When the boy was born, like all Spartans, he was inspected

When the boy was born, like all Spartans, he was inspected...

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Spartans were pretty retarded but atleast they're fun to read about in retrospect.

This one seems sizeable m'lord.
>That will do, place him on the wagon to the prophesiers'

>ensuring your nation has a strong healthy population is retarded
Not saying it's right but...

>believing athenian propaganda

good pais

>Yeah I think retiremnt will suit me just fine

You sound like an arcadian


>Athenian propaganda

>from the Athenian hating Spartan loving Thukydides

I had a pal with fucked up legs in HS. He was a wicked little man who was passive aggressive and jealous with me

I bet he internally raged when he saw that scene. His mom was always worried about the draft being brought back, that they'll take her shorty son away to bootcamp. I tried to tell her the improbability of this due to him being.. unfit for duty. I laugh at his weakness


>Gear your entire society for war and nothing else
>Get repeatedly beaten by a bunch of part-time philosophy students
Athens >>>>>>>> Sparta

6' 2" Alpha here.

>Tfw would have made The Spartan Draft

Feels gud mang

>tfw arrived just prior to 300 posting on Sup Forums

>make it so that you have to have two spartan parents to be a spartan citizen
>highly militaristic society means people are always getting killed in battle
>run out of people
>no longer able to suppress massive slave population that runs your entire agricultural system

huh, so this is the power of sparta

Fresh from Gaia Online?

>spartans were evil for killing babies but abortion is ok
such hipocrisy


If you're good at war you don't get killed

People used to abandon babies out in the woods in Europe up until Early Renaissance times.

After that the church started to set up Foundling hospitals where women could abandon their babies and the church would raise them to be lay nuns who worked in the hospitals and the boys were put into the church.


It is right. We need rules for reproduction.

you do if you're vastly outnumbered and outgunned.

>Blaming one practice in particular for a whole nation states downfall.
I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and say that every single government/nation that existed at the time of Sparta has met it's end as well.

>be in military during the time 300 came out
>troop goes out to see the movie
>everybody gets hype
>so hype that afterward they all want to be spartans
>every morning do spartan work outs
>testosterone wafting through the air 24/7
>we all start using the spartan call: "ah-woo!!" instead of our normal call
>platoon has spartan-esque type try-outs/inspections to see if we make the cut (all of us are already full fledged service members. wtf is point of this)
>Sgt.'s start measuring our necks and body proportions
>a couple of guys had pencil necks and were pretty much outcasts, banished to the gym to work out their weak areas

All of this because of a movie ffs, it was like something out of a sitcom

>one day we're working on our vehicles
>some of the sgts tell me to grab a tool; big iron bar thing. Looks like a spear 5ft+ tall
>I know the what their intentions are, they're trying to gauge me
>reach out and with one hand and take it
>it's heavy so I hesitate a little when lifting it

Immediately I see their faces, disappointment and disgust. I hear them say something about a cliff or some shit. I get smoked for no apparent reason the following day

if you're good at war you don't find yourself fighting at a disadvantage

People were midgets back then, you woudve been a manlet

Wish we could still do this desu

>No Archaelogical evidence to suggest that this ever happened, despite historical sources saying where the babies were dumped.

I don't know, probably bullshit