Honestly, if I was a multi billionaire, I'd probably fund this shit as George Soros for my own entertainment, and because I can. I mean, what else am I gonna do with billions of dollars? What would the people of Sup Forums do? Fund stuff to push their own agendas or for just pure entertainment. I can't blame him really.
Honestly, if I was a multi billionaire, I'd probably fund this shit as George Soros for my own entertainment...
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But what if he funds the anti Christ Sup Forums?
See? The anti Christ.
Doesn't like every billionaire basically need to have his shit in charities to save on taxes?
I think at this point he's really just buying favors in the liberal movement, not because he derives a sick joy out of meddling with culture or actually cares about blacks.
I hate him for the black debate thing he funded alone. Then again 'debate' these days is fucking insane and isn't even about debating so I can't really say if its better or worse.
>On the internet nobody knows that you're actually the kike bastard driving the world in the chaos
I like to think I have something left in me called humanity.
I would push science and technology to new levels with my funding, instead of manipulate the people.
Would build a space colony where me and my richfag friends drink scotch and view you peasants from above without interfering
>Would build a space colony where me and my richfag friends drink scotch and view you peasants from above without interfering
>I like to think I have something left in me called humanity.
>not funding extreme right thugs so you can get comfy and watch leftist get fucked on a weekly basis
that's what i would do though
The man is 85 years old, about to die, and extremely powerful. I doubt he really gives a fuck about anything.
Come on Sup Forums you're sitting on billions of dollars, have everything you ever need, become numb to it, what are you gonna do to spice shit up while you have such little time on this planet?
He has an odd point.
>Try my damndest to love fellow man
>Feel that you cant save everyone but the small sphere you influence is where you can keep mankind going
>Still want to drop the nukes
I'd fund nationalist programs and promote only letting people from your own race into your country.
Is that actually fun though? What's more fun than deceiving people and masses and pushing a fucked up agenda? It's like you're playing as the god.
actually, yeah that would seem like a fun thing to do
It is fun if you care about your country etc obviously being a Jew George Soros has no ties to just one nation I don't even think he gives a shit about Israel.
I'd try to turn the US into the greatest soccer country in the world. It would take a while, but I'd be in it for the long haul.
Let's assume that the US has the world's best sports infrastructure and sports gene pool, it's poised to take over the soccer world as soon as it falls in love with the sport. I'd focus on changing the way young (black) Americans and their parents saw soccer. This would create a domestic demand for better soccer league, creating a feedback loop of more fans -> better soccer -> more fans...
I'd start by funding documentaries on the lifestyle of Soccer Superstars... buy stakes in record companies and give out money to famous artists to rap about soccer... send those artists to make appearances at soccer events (domestic and foreign) particular the US national team... fund a few Soccer Academies and hire the best young talent elevators and coaches that money can buy...buy the rights to soccer matches and broadcast them in prime time to increase interest with the general public... fund and promote studies which show soccer as safer for the brain than football, take those studies to high schools and push for them to promote soccer as much as football... fund tournaments for youth teams as well as directly funding top youth teams to promote soccer culture with the youth... give American Soccer stars lucrative marketing contracts and get them into the public eye as much as possible (commercials, cameos in movies, modeling, fashion).
All so the US takes over the one thing the rest of the world claims they are better than us at.
That would be fucking amazing. It's crazy how if you were Soros, you could literally make that happen.
>about to die
He will probably out live you and no, he does everything on purpose, kabbalist jews have a sick mind and want to push the world into chaos in order to make their messiah appear and save the day.
Some jewish families (and Im not talking about the pleb tier israeli goyim browsing pol) but family like the Rockefeller or the Rothschild even believe they have a royal bloodline who can be traced back to king Salomon and are the one able to give birth to the messiah. But he will only come If the world is in a state of chaos, and thats what they are pushing.
Welcome to Elysium
maybe the irl version wont be fucked up by browns and Mr Nostril man
>implying he's anything more than stupid mortal
His legacy, the legacy of another fool. What did Jews ever do with their money that benefited humanity in 5000 years? Nothing at all. If he has a plan to do something, he surely can't be that stupid to think people care about his visions beyond his money. There are people in this world that will nod to anything, as long as they keep their job, work hard for you, lick your ass, but once you are dead they will pee on your grave. Good luck chasing your entitlements, you chosen one wannabe god. People simply don't play by rules unless there are definitions of punishment lines. Democracy is foolish destruction.
They're called non-profit organizations and they work just as well to avoid taxes. Even better, they don't have to fund anything charitable. They can spend it all on political influence like Soros.
>people from your own race
There's only one race, you retard.
Keep making this fucking thread every time the other one 404's why don't you.