Why don't millenials buy homes?

Why don't millenials buy homes?

They're busy fucking your mom


Can't afford one and I don't wanna live in the middle of nowhere with no opportunity

>Mom! i posted it three times in a row

Who is this guy?

They're too busy buying homos

>Why don't millenials buy homes?

Because they are lazy and poor.


Stevo. Known for jackass

>no opportunity
Try being a working class, white native in Texas.

But I do own a house, and I have no loan on it either.


too poor to buy stuff mate

Reported for spam

Maybe you should get a job mein brud

they don't have and any shekels, plus they're scared of commitment

My money is tied up in tendie investment vehicles. No liquidity.

Why do you keep posting this thread?

Too expensive as they now have to compete with 3 billion + ghouls

> Why don't young people go into lifelong debt to fuel our 401k's
> Our financial house of cards is collapsing because we assumed every generation would endebt itself to purchase these goods we traded on.
> buy cars. Why won't you buy cars? oh shit, how can the auto industry survive if every dipshit doesn't want to impress cum-guzzlers with his gas-guzzler?

first world problems.

Because I don't have a family, I value the ability to relocate easily, and I don't want to spend time maintaining a house. The money I save from not paying mortgage, property tax, insurance, etc gets invested so I'm not losing money.

t. moderately wealthy millennial

>tendie investment vehicles

just say microwave oven R&D, faggot.

This thread proves OP is a kissless virgin.

Fuck of, homonigger.


I live in a van and I save money that would have been wasted on rent/morgage and put it into stable investments
In a decade or two I'll be set to retire

>I live in a van
Where do you take shits, shower, cook food?

>Be Millennial
>Join Army
>Pay for college
>Get degree in Criminal Justice
>Get job in Corrections
>Buy home innawoods
TFW: I have a an attractive white wife, a house, land, and I'm paid to beat up niggers for 40 hours a week

I'm way too lazy to maintain a house, I barely manage to keep my apartment clean and my oil and filter changed on the car.

Don't have a family, no desire for one, and don't really want to be tied to something for the rest of my life either, that includes a house.

Honestly it seems like most markets are complete ponzi scheme scams, so I'll happily just keep squirreling money away instead of dumping it into dumb shit like a house.

You make this thread every day.
You also made at least 2 of these threads at once

>paid to beat up niggers for 40 hours a week
I almost feel envy now.

>paid to beat of niggers

Christ bless you.


Most of them don't understand how money works. They think any debt, period, whether or not that debt actually earns you money, is bad. Also, their unemployment rate is rather high. Even if they could save the money, they don't have the mature personality or willingness to postpone gratification to do so.

>bucket+piss bottles
>gym/sponge bath/state parks/friends house
>camp stove

Living the high life...

>was in the Army
>works in a prison
The problem here is that you are a tool.

Lots of reasons.

-Millennials are not educated on home ownership or home buying in schools, or by their parents. I grew up with two parents that worked in real estate, and they never taught me that you can get tax deductions/credits that make home ownership significantly cheaper than renting, even when your mortgage payments may be a little higher than monthly rent payments.

-Millennials are not industrious, and appreciate having a landlord who takes care of their maintenance issues, instead of doing things themselves. Even outside of when things break, home ownership still entails chores, like mowing the lawn, tree trimming, and checking for leaks.

-Millennials are not getting married, sometimes opting out of relationships. A bachelor's standards of living are inherently lower when you're the only inhabitant of your home. Smaller often tends to be better, in terms of keeping your place clean and organized. Also, buying a small house seems wasteful - you don't get many of the benefits of home ownership, like having a yard or a garage - and often means living in an unsafe neighborhood.

-Millennials sometimes shun steady jobs in favor of seasonal work, or else they find themselves not working for long periods. The economy being slow has taught some people to just give up looking for "careers" and instead settle on "jobs" for quick cash, like Uber driving. Also, a lot of them spend an inordinate amount of time in college, and take out enough student debt to see them through this without working, so when they get out, they have a lot of education, but almost no work experience, making it hard to find a good job. They think that they may need to move in a couple years anyway when their interests change, so why settle down in a house so soon.

its like you don't want people to hear the truth

Why are u even on this board

I work 65 hours a week and can't afford a house that isn't in bum fuck nowhere. I pay the same renting as I would on a mortgage (if not more) but don't have the jewcredits to get approved without a large down payment that I can't save because I have to keep a car running and food in the fridge.

So better off?

Found the sharper tool.

Adorable, he's bragging about it.

They know the housing market will crash again some time in the next ten years.

Mind you I never have ever missed a bill payment in the 4 years I've been living on my own (25 years old) and could easily afford the payments for a house since at this point a house outside Austin, TX is 2/3rd what we pay for rent in the city

Owning a house in this day and age is a fucking scam and boondoggle.

>You don't want me shitting up this board all the time?
>You think only an attention-starved faggot would try and spam their threads multiple times a day, every day?
>why are you even here?

nip post best post

>expecting the average millennial to have a spare 30K sitting around for a downpayment
rofl op

Fixing pipes while the media, Internet, and finance industries is controlled by Jews feminist commies...way to go Ted

Stay mad.

So you're a basement dweller


>Fight for Israel
>Land job beating up niggers all day, every day
Thank you Greatest Ally!


try being working class in estonia faggot

because most of us are retarded when it comes to managing the practical aspects of our lives. im happy to say that i have only rented for 6 months of my life. i lived in a rent free non-moms-house situation for a while, and just recently bought my first property. feelsgoodman

Is texas good or bad right now?

>Happily married to hot wife with big tits
>Great job beating the dogshit out of criminals

An hero yourself now, user.

32 here. I still don't own a home. I am single though so that is probably why. I actually make a decent wage.

I would have bought a home around here about 6 years ago but the prices skyrocketed. 250k gets you a home that needs 50k in repairs at least.

I rather just rent.


>risks his life for his Jewish overlords, spending his own country's money to killing the enemies of Israel
>spouts racially divisive propaganda and acts violence upon other races
>sows racial division to help his Jewish overlords conquer his country
>has been heavily bribed to see no serious problems with any of this


Homes are long term investments. I don't care to stay in any particular place for more than a couple years at a time.

Good or bad, we're full

Is this a Sup Forums version of a never ending story threads like Sup Forums...sad!

You dont want a Californian boy to come on over and fill gay twinks with cum?

I call it making Twinkies

Only if you take them back to California with you

im staying with my mom for now but when i get a chance imma buy one of these things and turn it into a luxury morgage free bachelors cottage. Then i can save up megabux and if i get married i can buy a actual house and rent out this dump to some dumb spic lmao. :D

>Browse /POL in parent's basement
>Is an unsuccessful NEET
>Sprinkles self with Insta-Bitch while browsing an Anime board
>complains about violence to other races....on /POL

An hero, user.

Try again, this time using complete sentences that don't have any buzzwords in them.

MRW: You're mad
An Hero

>not a single argument in sight
Is this the level of education that "going to college paid for by the Army" is capable of creating? What a waste of tax dollars.

>Calling someone a "Tool" is an argument
Whew, Lad...

No. Name-calling is a statement of contempt. The fact that you replied to that name-calling as if to defend yourself, but were totally incapable of forming a coherent retort, is what has turned out to prove the epithet true, however, requiring an argument on your part to disprove it.

>No liquidity.

Need more BBQ sauce?