Hand over your rare flags right now and nobody gets hurt
Hand over your rare flags right now and nobody gets hurt
what are you buyin
Yes ma'am
I'll dump mine.
Sup bitches
Hmmm thought I'd get a Tenerife flag being in Tenerife.... Hurrrrr
Thread reported
can you see my nunavut flag?
>tfw the Russian flag became rare before I could save one
When is their range ban going to be lifted?
> woman with a gun
Lol, that's about as intimidating as a harmless bug.
Poor trigger disciple too
Thread reported
It's cuz they don't have jobs, so they can't afford internet.
This lost like 99% of its value in the last week lmao
Is it b/c of the Chinese?
>harmless bug
>crawls into your windpipe at night
>awaken in a panic as you are choking for dear life and die scared, literally, shitless as you defecate on your sheets asking where it all went wrong
Don't underestimate harmless bugs.
That's a trap BTW.