What if we just call liberals brainwashed enough until they get it

what if we just call liberals brainwashed enough until they get it

dafug is this


Whats going on in this picture?

What does that say?

just hear me out, liberals are super brainwashed with this race bs, we need a term that will have just as much an impact a their word warfare bs

>No other sizes of this image found.

Looks like someone got their kidneys removed for the black market.

Get fucked, edgelord nigger.

No,op. No.

What the fuck is going on?

>oh nothing nothing dealing with Hillary shills
>kimmee has a nice outfit

What did he mean by this?

Did you do this?

No other images found? Uhhh FBI hold me im scared

who are the people in the picture?

uh... mods?


I don't think that's real

Hello CNN

whats going on here?

OP is Dexter.

bump becuz spooky

What's going on here, I can't find that pic anywhere.

Onii Chan kowaii desu



Include me in sceencap i wanna be on cnn

this looks like a screen shot in some small corner of a schizophrenics mind

or just nonsense.

fuck you OP

>orange blood

What did he mean by this

>that blood splatter
Jesus Christ

What does the paper say?

Yes, that's little good goyim, kill yourself, think of the shoah

Wow The Alt-Right finally killed someone. You guys are responsible for feeding this guys mental illness. This seems real

It's just kowai.

go back to your containment board

What does the paper say, OP?

Kimmy has a nice outfit.


the victim

This proves that Sup Forums is just Sup Forums 2.0 now.


Lol that shit is fake as fuck
t. Police foresics


wait what the fuck

the blood stains are like red food coloring on the hands.
>I've been in some bloody situations

Actually I think it says something about skulls. But I can't do much else from this device

I mean that's all we can do, I guess. Also, what the fuck are you doing OP?

Not the color of blood + not enough blood to actually be enough to cause someone to die from blood loss.


I'm drunk asa skunk and what an odd thing to see

>Blood splatter on the left
>wrapped in shower curtain with curtain rod still attached.


What's going on here? Is this just a prank, bros?

You kill someone, bruh?

Why would someone want to kill their toys?

OP's a fucking pussy. Post politically incorrect stuff or get the fuck out with your bullshit attempt at a "wtf" bait thread.

Holy shit
One of the few things that deems a legit FBI tip submission

the answer is within

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Op fell in the shower

Life is simply unfair don't you think?

what does the paper in the OP pic say?

Observing this bread



Post moar

i remember my first period

Feminist Rape ???

can't read that shit. sharpen your pencil next time. inconsiderate as hell.



Fight me nigger. Go back to Sup Forums kid.

metadata decoded....

oh boy

Looks like it says dealing with drilling skulls

Are you the Malayfag that can't draw?

Are you a fraud or not? Anyone can dip their friend in spaghetti sauce, senpai.

Do it up Malaysia dude

>hehe lets cover you in red paint and put you in a tub with a bunch of clothes over you to make it seem like you died in there
>like no one will be able to tell it's not blood

Sup Forums tier shit. Pls KYS

The "blood" is too light and too thin
Plus just wiped, not splattered or dripped. Both hands look more liked they're stained with dye more than anything else. Notice how the left hand is stained with a near perfect line vertically half way down the hand

Certified fake

He's Italian and he just made a fresha


Like "cuck"?

Gay thread, gay OP.

I worked with a white guy who would shame himself in front of everyone because he thought it was how to fit in. Calling himself cracker, dirty white boii, etc...

White people like this are weak minded "mentally ill" ...they have no ability to think for themselves.

Learn how to use squeeze bottle ketchup properly

blood isn't that colour you dumbfucks, especially when dry.

I worked with a white guy who would shame himself in front of everyone because he thought it was how to fit in. Calling himself cracker, dirty white boii, etc...

White liberals are weak minded "mentally ill" ...they have no ability to think for themselves besides what the Jew tube tells them. They should be given no attention whatsoever.

It is when mixed with water. Like in a shower.

Surely you guys dont think thats actual blood do you ?

Right? It's fucking disgusting. Everyone's just brainwashed into thinking they have to whip themselves for being born a certain way, and sociopaths are fucking enforcing it by getting record of every differing opinion they can find. Just watch the video of that El Paso police chief calling BLM out. Some cunt comes out with her pink iphone recording a guy in an interview.

What'd you find out?


It would have ran/smeared down and been more thin. Plus the color would still be off

just Leaf

That's a pretty prominent "z" smeared with a hand on the wall there. The blood is pretty light and saucy. You'd think if he was going to go through the trouble of killing someone to make a message, he could have at least taken the time to write legibly and take a decent picture. Sherlock Holmes and the mystery of the faggoty op.

What's in the bottle on the floor, OP?

Did you kill that guy or not dude

