American movie

>American movie
>Nazis are the bad guya

Other urls found in this thread:

In what country's movies are they not though

Serious question: Do you suffer from brain damage?

He's canadian of course he does


>American movie
>Americans are the heroes


They are badass

Two nukes were NOT enough


>American movie
>66.7% of the time the main antagonist has a British accent


>American movie
>Americans won WW2 single handledly

>wanted to exterminate millions of innocent slavs
>broke treaties and invaded neutral countries


the weakest bait I've ever seen

You’ve never read a history book?

Did you also make the thread about drugaddicts?

communists aren't innocent idiot

>mexican movie

>mexican movie
>luchadores are the good guys
>vampire nazis are the bad guys

Belgium and France were communist?
>Irish intellectuals

Whoops, I didn't read the dane's post properly. Oh well. Nazis are still faggots.

How did we not have any rights to Pommern, Schlesien or Sudetenland?


German movies show Nazis as good guys?

What movie(s)?

>the invasion of Poland was imperialism
>the Holocaust happened
>the Nuremberg trials weren't a joke
>the Allies were in the right

He's saying that the Ostsiedlung was unfair, and that you have no rights to claim originally Slavic settlements.

What the fuck is that kind of reasoning?
>hurr durr stop using facts

artificially created through immigration

in this one they're still the bad guys.

>german movies
>can't show nazis

Post fucking machines

all of these are historical facts
meme arrow and golden face don't change it

How do muslims not have right to germany?

>german movie
>poles are raging antisemites

>Brit antagonist speaks eloquent Cambridge-style English
>American protagonists quip in slang and borderline ebonics

>46 days

Go home Piotr, the Polish plumber industry needs you!

Wait so when Rudolf Hoss testified at Nuremberg that at least 3,000,000 prisoners had been executed during his 3 year tenure as Auschwitz commandant, he was telling the truth?

Even though mainstream historians now believe that no more than 1,100,000 were killed throughout the camp's entire existence?

>Wait so when Rudolf Hoss testified at Nuremberg that at least 3,000,000 prisoners had been executed during his 3 year tenure as Auschwitz commandant, he was telling the truth?

He was being optimistic

There are some German movies which show their human side, good and bad, instead of just faceless angrily screaming villains behind a machine gun.

Best example is Das Boot.

>brazilian movie
>cops and rich people are the villains
>bandits are the heroes

>modern american movie
>communists are heroes

Not the one youre replying to but
>originally slavic settlements
>meanwhile almost all of poland is located on what used to be germania during roman times, inhabited by germanics

>People are still butthurt about Nazis 80 years later
>Nazis are still a huge part of pop culture and regularly referenced

Did they pull the ultimate prank?