Mandela Effect

It's fucking real, isn't it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Actually experienced a mandela effect a week ago but no one believed me.

Man, I thought you guys were all just memeing. What the fuck is going on with our world?

Not sure what to think. I have always called them the "Barren-steen" bears. Not even going "oh, I think that's what I did". It was always "steen" because I didn't know any better about how "stein" sounds.

It's very real proof that people will invent parallel universe illuminati theories before admitting they misremembered some trivia.


This video is just rambling nonsense. Are you guys the schizophrenic frequenters of Sup Forums I keep hearing about?

really does make you think

Gee, I wonder who controls the other universe?

>le schizpohrenia
Nice one, schlomo

when I was a kid the maps said Finland not Finnland



Obviously the entire universe changing is more likely than mixing up a common and uncommon spelling from a book that was read to you when you were a barely literate child.

Get well soon, crazybro. :)

Watch the video, dumb fuck. You completely missed the point.

>le im so smartr dan u
Dumb fuck, watch the video. You just wanna argue with me and you don't even understand what this is even about.

>watching youtube videos
no thanks

the fuck are you talking about

>bro i just wanna fling shit and act superior
>frikk youtube
You are a massive faggot.

>i can'a articulate the point because there is none
>watch my crazy rambling video with scary thunder sound effects

God bless mental illness

If you can't communicate in text without waving at some random video you can kindly go kill yourself for shilling that hard.

>You are a massive faggot.
Not an argument.

Please. Go to reddit.
>bro just explain this 2 me in detail bcuz i dun wana watch da bideo, if u cant ur mently ill
I'm telling you to just watch a video because the video will explain what this thread is about. If that is so fucking difficult and time consuming, you don't need to post. Find a thread that actually interests you.

All this time you're spending posting epic .gifs from your collection could be spent WATCHING THE VIDEO. Why do I have to explain everything to you? I'm not the maker of the video.

The smoking guy for me is chic fil a. I remember the whole anti gay fiasco in highschool and remember joking about the wierd spelling. We dont have em around here so we laughed and called it CHICfila 'chic like fashion'.

Now it's just chick fil a.

What the fuck.

>people falling for the berenstein-berenstain meme

come on people, it's fuckin berenstain, misspellings and misconceptions just fuck you over from time to time and stick with you. i've kept a reminder for a couple months now that it's berenstain and it hasn't been wrong yet

>i want you to type a giant wall of text so i can type "tldr" instead of posting an easier format for those who are interested

kek, the mandela effect is retarded nonsense but THIS is shitposting.

>please watch this video, I need money

>I'm telling you to just watch a video because the video will explain what this thread is about. If that is so fucking difficult and time consuming, you don't need to post. Find a thread that actually interests you.
Dismantling your psychosis-induced arguments is what currently interests me. You know how normal people make arguments?
>Thesis statement
>Supporting evidence
>Supporting evidence
>Supporting evidence
You know how crazy people argue?
>Watch my video!
>You just don't understand!
>Reptilian Jew! Watch my video!

What the fuck, doesn't darth vader say.
"Luke, I'm your father?"

This shit is scary.

>videos are easier to consume than text
not even close to true unless you have some kind of brain damage. But I'll thank you not to reveal my other plans.

You fucking reddit faggot. This isn't English class and I'm not gonna write a thesis paper for you. Watch the fucking video if you're interested, or fuck off.
This is just completely wrong. It's always been "No... I am your father"
The point is that the Mandela effect is just a mind control technique. The universe isn't changing. The industry is just fucking with crazy people
>videos r hardr 2 consum bcuz i say so

And "Soni" used to be "Sony"

Okay I lost my shit at

>Short for lucifer

Do people actually believe this crap or is it just some underground meme? One of the major pillars of their theory is kids remember Berenstain as Berenstein, like come on. A kid could have heard about Frankenstein and just transfered it over to the bear shit.

Then why have I always used "Luke" when quoting vader?

timeline shifts:

Berenstein Bears is now BERENSTAIN Bears
Interview with a/the vampire
sex in/and the city
mirror mirror on the wall/magic mirror
chic-fil-a/chick (some remember chik)
luke/no, I am your father
If you build it they/he will come
Smokey the Bear/Smokey Bear
beautiful day in the/this neighborhood
we're gonna need a bigger/you're gonna need
daylight savings/daylight saving time
cruella Deville/De vil
book of isiah-the lion shall lay down with the lamb/the wolf shall lay down with the lamb
sketchers/skechers (shoes)
Proctor & Gamble/Procter & Gamble
“Hello claurice”??
Life is/was like a box of chocolates
new zealand moved from above to below australia
Panama Canal is now north to south not east to west
Reba Mcintyre/McEntire
puce changed from yellowish to pinkish
Chartreuse changed from burgundy/purplish to neon yellow/green (almost as if they switched)
JC Penny/JC Penney
Charles Shultz/Charles shulz
looney toons/looney tunes
52 states, not 50 states and 2 territories. Flag still had 50 stars
Madagascar did not have 22 million people living there
Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down In THE most delightful way/In A most delightful way
VW logo didnt have a line through it separating the V and W
Home Depot/The Home Depot
Picture of Henry the VIII with a turkey leg??
Dr. Doolittle/Dolittle
Fruit Loops/Froot Loops
MLK assassination was fairly close, multiple shots, handgun not sniped with a single shot with a rifle
“Go home, walter” was mike not the black guy
Jiffy/Jif peanut butter
Barbara Streisand/Barbra Streisand
Svalbard? Norway seed bank is now Svalbard Seed Bank

Go outside bro. Get off your mom's internet.

You should be able to read and type faster than talking speed. And certainly faster than video-with-shit-sound-effects speed.

You should be able to skim, search and parse text far more easily than a video, it's not even close.

It's probably what everyone else said in Elementary School. I thought it was Luke until I watched the movie again more recently. It's always been the same in the movie.

>2 minutes in
>And, yes, I take the lego movie very seriously

kill yourself you /x/cuck, just fuck off from Sup Forums you fucking stupid pussy cunt. fucking cringe this thread...

I fucking love mental illness.

Hey OP, there's a car parked down the street from your house right now. What's it doing there?

>english has irregular spellings and grammar.txt

"Interview with the vampire"

Okay, now I'm taking this serious.
Im 100% sure it's "a" and not "the"

seriously, did people not read children's books out loud? You remember things easier that way. It was always Berenstain.

You made me look.

>fuck fuck fuck le /x/ fuck fuck im edgy and i cuss
>this is CRINGE
Fuck off, Mongoloid. Why do all Finnish people look so inbred? Oh, yeah, it's because you all are.
>hey guys i came here from reddit wassup ;)
Okay. Why do I have to do that for you? You have a video about the topic that you can watch, all nicely laid out with all the details, instead of relying on me to greentext or something.


Don't forget
>Czechoslovakia/ Czech Republic and Slovakia

Do they really expect us not to notice this shit?

Because you wish to have a discussion about a topic, rather than get views on a video, presumably.

and I've seen numerous people like this guy right fucking here that somewhat prove this theory.
There's been a hypothesis in these threads where our reality has been altered and another alternate reality has been created.
The earliest "mandela effect" that's been recorded has been in the 70's when people swear 100% that Nelson Mandela was killed in the 70's. Hence the name.
If there's been this sort of instance before then, that might disprove the theory. Til then, this is all we have to go on.

I'm not even trying to argue that the universe was changed, and neither is the video. The point of the video is that it is a mind control technique. He points out how a bunch of mainstream websites even did articles on it about how it's changing the timeline of the universe. But it's just a manipulation of people's memories is all. And holy fuck, I am clearly not schizophrenic. That's a term that shills throw around because people are too gullible to notice that it's wrong to even use the word in this context.

>Czechoslovakia/ Czech Republic and Slovakia
holy fucking shit dude. I hadn't heard that one. It was always Czechoslovakia. right?

Also Looney "Tunes".

Ask anyone and they will say that the show was called toons.

Why do you think that I'm shilling this video? I'm a real person. I can prove it to you if you want me to. When was the last time Sup Forums had discussion on anything? People go to cripplechan to discuss things. This board is just one giant shit post.


Holy fuck, I remember this.

Don't forget Ghostbusters/ Ghostblasters

WHo else remembers this?

uh.. you guys can't be serious right? Are you spooked by yugoslavia not existing too?

tunes because there was a heavy musical element to them. they switched to the toon spelling with tiny toons and animaniacs which most people under 30 got a lot of exposure to.

>stop shitposting
>this board is one giant shitpost

You are just connecting it with carTOONS. Both sound the same, toons seems as a more "logical" name since it would be short for cartoons.


>guys starts raving about the double decker couch in the lego movie
>ominous music plays while shots from the movie play in slow motion

I'll add it to my list. If this gets any bigger I'm gonna make a pastebin.
>When was the last time Sup Forums had discussion on anything? People go to cripplechan to discuss things. This board is just one giant shit post.
then you should know that it's fucking summertime. and it's a weekend evening, and it's an election year. oh yeah, AND WE WERE ON THE NEWS.
there's a lot of new people here user.

tunes? its tunes?


Yeah, it's a recipe for cancer

No, man, it's always been Looney Tunes.

We were on the news?


Who else remembers Star Trek? It seems to be called Star Wars now.

>Are you spooked by yugoslavia not existing too?
that's weird as fuck. I remember distinctly that Boris Yeltsin was the president.

ask anyone above 50 and they will tell you its always tunes.

You are all thinking about tiny toons you faggits.

Dude, what? Do you know who Boris Yeltsin is?

Oh shit mindblown

Wasn't it Dark Vader? Now it's Darth? What the hell is a darth?

son of a bitch

This is the kind of crazy I really enjoy.

I don't know what OP is talking about, but meme magic is definitely real.

whatever. pol in general then.
it kinda kicked off the whole /cfg/ thing. happened like a week or so ago.

I remember that too what's up with that? Darth doesn't even make sense.

Apparently Steve Palpatine is 'Sheev' Palpatine now. Sheev isn't even a name ffs.

Wake me up.

yeah, apparently he's the ex-president of Russia.
Also, when the fuck did it become "The Russian Federation"?

no, anonfag, what kicked /cfg/ off was fbianon saying to look into the Foundation, and then CNN did that about twelve hours after I first noticed the /cfg/ threads.

Who else remembers Great Britain being North Pakistan? G-guys this shit is getting out of hand. I am literally shaking, can't even.

my mistake then. I have a life outside Sup Forums you know.

What is Great Britain??


That's some really top notch crazy. I love how understated and serious it is.

Out of all of these "effects" that I've found, I think the map ones are the most intriguing.

>New Zealand moved from above to below australia
>Panama Canal is now north to south not east to west
I loved geography when I was growing up. My family took a lot of road trips when I was younger and I'd spend hours looking at maps and globes when I was at home.
This one I'm not sure of though.
>North pole ice sheet is gone, never has been on maps

this is what you get for not listening to eco scientist! they told us the ice sheets were melting, but did we listen? NO, and now the polar bears are drowning

The Australian one fucks me up, I remember always wanting to go to new Zealand so I'd always look at it on globes and shit, find out recently it's below Australia not above. Blew my fucking mind

Heil Hitker

It's actually Aunt Jemima, not Aunt Gemima.

Oh my God. When did it become the Final Production?

>mfw this is the alternate universe where Hitler did literally nothing wrong

Mandela effect is tavistock psyop bullshit just like flat earth disinfo. Ya'll niggaz easy to manipulate.

>his face when he says "i can be the mind controller"



I swear America used to be white. But I go outside and see Mexicans everywhere

That's the point of the video.

Welcome to El Monte, homes

check it
sometime after 89

America? What? Wasn't it the British Colonies ???


>that video

so this is what it's like to have paranoid schizophrenia. I though at any second he was going to start talking about the communist gangster computer god