Meet a beautiful woman

>meet a beautiful woman
>marry her
>over hear a conversation with her friends
>"remember when you only use to fuck black guys?" "OMG I was such a slut back then!"

Would you date/marry a girl with past interracial relations Sup Forums?
If she never discloses it with you and you find out, would you dump her?

As long as she didn't have a nog baby, and it was before I knew her I wouldn't care.


What if she had it aborted?

Depends on how deep in the pregnancy it was.

>getting married
how dumb are you?

I don't think I could ever look at her again.

dump her


Top kek

It's never to late to flush a turd, brit user.

>marrying a slut

Off the race traitorous bitch.

Once they go black, they never go back.
It's likely she'll fuck niggers behind your back.

I would never marry a non-virgin. I would date one long-term, but I would never give her any kind of access to my assets.

Dump her.

I am now a #TriggeredRaceWarSlave.
The only thing missing is addblock plus. Block one triggering image block all.

>Era of social media

>not figuring it out

Why would you ever marry a girl who talks like that, much less calls herself a slut without shame like that?


>Would you date/marry a girl with past interracial relations Sup Forums?

>If she never discloses it with you and you find out, would you dump her?
I would behead her.

Once she goes black, she can never come back.

>marrying a woman

Yeah. You're retarded.

All race traitors will be hanged

This is the only solution. I feel gutted, it's a permanent stain that'll never go away. FML

That's what you get for being autist

How much time should pol say that you should not marry whores?

>between anything other than a man and a woman
? ? ? ? ?

No, you already make a oath.

It's too late now

If she had one aborted I'd fuck her harder. One less nog.

>Would you date/marry a girl with past interracial relations
nah because most people who do interracial are habitual whores anyways. Only one late night of you getting home for her to fuck somebody else.

>marrying a non-virgin

top cuck

Don't marry. Just live together or something

meant to reply OP

Once you go black, we don't want you back.

>Just live together or something
you get hit with common law marriages in some states if you live together long enough,.

When i was young i dated a girl of same age. we were been together 4 years and lived 1 year when i found out that before me, she had been with ARAB.

I knew that there had been guys before me, but when i learned that one of the dates had been arabic guy(dunno if he was iraq iran or egypt, who cares) and 25 years old, i got so angry and disappointed.

She acted like it wasnt such a big deal, it was just some guy, but i instantly saw that she had been one of those stupid women who falls for shit and then regrets it.

if i remember right, we stopped living together about 3 months after that. I acted that the sandnigger stuff didnt bother me and the reason was just that we didnt like each other anymore,m but it really did bother me.

I would not date a woman who has had muslim or arab before me.

>be mixed race
>date white girl
>ruin her everytime we fug
>she leaves me
>2 years later engaged to successful white man

Honestly feel more cucked than he is.

Use a chipper.

of course i wouldn't. i have self respect.

In some places if people live together long enough, under law they can be considered a married couple, that means taxes and the bitch being able to take half your shit. I wouldn't even live long term with woman, let alone anybody except my closest family, otherwise I'd live alone.


>Would you date/marry a girl with past interracial relations Sup Forums?
No, and you're an idiot if you would. It means at the ABSOLUTE BEST, she's ignorant to the truth.
>If she never discloses it with you and you find out, would you dump her?
I explicitly asked my wife before even courting her. So, if she told me she had lied, yes, that'd be a deal-breaker.

> Dating used goods periodly
Unless you intend to dump her after getting your dick wet then you're a fucking idiot.

I don't know a single girl who's ever been in a relationship with a black guy.
I'd be really fucking hard pressed to even find one who has fucked a black guy.
So no clue tbqh familia, it' not a thing I've ever considered

>Would you date/marry a girl with past interracial relations Sup Forums?

No. Coal burners are disgusting.

>any year
>dating sluts

I wouldn't let her suck my dick if she paid me.

>Would you date/marry a girl with past interracial relations Sup Forums?
>If she never discloses it with you and you find out, would you dump her?
Near some shady district, died from a robbery gone wrong, yes.

You have bad taste in women. It was doomed from the start.

>but i instantly saw that she had been one of those stupid women who falls for shit and then regrets it.
I get you, but there's the risk involved that, well, perhaps that definition covers ALL women?! Ultimately, it may be the case that a "good girl", in our current cultural climate, is only such because of a lack of opportunity to be bad? This is what I think when I see all the rhetoric here about "virgins only!" - does REALITY even permit this stance? With every year that passes, this becomes more the case.

My own wife had several relationships prior to myself, one with a Rumanian. Obviously, there's a lack of judgement there, but in general, she's a good traditionalist, so I count myself relatively lucky.

It must be great being eesti

I envy you, Eesti

Never change, don't become cucked like the Western Europeans.

drop her ass. she's tainted filth.

I'm curious, OP, have you been fully frank with your wife, now and before the wedding, about your attitudes on this score? Did you fully imply how disgusted you are with such liaisons? Did you never notice any defensiveness about it in her? If you don't talk about such things, you can only blame yourself.

No, it does not cover. ive had more women after that and couple serious ones and they were all niggerhaters, because the multiculturism is starting to show all around cities in finland too.

>several relationships
>good traditionalist


Everybody gets cucked in their own way.

She'll never marry you or reproduce with you, but she did let you fuck her.

Never. Even if I suspect it in the slightest.


The black guys part doesn't matter to me as much as the slut part
I would break up with her in front of her friend though. Just so I could red pill the both of them before. They would inevitably say "What's the matter, user? You can't judge people for what they have done on their past. People change, and it's really unfair of you to get mad about something that happened a long time ago before she even knew you"
I would then proceed to show them the overwhelming amount of information saying how she is more than likely mentally unstable, more likely to divorce me taking half my shit, and all that good stuff.

>doesn't realize that the dna of previous lovers stays in a woman's body for the rest of her life, if the "lover" ejaculated inside of her.

These women you talk of belong to a certain phase of the mass immigration process, then. The phase in which the bad side has become more evident. Can you take the same attitude to those still in the naive phase, when the realities have not yet become fully apparent?

In a few years, there will be a LOT of girls around who sincerely regret their past errors. But they made them under the influence of deceitful mainstream propaganda, to which they were susceptible due to innate tendencies that would be good in any other context. A lot of men are going to have to put up with the knowledge of who has been with their wife before them. I don't envy these men, but they are an inevitable matter of statistics.

>Retard laws

I almost got married, but I broke off the engagement after I learned that she had a train ran on her by six middle aged black men in the bathroom of a Greek diner a few years before I met her. I'm not even lying, her friend told me. It was a major shock and I sunk into a massive depression.

Hell no. Dump her no second thoughts. Marriage especially implies you want to have children. Who in their right mind would want a woman as mother of their children who:

-Was a slut and is proud of it.
-Banged black guys, basically scrapping the bottom of the barrel for "acting out" purposes".
-Is given the first two points in all likelihood a far left/liberal moron.

What kind of voodoo magic bullshit is this?



White: 211,460,626 (75.1%); Black: 34,658,190 (12.3%); Asian: 10,242,998 (3.6%); American Indian and Alaska Native: 2,475,956 (0.9%); Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander: 398,835 (0.1%); other race: 15,359,073 (5.5%); Hispanic origin:1 35,305,818 (12.5%)


It depends if she was the type of girl who ONLY dated back guys, no. Becasue then she was after the whole culture bullshit. If she only dated a black guy from school or something, it would depend on the guy. Some of the whitest guys I know are black.


>a Greek diner
Talk about insult to injury... My Gods.

>Some of the whitest guys I know are black.
Jewish propaganda indeed is very effective if someone on Sup Forums says retarded shit such as this

It's really fucking bad in the states. The younger generation bends over backwards to get the acceptance of blacks.

Rub it in Estonia...

I was blind and naive user
Didn't think anything would hurt as bad as this. There is no one to blame but myself. Fuck women.

>Dating a non-virgin.
