What happens to your "Consciousness" or "Sentience" when you die?
What happens to your "Consciousness" or "Sentience" when you die?
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Consciousness is an electro-chemical reaction that ceases with death.
What was it like before you were born?
I assume it disappears without a trace. Like being completely unconscious or what it was like before you were even born.
>What happens to an "electric current" when the battery dies?
It just stops you dumbfuck
If it's that simple, is there a way that reaction can be sustained after death?
I didn't exist yet, but that a false equivalence since I'm in this universe now and nothing is destroyed but transformed, even chemical reactions
Is that "electric current" the soul?
Your consciousness ceases to exist when your brain shuts off. People report it feeling like they are going into a deep sleep.
False. We know how the brain works, roughly, and how messages are sent, but there is still no good consensus on where consciousness comes from.
No idea, but that doesn't mean I default to whatever our strict materialist worldview says. Our current empirical problem solving methods are great for physical problems, but totally unprepared for issues of consciousness and metaphysics.
I'd surmise that you have what amounts to a massive DMT trip, you wig fucking balls for 30 or 40 minutes, then fade to black.
>nothing is destroyed but transformed, even chemical reactions
So you think the consciousness of every fish and bee and bird that has ever existed lives on somewhere or somehow?
>That feel when life is just a little dream in your eternal rest
I'm just glad I'm spending it with you my friends.
Then after that, it's all further conjecture. I'm open to the idea you keep going though.
It comes from your frontal lobe for the most part. If I punch you in the head really hard to rattle your brain, you will lose consciousness. It's basic knowledge.
You wake up and depending on how well you lived your life you get to choose your next life. Those who are bad people get very limited choices for thexample next life.
yes there is.
It comes from the brain.
There is no magic god-juice that controls how the neurons fire
What happens to it when you sleep?
wtf is this
Fish and bugs don't have a conscious, they're just biological machines that's only follow primal instinct.
We are different, if you have to ask why then you're dumb
It becomes reborn into some other form of life in either this universe or one of the other infinite amount of universes beyond this one.
This has always happened and will continue to happen. Forever.
You will be reborn in a different body. Rebirth always begins in a state of ignorance, you will have know knowledge of your past lives.
This is mystic gibberish. Of course they have consciousness. Just because they don't have our ability of high functioning reason doesn't mean they don't have consciousness. You're just making up rules to justify your mysticism.
Yes, thats the where, but still no "why" or "how". Consciousness is more than neurotransmitters.
Still missing the point. Yes, it is a function of the brain, but there is no consensus on HOW we get consciousness out of the brain. Look for yourself. Its speculative at best.
the quantum information coheres with the fabric of spacetime and moves in the plank field
look up quantum consciousness
So nothing is destroyed, but things are created?
>we're different beecause I say so and if you ask me to clarify you're an idiot
This is the redpilled answer that Nazis would have supplied us with. Remember not to be degenerate, goys.
What happens to a car when you total it?
Strip out the valuable parts, scrap the rest.
You're right, a lot of it is electrical activity. The brain makes it to process higher order thinking.
doesn't mean it's fucking magic user. That's caveman thinking. Just because we don;t know how it works yet.
were human BEINGS we have a SOUL
Another question is if we die do we restart our life with the same consciousness in a different universe?
consciousness is just a tool the brain uses to make sense of the world.
For complex decision making you need relations between objects, and so you need a sense of self.
What else could it be if not from the brain?
If you smear ink enough, it becomes unreadable. The process cannot be reversed, only delayed.
Don't misunderstand me, nowhere have I used the word "god" or "magic" or anything like that. I am saying that out strict materialist way of approaching things is ill prepared for something as ephemeral as consciousness.
Fish don't make art, fish don't look to better their species, fish don't use their surrounds for their advantage.
Fish don't go against their natural instincts for things like "honor and justice"
We are different, we wonder and have a drive to explore the universe.
Fish only eat and poop, they never stop and look up at the stars and wonder. They can't even recognize their reflection.
My ex's mom had a stroke that caused her to have surgery to implant a stint in her brain. She went through years of hell before starving to death through hospice.
She became a vegetable. When before she was really smart and held a job ar the pentagon.
After watching people in the old folks home. (Many 40-50yrolds) suffer brain injurys. And lose their mental capacity.
Ive concluded its all chemicals and neurological brain waves. Thats all.
Just like a computer. Destroy the harddrive and the memory is lost forever
yeah cause they're pretty stupid
we just have more evolved brains
Those things don't exist. Your mind is a collection of elictrical impulses between synapses that function in a way that evolution has molded them.
You have feelings because you have evolved to use them in decision making.
When you die, every cell in your body splits and goes elsewhere. i.e. to another animal, in the earth, up a tree, in somebody else's body.
You are a random collection of matter and when you die, that collection of matter becomes something else.
Upon death you see your life flash before your eyes, you relive every moment that you've ever been a part of. It may feel as if you truly are living in those moments. For all I know i could be dead and just reliving one of my many moments shitposting on Sup Forums.
>you need a sense of self
Citation needed dude. Even if that were the case, why not just stop there? Why are we sitting here conversing online instead of living simple but effective lives in the wild like chimps? Something is different.
user just stop and think about what your consciousness is and what it does.
It's higher order thinking where you plan, solve problems and navigate situations. It's a purely practical evolutionary tool where you control your body and mind with higher thinking. It's all in your head.
It doesn't disappear. It just dissolves, or "devolves" into a lesser form of consciousness.
Your brain is an electrochemical meme comparator. You build a mental idea of how the world should work and then external stimulus pattern matches with all the memes, stereotypes and thinks and your brain assumes that that is what is happening.
Your entire consciousness is based on confirmation bias. That's why illusion, hypnosis and persuasion work.
more evolved brains because of a need for advanced decision making.
we used to live simple but efficient lives in the wild but then we discovered agriculture.
everything has gone downhill since then.
How do you know they still aren't the same people in their minds?
Nobody wants to talk about serial killers.
How do they fit in with your master God and religious theorys.
Just a bit hypocritical to have an all knowing, all loving God create Ted Bundy
All social mammals have a concept of fairness and object strongly when they think fairness is being violated.
Humans aren't special.
What is the advantage, evolutionarily, to be able to an existential crisis, or invent a deity, or discuss ethics? We could have easily lived in a pretty stable and safe environment without progressing to where we are now.
We had consciousness before agriculture
There was this kid in our school that took Special Ed classes and we called him Sped Bundy.
>a collection of matter that is aware that it's just a collection of matter.
Pretty fucking spoopy
>a brink that knows it's a brick
What is your conscious, without the ability to use your brain? How can they be seperate and work in tandom.
If what you say if correct. Then our science behind brainwaves is wrong.
correct. We just lived simple lives in nature. Hunting and Gathering and whatnot.
Tools and farming, you're still a chimp like ape user. We all are. No one person created this shit, it's been developed for 1 million years over tens of thousands of generations of technological advancement.
it's like sleeping forever
I believe that people go with Jesus, although unlike many Christians I believe in post mortem salvation. Basically you can call out for Jesus once you've passed on.
Don't forget that this matter that makes you up is just a mish mash of water, soil and air powered by energy from the sun.
Which is my point exactly. What evolutionary reason was there for us to progress at all, if consciousness was just a response to stimuli?
Which does nothing to explain consciousness to the degree we have it, or why it exists at all
When you say consiousness. YOU are suggesting that the individual is self aware of their own existence. Correct?
I don't understand the question
>ctrl +f "hard problem"
>No matches
Sup Forums really is retarded isn't it?
For higher order thinking. Jesus christ user we aren't even the only conscious animals on this planet. Any animal that can plan is conscious.
>This is the redpilled answer that Nazis would have supplied us with. Remember not to be degenerate, goys.
fuck off kike
>The distinguishing mark of Jewry within human races has to do on the one hand with the racial makeup of the Jews, who have been scattered for millennia, and on the other hand in their stubborn adherence to the crassest materialism, based on their so-called religious laws. The artificial Jewish racial mish-mash was held together by the force of materialistic religious laws that focused on life this side of the grave. It promised its adherents prosperity on earth, and lordship over all other peoples and nations.
existential crisises are a result of your evolutionary mind objecting to your current status.
Your social mammal needs are perceived as not being met either because they aren't being met or because your thinking brain is overriding a need into thinking its not being met.
>What am I doing with my life?
can mean
>I must be ready to survive winter
>I am social outcast, I must mate and protect children
>I am in danger of being dethroned as alpha male, I must assert my dominance -or- escape to a new pack/tribe/gang
Every existential problem is a real problem that wolves and gorillas have.
I haven't been into philosophers since college. I'm basing my knowledge of consciousness from psychology, neuroscience and biology.
Our spirit sleeps. Everything in the universe has an active and inactive cycle. Wisdom gained during life is made permanent within the soul. We rest for about 60-150 years until we are ready to occupy a physical form once again.
Well yes, thats definitely one major component
If consciousness is a necessary evolutionary byproduct that increased up to the point of allowing us to solve complex problems, spatial reasoning, etc, why are we here and not there? Surely our consciousness has advanced since the hunter gatherer days, or even before that, but why? The human population was stable and sustainable. No evolutionary advantage to further development.
Pull the plug on a grenade and put it in your mouth. The chemical reactions, I guarantee you, will stop. The reaction cannot be sustained without a working body.
it is broken apart and recycled like glass bottles
no it hasn't advanced at all. We were just as smart back then, but eventually we figured out how to farm, and this led to communities working together more closely, which led to specialization, and passing on more and more advanced technology to the next generations.
5000 years later and we're taking close up pictures of Jupiter.
>Surely our consciousness has advanced since the hunter gatherer days
There is no evidence that any major change in our brains has occurred in the last 50,000 years. We have the same wants/needs. The reason we even talk about death or how to find meaning in life is because we are not doing what we were built to do, which is spend our days hunting, raping, finding water and preparing for winter.
I know. And yet bonobos are clearly on a different level of consciousness than we are, or ravens, or other intelligent animals that are generally considered conscious. There is something fundamentally different about human consciousness.
baseless physicalism and pop psychology
We were all born out of seeming nothingness, a void we cannot recall.
If it happened once, why wouldn't it happen again?
Look, as someone who's died many, MANY times -- hell, my friends and I plan on dying this weekend -- it's nothing like you think.
>can't be destroyed
>even though it was created
Dumbfuck, if it wasn't around before it can be not around again.
Just to clarify my post, I'm a Christian. Consciousness IS an electro-chemical reaction that ceases with death, but there is something more to us: our soul. Our soul is inside of us, but it's not a physical thing that interacts at all with the world. Our soul doesn't give us consciousness, our soul simply transcends to Heaven at death and provides a housing for our true, metaphysical consciousness. That metaphysical consciousness is also impossible for us to access during life.
>There is something fundamentally different about human consciousness.
We are better at thinking, that's it. It's the difference between an adult and a toddler, it's really not some huge distinguishing difference. Most people would still be chasing animals with sticks in the forest were it not for the success of Europe.
If what you all are saying is true and Consciousness along with my personality is just a bunch of electrical currents, can it be collected, contained, and maintained artificially?
God, or your so called sentience, is shared equally by the entire universe. What you are referring to is the grid of Tetragrammatons that make up the entire fabric of reality. What we consider to be matter is merely the reflection of actual matter moving at super luminal speeds in an infinite grid of tetragrammatons. this network is the quantum probability wave. So it doesn't go anywhere, because you are fundamentally unborn and undying. You only appear alive and separate because of the relativity of your position as an observer.
Its incredible, isn't it?
It's gone, it's only a delusion of your mind anyway mate, your worm food once you die and nothing else
When the brain runs out of oxygen due to the heart not pumping blood. The brain dies. And so with it, the ability to form thoughts, actions, and memories.
You suggest that the consiousness leaves the body.
That would be nearly impossible to meaure. How can we study the entire human body. Yet have no evidence of this "consciousness".
Cute, I like it
You sound like you're a big fan of Walt Whitman. Im not sure what I believe but I think that something like this I'd be okay with. I don't buy the materialist argument at all but I can see this one.
I assume you're a racist or "race realist" as Sup Forums likes to say, so you mention humans (assuming white humans) are supposed to hunt, rape, find water and prepare for winter, well what are black people built to do ?
No it isn't, it's just a phenomenon brought on by a variety of factors. That's why retards with literally half a brain are as selfaware as a treestump. There is no soul, just a bunch of random shit coming together to create what we call consciousness.
But it IS huge, functionally. That difference is responsible for us communicating right now. And this is just shit that has been going on for the past 30,000 years, max. What has the average sentient ape achieved in that same time frame?
Also one minute of dream can feel like years, so you will probaly experience this trip for something that will feel like eternity
Very far off from that, and it's your current existence wou;d still be contained within your head. It can't be moved, because it's a reflection of your physical brain. In the future we might be able to replicate it though, effectively cloning consciousness.
We won't know the truth until we die, if even at all, but this is the only way I've been able to reconcile my Christian beliefs with my (limited) understanding of science.
We were born from our parents cells, which carried genetic information along with chemical reactions that triggered electrical impulses.
total cessation
mfw you never existed anyway
Fuck off, back to your containment site.
Never said anything about a soul, or denied that its linked to the physical structure of the brain.
>How can we study the entire human body. Yet have no evidence of this "consciousness".
Thats been my point this whole time. Our current scientific methodology is not prepared for metaphysical issues like consciousness
>source: your ass