Have all the sports been invented yet?

Have all the sports been invented yet?

can you think of one that hasn't? I can't

we need to return to blood sports to open up new avenues of sport

the most popular sport in the world isn't even a sport. it's safe to say we're running out of ideas.

Yup. That includes Wallball, a sport I invented when I was a kid that is basically Volleyball, but with a wall instead of a net

for me, it's Ultimate Fireball

Only after Shitposting is recognised as an official sport will we be complete.

No. Sports aren't purely a product of athletics, but also technology. For example: biathlon.

E Sports hasn't reached its final form yet. We will have holodeck whole body competitions and CNS/pure neuro interface versions.

Tapping with a finger isn't a sport.

Did you even read what I said, you fucking waffle? Go back to ruining yurop, will you?

>implying we know how to read in this country

Finally I will be able to qualify for the Olympic village sex fests

I wish racing would make a come back.. all forms of racing = $$$$. it's a disgrace.

shit, i mean 983 years from now on

Still haven't seen a reasonable real life replication of Death Race 2000 yet. So no.

You know you can't go further when you need to invent a sport that merges basketball, soccer, handball and rugby and get called Kronum


Human sports maybe, but after we can genetically manipulate ourselves there will be new ones.

what about handegg? like you can kick the egg but also catch it but can't throw it?


I also invented it.

Finland invented netball and that version of baseball where people have to jump into a river. So probably not.

Why are the mods afraid of us?

>not maining Chandler

As a child i used to hunt ants, grab a strand of my mom's hair (plenty on the floor) and tie a knot around their "necks" and behead them.

Is there a sport like this?