So brave

So brave.

This is a new iconic pic as the level of the Tiananmen Picture.

its like she is projecting the spirits of her ancestors to stun these cops, simply amazing

They're making a stand alone of Storm? I'd watch it.

did she go boom?

She does

This is the power of the Kangz.



>MLK is her stand


Niggers are stupid. News at 11.

Omg. This shit here is pure gold. You have made it user?

power of royalty.

stop spamming this shit. no one cares.

>using a persona from the moon arcana against physical enemies
>they will probably absorb all damage

JoJo's Black Lives Adventure

There's so much worse going on in the world, do these people realize how stupid they look?

Iconic imagery this photograph. It will be in the history books. Absolutely forced myself to contemplate.


A well timed shot.

In the thumbnail, the cracks in the road made it to look like she was holding a fuse, about to blow herself up and the cops were NOPE'ing the fuck outta there

That soul sista goin Supa-All 100-percent-natural on them whiteys

wtf i'm a blackmissile now


I would seriously watch that
Storm deserves way more attention

wtf i totally hate the police now

Something that these WE WUZ KANGZ people fail to realise is that white people do have melanin but it's not expressed as much as black people.

But who am I to judge, they were kings and all.

Iconic my ass. They're just forcing it.