I just want to find a good job

I just want to find a good job...

I live in the middle of nowhere so unless I commute for an hour and a half a day there are only minimum wagiecuck, physical labour, or similar dead-end slave jobs.

just become a NEET

But my parents have put their foot down a while ago. Not to mention mom's tendies are just not hitting the spot anymore.

Trade the market and be your own boss

Shut the fuck up.

I would LOVE to live in a comfy alpine village in the middle of fucking nowhere, I'd even have enough cash to buy a house there but you know what? I can't. There are no jobs there unless you own enough land to be a farmer. This is why I'm living in a disgusting commie-blockesque appartment block in the middle of a city. Because here I can find work and don't want to spend 2 hours in the morning driving to work.

Life is unfair but you have to deal with it.

The vast majority of traders do not beat the market. Also I'd need a considerable portfolio unless I trade on margin then fuck up once and lose everything

Tirol/ Südtirol hat auch Industrie, nicht nur Tourismus


move to a bigger city? 1hour sounds not too long

Then ill be cucked on car insurance and rent. There's just no winning in this cruel world.

>I live in the middle of nowhere
Then move.

take the train?

Wenn du in Innsbruck oder Bozen lebst ja. Aber auch diese Städte sind ziemliche Dreckslöcher, die noch dazu unglaublich teuer sind.

In the Netherlands we have a different definition of living in the middle of nowhere..

Public transportation is for nigs though, at least in my country


Naja es könnte schlimmer sein, im 354 EW Dorf gibts halt keine chemische Großindustrie

t. Südbayer direkt an der Tiroler Grenze


Oder komm zu uns, AustriANUS, meine Bruder

> commute for an hour and a half considered a lot

Move to Toronto you cis-gendered racist

Natürlich ist der Ruhrpott noch schlimmer. Aber schlimmer geht es bekanntlich immer.

Innsbruck ist wirklich nicht besonders schön wenn du mal aus der Tourizone rausmarschierst. Und dank der jüngsten Entwicklungen ist inzwischen auch so divers, dass inzwischen Städträte ganz offiziell empfehlen bestimmte Gegend Nachts zu meiden.

Das Problem ist eher, dass es im 354 EW Dorf überhaupt keine Arbeit gibt.

>commute for an hour and a half
Isnt that considered a short commute in Canada?

Just copy trade someone who makes money

Just move somewhere else

What? Ive commuted 2 hours each way for years and I was fine. You can browse Sup Forums on your way

You must acquire a profound body of knowledge, which will make others come to you.
What are you interested in enough to become the foremost expert?

I want to break into corporate finance.


You could always mine bitcoin

or just move somewhere else