I was HOPING a brighter ending would happen...

I was HOPING a brighter ending would happen. Like maybe instead of an anonymous voice on the radio telling the kids they have asylum in Canada, it is a familiar voice saying that they have asylum and he will be there to meet them. And at the end, with Logan dying and X23 cornered...Magneto, old, tired, and with a cane, shows up and rips X24s entire skeleton out, killing him. And Magneto pats Logan on the head, and says "we are and always will be, a brotherhood." And he walks hand in hand with X23, telling her that he too lost loved ones. Magneto redeemed, and taking care of the last mutants.

Or how about this?

Throughout the movie Logan is looking at a little black book with a single address in it. He says "no...he's too far away," or "no...he won't do it." And at the end, Logan gives the book to x23, saying "he will...help you." And after the credits, X23 is banging on a door, and it opens...and it's Ryan Reynolds in a pink bath robe. He says "FUCK! Really? Okay...honey, I'm not a pedo or anything, but it looks like I got a kid sidekick. Oh well, it worked for Adam West." X23 says "quien?" ("who" in Spanish) and he rolls his eyes and says "kids," and the two of them walk into the apartment together, with Deadpool cursing Logan and telling Laura to ignore the used condoms and action figures on the spare bed.

>rips X24s entire skeleton out
How would he even do that? The meat goes wherever the skeleton goes

Sound pretty good actually

True, I think in the comics he once took out Wolverines adamantium anyway

uhhh, maybe like, rip it out in pieces? hold onto the hand and upper arm bones but tear out the forearm?

Whenever they recast Wolverine, who would you say should take up the claws?

the whole point of Logan was that Magneto was right all along. Would of been fucking hawt if he showed up like that.

How come Logan never tried to touched x23's weiner? This movie wasn't very realistic.

>Would of

Scott Eastwood or maybe Hugh Jackman if he isn't too old.

Because X23 has two X-chromosomes and that has a rather noticeable biological effect.


He could easily rip off his head tho

I agree it would have been cool but Logan wasn't really that type of movie, Magneto showing up in the last 10 minutes wouldn't have fit.

>Would of
Found the American

True, but we didnt even get to learn xer's favourite pronouns until the second half of the flick for g*dness' sake..

So you wanted Magneto to come out of nowhere, defeat the villain, and negate the tone of the movie just so you can say, "Magneto! I know who that is?"

Pretty sure they referred to her as a "she" for the entire movie and not once did she go into a rage about the patriarchy and CIS scum.


Yes, that was pretty problematic. They just assumed xer's gender without asking them first.

It was shown that X-24's regeneration is a shit-tier version of Logan's, and Logan's is a shit-tier version of comic Wolverine's.
Ripping out X-24's skeleton would probably kill him, almost irreparably if the pieces were scattered.

So now that Fox isn't trying for the millionth time to shove Magneto up your ass, you're doing it yourself.

Yeah having Magneto fight 24 would be too much

But old busted Ian McKellan standing there watching the kids arrive in the final five seconds of the movie would have been great

Magneto has been a complete asshole to Xavier for the entire franchise, this would piss me off more than anything.

I feel like having Magneto kill X-24 and walk away with X-23 instead of having the scene between X-23 and Logan and the burial would have betreyed the themes and tone of the movie.

I like this better.