You's called the kkk, militias & aryan nation

you's called the kkk, militias & aryan nation

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And all those organizations are called racist. You've proved his point.

made me think, serbia

The KKK doesn't exist anymore
The Aryan Nations does not exist anymore
Militias are based.

Your propaganda ability is quite poor, Serbia.

You just proved his point fucktard

>if I had an organized CALLED WHITE LIVES MATTER
>you do it's CALLED THE KKK

O serbia, im laffin


Lol wut?

A organization of white people for the prosperous advancement of white people and to protect white women. Created by democrats, and funded still by democrats. Hillary was just endorsed not to long ago by a Grand Wizard a week or so after the shit storm Trump had from being endorsed by a former Grand Wizard.

Militias are any color, but mostly white people due to the locations, for example, the ranchers, dont see many black farmers, they feel it below them now.

>Aryan Nation.
See KKK, members disillusioned by the KKK or believe in the one race the white race mentality which was contrary to Hitlers teachings which was "be proud of your race, and support your race"

You proved his point though, any group that involves white people is instantly branded racist, even movies with white actors is racist.

He thinks only white people are smart enough to make militias.

Africa doesn't have militias they warlords

Oh fuck, did Guiliani really say that? Fucking Based Truth right there.

the kkk fell apart in the 70s. it's literally an urban legend at this point.
militias are extremely marginal and they're in no way racial in ideology.
aryan nation is literally just a prison gang that kind of organized along racial lines the way they all are. it has zero political involvement.

I watched it today, find a clip, he even calls out CBS for race baiting.
>They allowed this woman, a black woman, to spread lies on me on the air, and when I called to rebut these lies they refused to allow me the time. They are race baiting, plain and simple.

I came a lil from it.


Militias are not intrinsically racist. Most of them are just middle aged suburban men that like to shoot guns in the woods.

Lol, whatever Krajina.

hey man stop it with this shit, ok?

Do people outside the US actually think the KKK is still relevant and a pressing issue here in the US? Do you guys really believe we have guys riding around on horses in bedsheets and pointy hats lynching black people constantly?

all of them are called racist tho

Why don't you guys just join with Italy finally, you're the same people.

>A organization of white people for the prosperous advancement of white people and to protect white women. Created by democrats, and funded still by democrats. Hillary was just endorsed not to long ago by a Grand Wizard a week or so after the shit storm Trump had from being endorsed by a former Grand Wizard.

I know the Democrats are in the KKK history but Hillary and a Grand Wizard? Sources pls?

It's amazing to me that gullible people still believe the KKK exists.

The last time it was a real "threat," the FBI bragged in memos that so many of them were informants that they could elect the Grand Wizard of Virginia if they wanted to. That's how "dangerous" it was.

The last leader of any significance was Glenn Miller (that guy that shot up the Jewish center in Kansas a couple of years ago, wounding a couple of white people). And he ended his involvement by sending a "declaration of war" to the papers and then getting arrested drunk in a trailer.

Kikey McKike thinks he's white??

? scratches head ?


The guy is also a democratic senator, that shit boggles my fucking mind, but you can google him if you want.

I think you can find information about him by typing in "former klan member endorses Hillary" or "Democratic senator member of KKK"

>not a honeypot organisation filled with agents from a variety of different alphabet organisations

He probably is doing it to troll though.

But Hillary was friends with Senator Byrd of West Virginia, who was a legit member of the KKK back when they actually had a little juice.




now you get it op

those are racist also

That's his point you fucking dunce. BLM is a racist organization.


Yes, they do.

>kkk, militias & aryan nation

Actually, none of those are called "White Lives Matter".

>likening based serbs to fucking faggot italians
There's a special place in hell for you, and it's called Hillary's America.

not sure why panama has an opinion

Do Americans really think that since they offer their buttholes up to the Jews and give them total control of the media that somehow non-Americans would have a view of their country free from Jewish-influence?

zasto si budan?

I'm pretty sure people here hear stories about the KKK Nazi's driving passed Mizzou University yelling nigger and actually believe it. Your media kind of forms our entire reality of your country.

Im arian and nazi idgaf

Was about to post this. OP is a stupid fuck.

>kkk, militias, & aryan nation

Those are literally not called "White Lives Matter"

Learn english before you shitpost, Croat

hehe tito ti je jebo mater, di ti je NDH fasistu jedan hehehehe


any group that is mostly white is labeled as a racist organization by default

Giuliani's a wop.

Jethro, you disingenuous cunt.

You know full well that the "Democrats" who formed the KKK became the "Dixiecrats," and the melded into the Republicans.

Robt Hyde renounced his KKK affiliation decades ago, n in 2004 got a 100% rating from naacp for his work on civil rights.

Hillary disavowed GW endorsement. Not sure about Trump.

I hate niggers, HRC and Trump, for that matter, but lets try n be a lil informed/ honest here, ok?

>wah wah people are calling me out for being the worst mayor in nyc history
>pls no bully wah wah
Giovani is a fucking cuck. No wonder he likes Trump

>you's called the kkk, militias & aryan nation
> All Racist Organizations
> Literally proving his point.

HHAHAHA Fucking idiot.

>believing in dixiecrats
>the southern strategy meme

You fucked up hard hombre

Hey there Shlomo Shekelstein

Whatever, Tex. See you at Hilldawgs inaugural ball

>doesn't know about Byrd
>doesn't know that Byrd was 3rd in command of the democrats the day Obama was inaugurated

the brotherhood will always exist as long as prisons exist

MFW blacks kill more of each other every 6 months than the KKK has killed in 86 years, KYS FAGGOT

what do you mean by that ? so you think you should be free as well?

WTF, I love BLM now

it's like a short circuit in right-wing brains. they can't understand why the black panthers or BLM exists
maybe they're just stupid. does someone from another country need to explain this to them?



The dixiecrats are unquestionably the antecedents of the modern democrats.

The sole difference is that one day they figured out how to, in their own words, "make those niggers vote for us for the next 200 years."

The democrats have NEVER changed their modus operandi. Its ALWAYS been herding the poor, uneducated mob in the general direction of their target, its ALWAYS been race hatred, lies and violence.

>Prisons are the reason why people dislike being ethnically cleansed.

The kkk exists, it's just circumcised