passed and now shes depressed and desperate for a man to find value in her
>i just want my mum to be happy

jesus christ man

Nah man
>Download shit to watch while eating
>Get muh plate ready but the shit hasn't finished downloading yet
>Delay the pleasure of eating until the thing I was gonna watch has finished downloading

made me feel bro

there has to be a dude out there in the same situation as your mom

the food may be cold, but at least you're not alone with your thoughts!

>makes meal
>opens kodi
>presses play on movie
>movie starts immedietly

you piece of shit


fuck all that waiting

>finish cooking
>turn television to Dave
>watch Top Gear

Name a better itinerary

online dating maybe?

And worst of all?

You just had to go shit in the bathroom while she was wanting to lay up in the bath and relax, you're a fucking prick user.

The best way to make your mom happy is to be happy yourself. Stop crying. I guarantee you girls are good for a lot of things, but once you've had your share you realis you can't rely on someone else to fulfill you.

Go to the gym.
Get a job.
Clean yourself up, no one cares if you're ugly.
Learn how to talk to people, and lead by example.

the body is a good place to start-look up the ketogenic diet if you're a big tubba guts.

I can also guarantee that the more time you spend on this site the worse you're going to get. Too much bad shit on here.