Why does white nationalism attract the worst of white people?

Why does white nationalism attract the worst of white people?

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Isolated people with nothing to lose will want to do something with their life, see some change.

People who are the most plugged into the Matrix will tend to be more successful and happy, because they're insane in an insane world.


I'm getting sick of Jews talking about us.

Really sick.

>anyone who disagrees with me is a joo

dont you have a cousin to fuck ?

>2 posts by this id

Because it's unacceptable in the current social climate, so the only people willing to display these beliefs out in the open are broken, stupid people with zero self-awareness.

The intelligent nationalists express themselves in more subtle manners.

for the same reason niggers are attracted to islam.

it justifies the victimization of others

it is the same with BLM, black panthers, BGF, all organizes terrorist organizations really

You could say the same about all forms of polical radicalism. These are not well-bred people from healthy, stable families.


he's absolutely right though

the respectable ones are incognito, you can't be a famous actor if everyone knows your a nazi

because they have nothing else to be proud of

Hello jews
Goodbye jews

By and large, the people that need a movement or are convinced that the only way to improve their position in life is to join one are those that are disenfranchised or otherwise in a seemingly inescapable position. Ergo they typically are pretty low-brow, deficient individuals (unless of course they don't really think they need the movement and instead are taking advantage of it, though the latter is far surpassed by the former in terms of quantity)

if you are fat, with a shaved head, and dress like a punk, you are a subhuman.

lol no

Every poll/survey/electoral map ever made shows that Democrats are more educated and have a higher IQ. Why is that?

>Why does white nationalism attract the worst of white people?

Kys, Nazis were top tier alpha males

Pic related, the opposing group

So feminists?

Because those surveys are cherry picked by democrats

What a fucking sheep you are

How come Nazis had genius IQs at the Nuremberg trials?

exactly this.

It's not.

Pic related

hey Cenk, how are you enjoying your Sup Forums posting experience?

Pretty activists are far and few between. Try going to a beauty show

pic related. it's harsh but worth a read....

Those people can afford to take the risks that come with it.

>People who are the most plugged into the Matrix will tend to be more successful and happy, because they're insane in an insane world.

>happy people (aka not me) are living a lie and are most likely crazy
>i am not happy because i truly see the word as it is, and am one of the chosen few who know how to save it

Much like hardline left wing causes, hardline right wing causes are anti-intellectual, and therefore appeal to very worst examples of humanity.

holy shit what the fuck ahahah

You want to lecture us on IQ?

Reminder feminists and blacks are dems


I'm sure there are lots of intelligent white nationalists

But an intelligent person would obviously realise that the risks are too great when associating yourself with white nationalist movements and parties

If you're discovered you lose everything

Your daily reminder

Because White Nationalism, in the past, has only ever appealed to those left-behind by our economy, or societal changes.

That's not to say those people are wrong. Most WN criticisms of the modern-era are fairly accurate. There's that old trope in Western Literature: Sometimes, society is suffering from an illness that most people can't see, because they're too steeped in society itself, and salvation must come from those on the fringes or outside of society.

Now, with the internet, and the rapid decline of the West, we're going to see more respectable types start flocking to some degree of racial consciousness, it's only natural.

Whereas before, the average Joe may have mumbled under his breath every now and then, he didn't have access to uncensored information, nor was he in a position economically/socially to warrant doing anything about it (Because secular humanism is a religion, and their witch hunts are VERY real).

As racial tensions rise and economic security for most wanes, we'll see more and more people ascribing to this sort of thing.

Not White Nationalism proper (ie, historical illiterates who believe Hitler's Germany was a racially conscious, libertarian paradise for drugs using, tattooed alcoholics), but a healthy racial consciousness, the type espoused by accomplished, well-educated men such as Jared Taylor.

this I guess

>worst examples of humanity
>this guy

Pick one you fat fuck



That's funny because Jews are probably the most inbred people on the planet.

No, you're just a cuckold. Kys because you're worthless.

Everyone at Nuremberg trials had a genius IQ

Keks to you

anti-intellectualism is such a ridiculous term.

It implies that anti-intellectuals themselves are against the quality of intelligence, or the possession of knowledge.

If you look at some prominent anti-intellectuals throughout history, you'll find that's not the case. Sure, their rhetoric may appeal to "the unwashed masses," but these individuals tend to be intelligent, well-read individuals themselves.

Anti-intellectualism is anti-academia, which is a perfectly defensible position, and much less controversial if termed appropriately.

There are only two types of people capable of defending modern academia; people smart enough to convince themselves of extraordinarily stupid things, and insecure ignorant people, who will parrot anything from someone termed an academic.

I think I'll stick with anti-intellectualism.

You're obviously someone with nothing to lose

You're either poor or still in your teens

They're people who realized they've achieved absolutely nothing in life and never will and so they associate themselves to the achievements of people who are of the same race.

Like on Sup Forums

Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks bud

It doesn't really its only these dumb fucks who dare go out into the public spouting those views, there will be many more playing it a bit smarter.

Thank you kek


Maybe, Sven, they're just tired of seeing their countries damaged beyond repair?

because they are the ones most effected by multiculturalism.

So many potatoes


It boils down to individualism and self-interest. It's only really the below average who stand to gain from any given form of collectivism. Shows the self-defeating nature of such ideologies.

ooh wow

Pol defense words jew nigger cuck sjw.

Exactly this. Wait until it's a bit more socially acceptable and WN numbers will jump exponentially

Top kek, thanks

I'm answering OP's question as to why many unsuccesful people flock to these ideologies.

Besides, how is white nationalism going to fix America's problems? You're not facing the mass immigration us europeans are; the biggest problems facing your country aren't caused by foreigners or non-whites.

I don't get it, someone interpret this, pls?

Dunno. I'm absolutely a white nationalist and I have no criminal record and am a working man.
The goalposts have really moved for what makes someone "the worst" in my lifetime.

Here's a redpill: It doesn't.

Some of the "white nationalists" like Cletus and his cousin wife are paid shills. Others, are just purposely photographed by the media out of hundreds of normal people.

By making the image of white nationalism crude and grotesque, the jew makes white nationalism itself seem crude and grotesque.

>You're not facing the mass immigration us Europeans are

We're hitting LA riot-levels of racial tension currently. Whites are about to lose their majority status in the country, and we're headed for Brazil 2.0 status.

I'd say mass immigration is a fairly large problem, here.

This thread has been made a thousand times and answered a thousand times.

People who openly advocate for white nationalism have nothing to lose by doing so, they are the more vocal element.

Doctors, lawyers, professionals could potentially have their lives ruined for having politically incorrect views, so they keep it to themselves.

Now run along, shill.

No, we definitely need white nationalism. We have a huge nigger problem that, well, you can see happening right now.

Wrong chart.
This is the chart.

White nationalism won't fix any of that. If anything it's going to aggravate the racial tension problem even more. The "nigger problem" isn't a matter of race, it's a matter of the black culture in america being a shitty victim-culture that breeds failures.


>not a matter of race
>that flag

Have you got literally no argument aside from pointing out my flag?

Same reason why the far-left attracts equally trash individuals.
Extremism is for the weak-minded, easily controlled peasants.

She is just an old lady who wants her country back

Danebro speaks the truth.

The "Black problem" isn't what concerns me the most, it's the fact that America's on track to becoming a white-minority country. At that point, America will be dead.

Regarding race/culture. I'm not blaming the entirety of black failure on race; however, it's disingenuous to pretend that race plays no part.

Sure, culture plays a role too, but let's be honest, racial differences are real. Blacks have higher testosterone, lower IQs, and lower time preferences. These things are going to cause problems.

>comes to Sup Forums

>shits on White Nationalism

Holy fuck there is so much reddit in this thread.


Yeah, because we should promote a hivemind where some points of views are never allowed to be criticized so we can become a hugbox for literal nazis and the right-wing equivalent of tumblr, that's the intent of Sup Forums alright

>anti White
Kekekekekekekekekekek kek

Smart ones dont show power levels.

Why not?


White nationalist groups are largely controlled opposition created by (((them))) to make the ideas unpalatable

>Meadow Soprano

Oh man I might need a nostalgia fap

Cause populism

>happy people (majority of humans) are insane and I am not
Seek help for your mental illness, user.

hol up black boi so u sayin we wuz templars n sheit?

I'm neither anti-white nor am I a white nationalist. How's that Aushitpostia?

This is a place where no opinion's sacred, where everyone can discuss and promote any political views they see fit. If you don't like that and can't stand to have your worldview criticized then you should fuck off to Stormfront, you whiny pussy.

>we wuz kangz

>on white people

Err... White people actually were 'kangz'.

Nah.. Thread reported


>Announcing a sage

>Announcing a report

Really makes you think.

Bro what the fuck is this shit?


Mods never touch me for announcing either. Been doing it for months now

Enjoy the 404, antifa.


Say hello to Reddit for me

Worthless people want to be told by their obvious betters that they have inherently more value than most of the people on earth.
It's a hell of an undeserved confidence boost.
That thing in your pic should not be allowed to breed.

>I don't support Sup Forums turning into a hugbox and circlejerk so I'm somehow antifa
Go die by a spider bite you retarded australian shitposter

>how I know your from Reddit 101

why does the left wing nit pick photos?

Neo-Nazis are on the same level as niggers.

Thuggish, dumb, degenerate.

By the way, with you supporting a hugbox and circlejerk you're ironically the one's who's Reddit. Now fuck off, newfag.

Because the best of our Whites are busy with more important things than focusing on an abstract concept. We're living it.