How did Hitler turn the economy around so fast?

How did Hitler turn the economy around so fast?

>global crash in 1929
>unemployment basically gone by 1938

What went right?

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Took the businesses back from the Jews and communists and gave them to the prior owners.

It's really that simple.

He used warfare to stimulate the economy and reduced population through pogroms and labour camps. It actually worked pretty well, but the nazis were shit at organizing their government branches, which helped the allies subvert them through espionage.

The exchange value was manpower instead of gold or money

> made it a crime to make a living off un-earned wealth/through interest
> removed interest-slavery, of which we live under now
> created the 40 hour work week and made sure that factories/work places always had a changing room/cafe/rest area
> hired millions to create roads and houses across the country
> made people WANT TO WORK, state funded holidays to destinations across the country, even cruises. He believed that travelling should not be a luxury practiced only by the very rich

as this bratan said, the currency was backed by labor instead of an IOU to a gold reserve.

Fairly decent blend of Keynsian and Austrian principles.

Meaning he privatized a fucktonne of shit BUT also applied HEFTY stimulus packages.

In addition he did and heavily discouraged women from working, which immediately sliced the amount of potential workers in half.

Some of it would be practicable today, some of it is simply obsolete due to technology, some IS practiced and is partially responsible for our constant crashes.

Oh. And jew memes.

anyone who couldnt find a job was hired by the army

yeah great economy

yeah there was a government sponsered holiday thing encouraging people to relax. I forget the name.

it's like the kinder Küche Kirche thing for women telling then to cook and be moral and have lots of white babies.

not a welfare state but a state committed to the welfare of its citizens.

Woah, you're dumb. Be careful with all that stupidity.

Threw out the usury and fractional reserve banking jews.

>>global crash in 1929
>>unemployment basically gone by 1938
>What went right?

Deficit spending. Hitler basically bankrupted Germany within 4 years. That is why he had to take Austria (lots of Gold and cash) and then Prague and then Warsaw.

Hitler was very disappointed that the French had gotten all their gold out of France before he could reach it in 1940.

He got rid of the single biggest problem all modern economies face:


free markets u fucking idiots

This. Dr. Schacht kept it the economy afloat but then he was fired after telling Hitler he was bankrupting Germany.

strength through joy is what it was called.
on women he said that 'a woman can gain a degree and work as a lawyer but compared to a woman who has given birth to a raised several children, the latter has done much more. she has ensured the survival of our people.'

you know like us they had a falling birth rate, and guess what? unlike our cucked politicians he called for a rational solution. instead of important millions of shitskins, he made it so that for every child a family had they would have 500 marks removed from their loans for housing etc.

he ceased reliance on fiat currency and implement a barter system

most of european gold was seized by or frozen in america during that time but whatever you say Hans

Technically that was all the work of the central bank and Hjalmar Schacht.

Schaht created a giant bubble that could only be solved by war spending

Bullshit, that would mean socialism only works until money runs out and everyone know that's a lie

One man singlehandedly made the country, and to an extent - the world, a better place.
That's inspiration if I've ever seen it.

People who say they'd go back in time and kill Hitler don't understand the implications it would bring with it to the modern world.

Schacht even got put in a concentration camp later

>One man singlehandedly made the country, and to an extent - the world, a better place.

Over 60 million dead.

Better place.

Nice try.

He outlawed usury and introduced a currency that was not debt-based.

> During the 1930s Japan rapidly expanded her industrial production, while the rest of the world, with the exception of National Socialist Germany, stagnated. By 1941 Japan had become the leading economic power in East Asia. Her exports were steadily replacing those of America and England.

> Japan has very few natural resources, so what was the secret of her success? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to return to the year 1929, when one of the twentieth century’s foremost monetary reformers, Major Clifford Hugh Douglas, went on a lecture tour of Japan.

> Douglas’s financial proposals for an honest money system, based on government creating the nation’s money and credit on an interest-free basis, were enthusiastically received by Japanese industry and government

> The reform of the central bank was completed in February 1942 when the Bank of Japan Law was remodelled on the Reichsbank Act of Germany of 1939.

What are you talking about? Schacht admits all this himself


The job was already done when Hitler come to power

I remember reading in The Magic of Money that Hitler approved something like 6 billion Marks for the expansion of the Navy and when Schacht asked where that money was going to come from he was told to figure it out.

>that would mean socialism only works until money runs out and everyone know that's a lie
Dude, it wasn't socialism, Hitler was using the capitalism free market system and the German gold and assets to overspend. You can't do that forever. At some point, your economy tanks and what then?

Read Wages of Destruction for the non-stormtard answer.

Germans like to fucking work.

>most of european gold was seized by or frozen in america during that time but whatever you say Hans

Paying for War

Those five supposedly neutral countries would not accept German Reichsmarks in payment for the war goods, but they would take gold. Part of the world’s bullion resides in private hands, but the vast majority of it is in central banks. Willy Sutton robbed banks because that’s where the money was. The Nazis robbed central banks because that’s where the gold was. Swiss bankers played a crucial role in the transactions by being the financial middlemen.

Austria was the first victim of Nazi aggression in the spring of 1938. Because of his close relations with the Bank for International Settlements, which he had helped start, Schacht knew that the Austrian central bank had about 100 tons of gold. That was almost four times as much as the Germans had at the time. When the Wehrmacht marched into Vienna on Saturday morning March 12, Wilhelm Keppler, a businessman and early Hitler backer, and two armed Nazi commandoes arrived at the Austrian Central Bank and took the Austrian gold to Berlin. The Germans forced the Austrian central bank to transfer an additional 5.7 tons that it had shipped to London for safekeeping.

The Nazis also demanded that Vienna’s large and wealthy Jewish community hand over to Berlin 14.3 tons of their private gold. Schacht immediately departed for Vienna to lead the Nazi takeover of the Austrian central bank. In a festive celebration at its headquarters, he led the staff in a pledge of allegiance to Hitler, asking them to join him in “a triple Sieg Heil to our Führer.”

he stopped kikes and internationalists from determining the value of his peoples labor

No, america funded the nazis to fight the commies, they were a puppet state but they grew to be too powerful

Impossible financial recoveries are a meme, they did well, but they were financed to fight the commies.

That's not really true, but during the early years Hitler seemed to have a knack for picking the right people for the job. All of Germany's best and brightest were working together for the betterment of the nation rather than self interest.

That's what really brings a country to greatness.

Dismissing people like Guderian and Schacht is where things started to go truly wrong.

The rearnamant also created lots of work but eventually, all that production needed to be spent, hence the war

He removed certain individuals.

By not paying denbts.

Reparations for WWI

Fractional Reserve Banking was abolished and the National Socialist Party issued their own currency. All jobs formerly filled by migrants returned to Germans. Most men were drafted into war, ergo earned a salary for said work. Building the Autobahn required vast amounts of labor and provided tens of thousands of jobs.

That's how.

You need to be 18+ to post here

You mean the international elements right?

In addition, Schacht was instrumental in abolishing the Versallies Treaty, this allowed massive rearnament and the creation of an airforce and a larger navy, which created lots of jobs.

Am I being trolled or are people actually ignorant of the state of Nazi Germany's economy?

This is completely right, like I said, an unstable economic bubble made by massive rearnamanet

So basically what Kirchner did here.


basically this. Germany was a major economy that had been disrupted by war, unstable government, and the depression, but the fundamentally strong basis for it still existed. People couldn't work because there was no money, and there was no money because people weren't working.

He basically jump-started the economy again by conning people to work again through nationalism. Many of them were not paid what they earned and there were struggles with unions.

This might have worked out well if it had tapered off or stabilized, but Germany essentially doubled down on it by remilitarizing and adopting pure fascism. The deficit spending and state control of the economy were major factors in Germany's expansionist feelings.

But every bubble will burst eventually, Hitler was basically playing on easy mode until nighmare more activated, and Schacht knew this, and got sacked because he spoke out

>Lock up all the Jews
>Suddenly society starts functioning properly again

What a tweest

>everyone can post whatever he wants
this is utter bullshit and based on nothing except ally propaganda maybe

War makes for a lot of new jobs, nignog. Especially wars as big as what Germany was waging. Also more lebensraum meant more room for people to do their jobs in.

Did you even pass high school?


Massive borrowings, spent basically all the gold reserves Germany had, simply struck unemployed women from the workforce. conscripted masses of unemployed men, abolished unions entirely, stripped workers of damn near all rights - you literally couldn't quit your job unless your employer allowed it......

All things considered, the economy would have probably collapsed on its own. Even prior to WW2 breaking out in Europe, Germany already had to resort to price controls and shortages were already starting to happen. They managed to keep going during the war by plundering the conquered territories

Turns out, having a the government control the economy so heavily is a bad idea and rejecting global trade is an even worse idea especially since Germany lacked the necessary raw materials to prosper without trade.

They had to expand or they would have imploded because of their deficit spending, its why anybody who says Germany didn't want war is completely wrong. The German economy had only one way to go. War.

It what happens when you remove the (((bankers))) from the equations.
(white)People want to work and they want to buy good and services. Just remove the debt scheme and everything works out great.


>remove the debt scheme and everything works out great

>swedish education

>having parasites sucking the people dry is great

>leaf shitposting

I'm curious, why do you as some balkan flag know this?

Nice propaganda. Fails to mention that real wages for the working class rose by 11%

Lee, Stephen (1996). Weimar and Nazi Germany. Oxford: Heinemann. p. 86.

Sven gets it. This is all possible in and only in a homogenous white society.

Oh don't cry because your education is shit.

>Massive rearmament
>Rhetoric designed to make people want war
>indoctrinate the young into paramilitary organizations
>Expand into two bordering nations and try to do the same to a third

Yeah, the Nazis totally didn't want war at all

True stories fellow goyim. Hitler only stole money and didn't do anything right.

Hitler also stole all the hard and honestly earned money from us Jews.

Its true my dad is a living testimony who heard and wrote down all stories directly from my grandad who survived 3 Holocausts.

P.S. Jews are white

Net ma n Hauptschulabschluss der Herr, hm?

Socialism is the next step in human evolution. Capitalism is cancer left over from a time when humans needed to be machines. However you can't have a working socialist society with subhuman gibs me dat shitskins. You need white nationalism. National Socialism is the

You know nothing about WW2 german economy you just think remove jews = miracle fix.

Nice try, Chaim.

Sup Forums is such an embarrassing place.

>He used warfare to stimulate the economy and reduced population through pogroms and labour camps.

Ehh, what you are talking about is basically past 1940. Before that, barely anone in a relevant number was send to a camp or died in progroms. The only population reduction was due to the jews leaving germany trough the havaara agreement.

Also the rearmament of germany started in 1936 (2 years after france and britain started going again) and only at 1939 germany nearly matched the military expenses of britain and france regarding % of GDP.

And at last, the economic resurrection was basically 1933-1935 so that the fuck are you talking about?

For people who want to know what was going on, 3 key factors for the economic miracle under hitler:

>printing lots of money, creating huge inflation in 1939 (france did the same)
>workers treasury certificates (money backed by work, not by gold or nothing)
>barter trade with non allied countries.

The money printing was basically only needed because the jews made sure the reichsmark can´t be used for foreign trade and germany barely could trade with the relevant markets on the planet, i.e. US, USSR, UK, France.

Of course he was. He was an informant for british intelligence.

>All jobs formerly filled by migrants returned to Germans
There were barely an migrants. With 6 million unemployed germans and around 250k jews got out of germany peacefully.
>Most men were drafted into war
The economic miracle was 1933-1936. In 1936, the rearmament started and by 1939, they had around 1 million soldiers. That´s not "most men".

There is thing called reading that I frequently indulge in to forget how awful my country is.

higher graduation and IQ than you btw and more money

Something not mentioned in this thread which was very significant in Germany's turnaround was the Lausanne Conference of 1932. As a result of that conference, German war reparations were effectively cancelled in spite of US disagreement. This freed up a significant portion of GDP they were previously budgeting to pay other countries.

>government price fixing
>free market

pick one

Oh I'm sure that's true in that imagined safe place you created in your head.

Good for you. What flag is that anyway? Serbia? The flags down there look a lot alike.

Killed the unions and eliminated the power of the lower class worker,forced the unemployed to work forbminimal conditions, co-operated with big industries and gave them benefits, made amends to weaken Germany's depend on foreign trade, stopped reparations to the former WWI allies, heavy propaganda on rebuilding Germany and raising Morale.

>What flag is that anyway? Serbia?
You probably just made him punch a hole in his wall

Hover you mouse over the flag

Not at all, he's just being cheeky

>being full new
>doesn't even know flags nor to check them by simply hovering
>claims to be intelligent
leftards everyone

I'm on a phone, cannot hover.

You could basically post whatever you want with that flag and nobody is going to believe you.


>I just pretended to be retarded

>made amends to weaken Germany's depend on foreign trade

except thati s wrong you fucking moron

Says the guy who thinks the german economy was fixed by changing the owners of businesses

Thanks. What's going on in Croatia these days? I was thinking of spending a holiday there maybe next year.

I know for a fact you can CLICK the flag to open it in a new tab, then look at the filename.
The filename is the same as the TLD for that country, e.g. "hr.gif" for .hr, which is the TLD for Croatia.
Phonefags have no excuse, phones encourage lazy posting.

That's ok, we Israelis are used to tell the truth all the time yet the stupid goyim believe the filthy mudslimes' taqiyya instead of facts.

Germany was so short on fighting aged males they recruited children into Hitler Youth programs and by age 16 were fighting on the front lines. 1,000,000 is an impressive figure all things considered. Kindergeld was a good thing to replenish the ranks of the 3rd reich...seeing as the second was exterminated almost entirely.

Admitadley I know very little about this subject. I was going for edge.

I recall the Bernanke praising hitlernomics though. It was in ZH

Hitler wanted to make Germany a self-depended economy.

>always tell the truth

Look I know we're shitposting user but come on.

The Torah forbids the existence of a Jewish state. Simply living where you do makes you a liar. Go back to Europe Khazar expat. Why would you pretend to be Semitic? Semitic people are inbred retards.

That's great, now stop being an autist.

Government just got dissolved, new elections, corruption, economic misery all around, the state on the verge of bankruptcy, huge butthurt over football.... same old bullshit.

Won't affect your vacation though.

Removing usury and doing away with parasites that contributes nothing and only sucks people dry and horde capital.

What a radical idea, no way that it would make things better.

>Oh don't cry because your indoctrination wasn't as good as mine.

When you take all the (((leaches))) off your skin, you'll find that your blood pressure goes back up to normal quite quickly.

If Hitler was unchallenged in his advances, then nobody would have died.

Checkmate atheists

>this again
does anyone actually care about the right answer? if anyone is interested I might bother writing it

weaponized keyensianism