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competition and strive breeds excellence and people of strong character.
sedentary live and peace breeds hedonism and complacency.


We don't have the opportunities to be badasses anymore. The average soldier has an IQ of 86. The closest thing half intelligent people have to being badasses is grunting loudly in the gym and slamming weights on the ground, and then getting into a fist fight at the bar.

All the real men died in ww2 and all society was left with were effeminate faggots who bred effeminate faggot children.


Nah, all the real men came home from the war, popped out a few kids and proceeded to let said kids give them the finger while saying "Fuck you mom and dad, I'm free maaaaaan!" which then in turn grew up and helicoptered the fuck out of their kids and this generation became a bunch of special-snowflake postmodern halfwits.

There is nothing to be proud of, nothing to fight for, nothing to feel a part of in our society anymore. The great wheel of globalism, individualism and consumerism has broken every community bond it can. We are no longer a united people, we are a group of individuals standing near each other.

Youth today latch onto anything that can make them feel like they belong to something, moreso if that something feels important. This faux activism is one thing that makes them feel like they belong. We see on this very website another, striving for racial purity and nationalism. Without an explicit outside enemy people will form up and create one. That enemy could be racial groups, or it could be the establishment, or in some cases "patriarchy" or other made up enemies.

There's nothing wrong with thousands of people not dying in pointless wars.

>Implying people didn't kill themselves in 1944 from bullying

People have always killed themselves because of social pressure, the difference is that people actually care now.

I want very much to have our culture zeitgeist turn and make our enemy destruction. To have the majority of our society strive and fight against the blackness of extinction. I want to see humanity spread and propagate. I want to see this whole universe blinking with the light of humanity.

THAT is something to strive for. I do not understand how anyone can think that such a petty goal as a safe space or "comfort" is something to be championed.


Never going to happen. We're not even going to colonize the solar system before we're reverted back to hunter gatherer societies.

The average WW2 soldier was 30 years old

We need war.

>Ruski posting on Sup Forums complaining about others not going into war

Why don't you?


Kill them all.

Hey everyone, lets invade Greece and take back the money they owe us.

No more greeks, no more debt

>provoking Russia
fuck you fatass. last time someone provoked russia, Finland got slapped too.

People of Colored hair need to get a solid kick in their ass. That's what actual hurt feels like.

There are still 18 year olds that operate today though

This, in Vietnam it was 19. Thank you Paul Hardcastle

first post best post

Back in the olden days going to war was seen as an honor, even the elites sent their sons. Nowadays its grunt work for low class, low IQ people, no offense.

You act likethose guys volunteered to go fight. Most of those blokes wanted to go home.

In pretty sure if you asked them if they could ho back and do it again they would say hell fucking no

No fault divorce. Being raised by single mothers. No positive male role models.

But ultimately, it's the weakness inherent in the white race expressing itself. IE - empathy. White men will cuck themselves out of empathy unless it is beaten out of them by force or by education.

I secretly want world war and destruction so I can save a qt and have her eternally grateful to my cock

Yeah those murder boat boxes really made boys into men. Crying that you want your mommy while your friends all around you are gunned down or blown to pieces is really something dignifying and worth remembering. Kids today should do that, that's why Afghanistan exists.

I'm sure 99% of the people jumping on those beaches would rather have the problem of the kids on the bottom.

Also worth noting, they aren't running because they're brave and ready to kill, they're running to find cover and not die because staying on the shore is certain death.
It was a fucking meat grinder.


>glorifying war
This is how you spot the 12 year olds.

Implying there is something wrong with those two young lads. We all need safe spaces ruskybro.

estrogen in the water

Both generations doing exactly what the jews want.

I cum just thinking about a scenario in which the allies landed at Calais or some other heavily fortified area on the coast. Now that would be a massacre.

Wanna retake Constantinople?

You are fugen wheit mael!!!

Jewish control of water and food

>the difference is that people actually care now

as if they should care? being bullied is something that weak people allow themselves to endure. people back then didn't give a fuck because they weren't pussies.

I'd say that's an improvement? There's nothing good about sending people into war even if it might sometimes be necessary.

eerste paal beste paal


Words hurt more than bullets.

War is the great unifier of a people. The best and worst thing for humanity would be the threat of an outside force (aliens or machines). Mankind will finally set aside differences in order to survive.

Yeah we know you're too lazy to fight.
>ww3 starts
>greece takes a vacation

For the last FUCKING TIME

>war is the great unifier of people
for how long and at what cost?

In a way, we actually kind of do.
Although warfare ongoing over the last decade has led to loss of life, no true conscription like what happened in WW1 and WW2 has allowed for the civilians at home to populate and socialize in a way that obliges non-competition behaviors and morality.
The internal habits towards fight or flight behaviors are set off in odd ways. I believe we adhere to flight behaviors because they're consistent with the noncompetitive status quo that benefits the majority populace, but the fight response, being increasingly suppressed, finds extreme outlets.
I think that having a true war, one that obliged real skin in the game and potential for loss would change the modern world significantly.
The excessively interconected nations would have to begin to recognize where their interests and another nation's interests are distinct from another. They may be allies, but they are not the same nation. In war, the high level of globalization that developed nations have taken on would be put to the test, and I think that they would find that globalized interests would fail under duress of major warfare.

Additionally, there would be depopulation. Not to suggest that loss of life is a good thing, but right now it may be necessary. In absence of people filling certain roles, others would have to rise and fulfill them. Those without purpose or direction could truly find a place when the demands of war arise.

In reality, I'm probably looking exclusively at the highly hypothetical upsides of the major shakeup that war would cause, but I really think the world needs that major shakeup.
Things as they are are not how they should be.

desu, if i was told right now to stand up, take arms and fight against our traitor government, i'd do it in a pinch. That does not mean that i believe that it will be a fun oh goofy time. It will be horrible and soul scaring.

True courage comes from moral foundations.
Modern society destroys morality and thus courage.

We don't need a war, we need a revolution.

After the shock of war wears off and peace returns, it'll be the same shit all over again. All the suffering will have been for nothing.

Something needs to change at the core of western civilization, to prevent it from going the way of the Romans.

I hate the side of me that grew up worshipping pop media.

I grew up wanting to be a badass, wanting to take risks, wanting more than I could ever have, and not being satisfied by the love that was given to me by a wonderful family.

I know I could have been so much more. I want to be more. Family is everything. I want to start my own soon.

Well you should look on the bright side: you get to kill people, rape, split skulls and stuff :)

Leave the trauma for after you survive, then kill yourself and your family

>kill yourself after a war
>kill yourself because words hurt you
Both outcomes are shit.

Bottom is what happens when there is no strong father figure in their lives.

Sounds like we share a similar perspective.
I'm in the process of selling all my shit and going volunteering overseas in an unwavering act of defiance against the insidious modern world.
My little way of "storming the beaches and charging into certain death"

Preferably until people forget why they were ever against each other (many generations). Highly unlikely to occur and sadly too long because of the loss of human life during that time. Nothing worthwhile in this world is ever earned without effort. Without sweat and blood, people become complacent and decadent. Suffering is neccessary because that was the standard for most of humanity's existence. You know how people are most suited for a low sugar diet because that was our diet when our ancestors were evolving and eventually building proto-civilizations. It's in our nature. I remember being told by my first sergeant that the best thing you can do for yourself is embrace the suck when shit hits the fan. However that's not to say to revel in pain and misfortune. That's not healthy for anyone's personality. Plow through the shitty parts to earn the good that's on the other side, however don't become complacent/prideful with the reward.

WII ushered in the modern age. It brought forth many technologies that we use today. War always seems to jump-start progress. And it culls the weak. Thought we do lose the strong.

Next time a war starts we just need to prioritize the draft for people who are not fit to be in the military, and send them in first.

I wrote this today >1 post man:

Brain Power and Body Armor:

Take a step back, examine the message - ask yourself "Does this benefit the progress of human society as a whole, or does it just benefit you?"

take another spin on the progressive hamster wheel.
My weapons are double think and emotional appeal,
your oppressive thoughts will be crushed under heel.
Saltpeter sparks to life, grave combustion of gunpowder,
actions setting the narrative - voices getting louder.
The smell of sulfur rises as hearts further sour,
an idea becomes a struggle for the illusion of power.
I will dictate what does and does not matter,
bow down to your diverse and tolerant master.
All the way from here you can hear the bankers' laughter,
as the media live broadcasts our societal disaster.
So demonstrate in long disorganized lines,
intimidate the free thinking with your picket signs.
Blood spilling down through the pages of time,
this unfortunate defect in the human design.


Except that WW3 will be fought with nukes and will be very short because of that. Short and destructive.

Wish you the best

>Go to war
>Live through hell
>Through dumb luck or skill you survive
>Years later people unironically imply that anyone who survived was a coward
This mentality is cancer.
Brave men lived and brave men died.
Cowards lived and cowards died.

We're fucked now because doing things like joining the Army, Navy or Air force are considered 'retard' jobs or jobs you do when you have no other options in life. We lost any sense of national duty or wanting to be part of something larger than our own wants and needs.

Hyper-capitalism and the gibs mentality are why we got to this point. Capitalism is still the best option though. Family unit needs to be restored before you can make the next step to repairing the self-induced narcissism in communities.


I disagree. When you have children your interest transfers from the bigger world to the smaller world of the family unit.
If things change it will be by the hands of childless, morally sound men and women

Not to mention children make you vulnerable to compromise.

All the best lineages were lost in the world wars.

daycare and marxist professors

Aren't you ignoring parents that actively strive to make the world a better place for their children to live in?

This guys has your answer.

There is no explaining to do. It's exactly as bad as it looks.

>Estrogen, flouride, and various other harmful chemicals in the drinking water.
>xenoestrogen in plastics which seep into the food and water causing low testosterone in males
>Divorces are at an all time high which is causing many males to be born in single mother households
>Clueless about their history and ancestors
>No identity
>Taught to hate themselves since childhood

Maybe. Or perhaps to make real change will take absolute sacrifice of one's self. Something no loving parent would be able to do.

Shiiieeet. I actually have the same fantasy.

No competition in the West. Literally. Thanks to neocolonialism, what they do and what you do - they earn 20-100 times more, than you do in Russia. Including bydlooffice job.
So they do not really need anything, they do not need to pursue any goals to be healthy, well fed, well dressed, have a home etc. Fucking homer simpson-tier.

Gavin "i put stuff in my ass" McInnes claims it`s about mudshits, who had taken all the starter-level kid-jobs, so kids dont get educated to work ealy in life. But it`s just comforting the burger pride.

So their position in the world leaves them only crybaby-emotions way of personality development.

Leave it to an American to write something this stupid bait or not.