Need your thoughts Sup Forums but first little backstory

Need your thoughts Sup Forums but first little backstory

>Be fuckbuddy with girl
>no rules saying not to see others
>she goes to friend for a small vacation
>ends up depressed because friend is thrown out of condo and she has to go as well
>ends up snorting amphetamine
>Doesn't sleep for 48 hours and is pretty cranky when i says it's a shit drug
>"You haven't tried it you can't say anything bad about it"
>Talk today, says she would like more if it wasn't so expensive and she's actually happy again

What would you guys do? Personally, I smoke weed occasionally, but would touch drugs like amphetamine, would try LSD though. Is it time to dump her? Should I say fuck it, and let her do what she wants but keep fucking her?
Also general drug discussion, degenerate or not, where is the line

Amphetamine is the white man's drug. It's fine.

Have fun with your meth faggot

>Should I hang out with a drug addict knowing one day she might stab me for my shekels
This better be a joke thread Goyim because I seriously can't shitpost knowing the people around me are that stupid

The roast will just start using more and more drugs, then alcohol. By that time you'd find out she was fucking another guy who took care of her new urges.

Yes, speed whores are the worst up there with x/mdma whores.

"It's expensive"? You live next to Sweden, it's 500 SEK for 2,5g

>having sex outside of marriage

Girls who use drugs tend to be lower class trash. I would stay away from her unless you are also lower class trash.

Its a meme, I fuck with amphetmines alot and typically the people who turn out nasty looking are already diseased, unhygenic trailer trash.

Do em if you like OP but not for a bitch and sure as fuck dont pay for em.

Whites handle stims and psychs just fine.
It's downers like booze and opiates that wreck us the most. Our brains are fast enough to handle amphetamine, coke, pvp, and meth, whereas nogs run out into the street like madmen or lose their shit from crack.

Still a shit drug with shit side effects that costs next to nothing because of that

Fuck off degenerate

We're around 20 years old living off the government till we're done with school. Drugs aren't what we have most cash for

I don't wanna do them, just wanted to know if i should still fuck the bitch

>with shit side effects
Hint: you're not doing them right.

This user is full of shit.

Artificial drugs like Meth and Amphetamines are literally cooked up in someone basement or bathroom using god knows what. You have absolutely no idea what you are "actually" snorting, and only have the dealers good word that it is what he say's it is.

These things are in a world all their own, completely independent of drugs derived from natural compounds like Alcohol, Weed, Cocaine or Shrooms.

Even worse, since they are artificial, your body adjusts its internal chemistry when you introduce them. After awhile you literally cannot live without the chemical. They fundamentally alter your biochemistry.

tl;dr, you are a moron if you mess with these things.

Don't see how staying awake for 50 hours and feeling drained afterwards is a good effect. Also the whole thing with not being able to eat properly while on it, doesn't seem very attractive

>I-it won't happen to me!
Nice try white trash. Come back in 2 years when you are sucking Jamal's dick for a fix.

I'm not about to fuck with drugs, just wanted to hear others' opinion about whether i should keep fucking her. It kinda puts mee off that she wants to do "hard" drugs

this. Should be obvious for most people, previous user is clearly a fucking moron or a shill trying to get you to do meth

Hang out with a druggy like that and even though you're saying you wont mess with it, an opportunity will arise where you will be tempted to do it. Cut it off, she's not worth it

I have a friend who does lots of drugs. What I find interesting about people who do a lot of drugs is that they think they have it all figured out and they are really smart.

When really they are getting nothing done when they go to work for half the week and everyone thinks they are weird because they swing from really tired to really wired. They also think they are being subtle when its blatantly obvious but no one cares enough to pull them up.

Only degenerates take drugs. Anime is the way.

None of these people look like they've taken a shit in weeks.


>feeling drained afterwards
You're doing it wrong. Preventing DOPA downregulation is possible, with proper supplementation and nutrient intake.
Eating certain foods is easy on stims.
Applesauce, bananas, breakfast cereals, MILK, ensure, and beef/pork snacks go well.

i am also 20, last summer/fall i spent the every weekend doing all kinds of drugs, mostly speed and ecstacy. we would consume up to 20g speed on just one weekend during which we went to a summer cabin. if you want something, you will find a way to get the money for it.

you would also be suprised about what most 20ish have cash for, I have met people as young as 15 asking for cocaine and mdma

although the girls tend to leech of the guys, i.e you put up a pair of lines on the plate and she brushes up against you asking for a "little one", fucking leeches :^)

SHe will steal your money or at least beg you for "loans" which you will never get back.

No, you should not. Like I said, these drugs fundamentally alter your bodies chemistry to the point where you actually can die if you don't keep taking them. The drug becomes more essential to survival then food, or water. The need for it exceeds by order of magnitudes the brains hunger/thirst messages to the body.

Add to that a compound(s) that is both illegal, and expensive. Eventually she will exhaust her money and start asking you for it. And since the need is wrapped around survival, she will start justifying worse and worse behavior to get what she needs. Including outright stealing from you, and pressuring you to take the drugs so you get hooked and start using up your money to bring more of the shit into the household.

See this is the "I am super smart, I have no side effects, no one notices I am high or really tired" stuff I am talking about.

/handsome/ 22 year old Ruskie. Are there any universities that offer English courses for bachelor programmes? I found only English for masters. Don't want to study in the UK or the US.

I've smoked and injected meth. It's pretty shit even when doing lots of it. You feel sharp for a few hours then you get craving for more than a few days of weird mood effects.

Synthing amphetamine is not as easy as synthing meth.
Most amphetamine comes from diverted Rx medications. For example, amphetamine paste is usually made by extracting amphetamine from boosted adderall or dexedrine shipments.

Meth is "cooked" because making it is easy for non-chemists.
Other stims are generally lab-grade, except for cocaine.

>Like I said, these drugs fundamentally alter your bodies chemistry to the point where you actually can die if you don't keep taking them. The drug becomes more essential to survival then food, or water. The need for it exceeds by order of magnitudes the brains hunger/thirst messages to the body.

Stimulants do not have this effect.
In fact, only alcohol and diazepines are fatal in withdrawal, and even there it's extremely rare(less than 1% of cases).

Stop telling DARE lies, you fag.