Uh guys. Do they know something we don't?

Uh guys. Do they know something we don't?

Is there a second holocaust coming?

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying there was a first holocaust


>Gas! Gas! Gas!

What did they mean by this?

It's part of the gas mask drill

thats standard training in the military faggot

Jumping Jack Flash.

Standard shit I case of chemical warfare. Did this shit at basic and passed easy. Hell the DS don't really care that much about this part of training.

This is standard training that has been done since the 80's and maybe even longer.


seeThe military has been doing this for a while

It's the chant of the future right wing death squads.

>what is a cs chamber drill

wheres the first?

There are shills in this thread user. We are training. Something is about to happen, everything is very hush hush. Lots of movement in country, don't know why. Officers acting weird. Don't listen to the shills and be safe user.

It's a gas

Fan of Initial D, clearly

Military drills have been a thing for the last 3 millennia.

Ask your doctor about Abilify.

Standard protocol.

It used to be that they were actually put in a gas chamber (lol) and were required to say their social security number before they could leave.

Fuck off

We had to do pushups, situps then low crawl out of our chamber.

>Do they know something we don't?
Yes, how to put on a gasmask in 9 seconds or less. Something every enlisted person here learns during basic.

former usmc here

gas mask training is an annual event that starts at the end of boot camp and iirc has been since the gulf war.

in boot camp you go into a room with your gas mask on, the guy whos job it is to run events with gas puts a thing of CS gas on the burner and it fills up the room. You remove your mask and start doing some jumping jacks, or reciting something, and be miserable for a bit. then you put your mask on, it gives you confidence that your gear works

after that, every year you do the same thing except the guy yells gas gas gas when it goes off and you have 9 seconds to put your shit on

Fucking sick

Fun stuff. I never served but 100% of the males in my family did.

I just became an engineer with a shitload in loans.

When le first poste is le best poste


Look at this. A policeman committed suicide, and left this note.



>since the gulf war

Hate to say it user, but the U.S. knew full well that Iraq was using chemical weapons since the Iran Iraq war, but failed to acknowledge it

I'm sorry

That's an ICE agent.

Show titties, bitch


Gas the bikes.

No, they really just train them to use gas masks because otherwise some asshole with tear gas could effectively tie up a huge amount of soldiers.

It doesn't happen very often, but yeah. Why not?

Sounds stressful desu

Who farted?

Stayed in the back row so they didn't fuck with me

details nig!

Army and connected branches like the guard do this during basic.
I'm not sure about other branches.

It's pretty normal, they're probably just making sure they can still do it.


Fuck, I remember this in basic

If anyone ran out early would run out the door and slam right in the tree right outside the door

>officers acting weird
I'm in the national guard and they seem pretty normal, cutting up and fucking sounds like usual.

AT is coming up so they're all pretty happy, can't wait to go month long camping with all the lieutenants and captain, they're cool guys.

We got our Baltimore ribbons as well this weekend, fucking sweet, black and gold.

>The army is performing survival drills
Stop the presses



what does it even matter, shouldn't the us army train for pulling the trigger on lil' muhammad with an ak?

Sup Forums is always alert!

>Don't care about gassing recruits
>Don't care about the ones who breath in cs and freak out

I'm sure they don't enjoy this.

It's pretty good for weeding out the pussies.

>Do they know something we don't?

They know how to put a gas mask on in 9 seconds and you don't. You just know how to eat a McDouble in 3.

You practice putting on your gasmask all the time starting from basic/candidate school and througout your enlistment/commision.