Off Duty Cop kills BLM Dindu after facebook Argument

>An off-duty St. Louis County police officer shot and killed a man who tried to enter his home in Lakeshire in South County on Saturday afternoon, according to police.

>The intruder was a 20-year-old man known to the family who had recently made threats toward the family and “uninvolved members of the community” on Facebook, police said Saturday night.

>Brogan said his nephew, a former Affton High School football standout, suffered from bi-polar disorder.

>According to Brogan, the officer and Gebhard had been arguing on Facebook about Black Lives Matter.

>Gebhard, who was biracial, empathized with the group's objectives but did not actively participate in protests, Brogan said.

>Family members told Brogan the disagreement between the two men culminated with Gebhard traveling from Affton to Lakeshire late Saturday afternoon.

>"He walked over there and into a gunfight," Brogan said, drawing on accounts offered by friends of his nephew. "When he got there he was met with a gun and the guy killed him."

Wow, sounds like ANOTHER MURDER of an unarmed black man.

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Oh yeah, sauce:




nog really drove his point home by breaking and entering.

fucking idiots.

>recently made threats
>tried to enter his home

What's the problem here?

>go on twatter
>race war

should be fun having all the niggers and SJWs there rioting and defending a criminal


The cop won.

Thanks OP. I have not smiled all day. One nigger is only a drop of water in the ocean... but at least it feels good. I'm going to turn off the old computer now and end on a high note.

American blacks would be wise to read stories like this before they continue their attempts to ignite a race war. It would not end well for them.

The nig was MkUltra'd into doing this fucking reptilian scum, how could martian frogs do this to our niggers.

He was a good boy he dindu nuthin. He just wanted to talk.

wtf? you detain the guy, not kill him

we're living in a society

A sacred nigger, who dindunuffin, loved skittles, had his hands up, couldn't breathe, was unarmed and turning his life around was killed while committing a violent crime. The death of every low IQ nigger punk is treated like the death of Jesus himself. Niggers and their supporters feel that it is NEVER right to kill a nigger, no matter what the nigger did.

Shoot him in the leg, already! Aye caramba!

>was killed while committing a violent crime
you mean he was doing community service

>St. Louis County

he wuza good boy
didn do nuffin
jus tuned his life around
wunthed to go to collage
jus wanted to have a convasation and esplain why the cop wus wrong

1. He was off-duty.
2. He had no way of knowing that the intruder didn't also have a weapon.

A black person just DIED
Don't you even CARE

What specifically ARE the group's objectives?


I'm sure double tapping this beast was the only reasoning it would understand.

White people in the US are the most heavily armed group in the world. On top of that, they own the country and would fight from high ground. There is no way that the BLM thugs would ever do anything but bleed out on the street and feed the grass.

Anyone read the article? That's a lot of brownie points to a dindo breaking and entertaining.

>he a gud Boi
>he dindu nuffin

One less nigger to defile the white race.

Today is a good day.

These BLMs are really earning their Darwin Awards now. This is glorious

It was so unlike him user.

I imagine he will be sent to jail.

What the hell is wrong with you, Canada?

Not to mention that the black guy threw a fucking 50 pound concrete block through their glass backdoor. It's not like he calmly rang the doorbell.

>Off Duty Cop kills BLM Dindu after facebook Argument

Sounds very bad until you read that the BLM Dindu entered the persons house, who happens to be a cop. This is okay.


I know, right. Check out who wrote the article.

I wonder if anyone at the newspaper would give a shit if he hurt the women and children. This shit is getting silly.

It was a feral animal and now it is dead.

Let me see if I get this right.
>mentally-ill nog talks shit on faceberg
>doxes a cop
>breaks into cop's house
>gets shot dead
So not only did he track down the cop but he likely meant to kill him over a kikebook argument?

Not even a little

I know how to word a title to get replies.

;>) so the nephew was "biracial"? The cop was white? This definitely counts as revenge on a coal-burner somewhere. Let it be a lesson!

>Brogan said his nephew, a former Affton High School football standout, suffered from bi-polar disorder.


>Sounds very bad until you read that the BLM Dindu entered the persons house, who happens to be a cop.

>tfw nobody reads past the headline anyway

checked those trips too

You can leave comments on his profile is some brave user wants to stir some shit.

>>Gebhard, who was biracial

Wow yet another mentally ill mulatto supporting a domestic terrorism. Really makes you think.


They want crime legalized and they want police to stop policing black neighborhoods.

Good. I hope it suffered before it died.

The only tragedy is that there's no video of its final moments.

Enslavement of whites.

Trayqkwon was unarmed but had just raped the police officers wife.

All mulattos are mentally ill. Their white and nigger genes are constantly battling each other.

I know you are a fucking brainwashed shill, but. . . So now a citizen is is required to have ther training and aptitude to restrain and hold captive a violent intruder? I swear, the more you guys try to bend objective reality the more you're argument sounds like the ultimate form of racism. It's as if you feel the "white" folks are the zoo keepers or something.

Missouri is a castle doctrine state and this person was totally within the law to shoot the intruder.

No race baiter, dindu went to his house. That's self defence.
Want my address? Come over I'll gladly gun you down.




Someone else just died while you were typing that somewhere in the world. Don't you even CARE?

>having no problem with an intruder breaking into your home




And the last thing running through Jamal's head on that day was a bullet.

Works out for Steph Curry tho

How fucking INSANE is is that some people legit think that this fucking guy getting upset and going to the other guys house and trying to break in (I'm sure he just wanted to have a chat right) is perfectly OK?

get in here, major happenings confirmed


This article is fucking perfect. Had an argument with a friend about keeping guns in a house for self defense from home invaders (he's a liberal btw).

To which he replied
>Just close and lock the damn door, is it that hard?

Holy shit he's about to get triggered.

America is going down, tragic

Another dead nigger?


We need to kill every single one of them

I can't wait to hear about you being murdered by a nigger in Toronto on the 11pm news

The popo is still unidentified.

>An uncle, Patrick Brogan, 57, of Waterloo, said Gebhard became acquainted with the county police officer through a church connection.

The officer could be black.

>Just close and lock the door
That's just proof that you'd need security.




>The death of every low IQ nigger punk is treated like the death of Jesus himself.

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

>whitey you gonna lose the race war
>gets shot

You're right. Guns stores need to be secure buildings where grubby nigger hands can't get to them

Its really going to happen isnt it? We are going to have the race war.

All cops to ignore black crimes, offer apologizes and kill themselves if they anger blacks, only arm themselves with a handful of pingpong balls and a sponge, and arrest white people for no reason.

>make threats
>intrude home
>get shot

And nothing of value was lost

Locks are overrated

If someone wants to get in they will

Nigger control, you say. You don't deserve live where you live.

That's how the msm titles most of their articles, especially the ones that you see aggregated on mainstream sites like MSN. They know that most people don't read past the headline and it gets guaranteed clicks with loads of kneejerk reactions in the comments section.

>"tell me you good bra?"

LOL don't think so


Niggers can't read desu senpai.

Kill the niggers and we'll have peace

>This shit is getting silly.
this shit is turning into a race


They would be executed for their crimes. Quit trying to use the Bible to justify crimes you idiot.

Almost 70,000 sigs in less than a week.




Doors are made out of cardboard there.

>An off-duty St. Louis County police officer shot and killed a man who tried to enter his home
Seems justified.

2nd & 3rd hand storifying is now news. Fuck off Jews.

> recipient of the Howard Foundation of St. Louis Scholarship, awarded by the United Negro College Fund.

Lmfao he a good boy smart and sheet.
college fund should be held responsible

>When he got there he was met with a gun and the guy killed him
Is some prepared to defend this?

All of you fucks rejoicing over yet more violence. You really think that black folks just want to kill everyone for no reason? Don't you fucking see that we are pushing them into violence with all those hate crimes?

This country needs a serious revolution #BLM

Well damn, that sucks. I got an Armored/Security door with 4 pins on the side and 2 top and bottom + fathers gun for extra security. Ain't no gipsy breaking into here.

why do you argue about politics with a friend? Do you want to ruin your friendship?


So he can come back?
Two in the chest, one in the head.
