Why is this a bad thing again?

why is this a bad thing again?

Jefferson said occupation was one of the most central things to creating a well balanced person.

Explains a lot about Sup Forums when you think about all the NEETs on here

Some people don't enjoy working, either because they're in proto digital age work that's unnecessarily tiring or because they chose the wrong career. The idea is you beat the system by choosing something you can feasibly enjoy half the time.

It isn't a bad thing unless it takes up way too much of your time. I personally beleive people should have free time to do whatever they want to do, excercise their freedoms.

It's not. As someone who was unemployed for a year, it was both the best and worst of times. Loved all the free time, hated feeling like a piece of shit every day.

I romanticize the period of unemployment now, because now that I have a job, having all that free time again sounds amazing.

What I don't like about it is how more people who could potentially do much much more with their life and skills, do nothing extraordinary because you gotta work work work.

The point of working is to create things that make it so you need to do less work later. Instead we're growing people to believe in work for the sake of working. Working for pride and money, rather than to move society forward. And remove the obstacles that keep us stagnant.

That's my problem with it. If every job, every amount of labor people did was always a step forward for society as a whole, then lets work. But no, in the western world, people literally work for the sake of it. Doesn't matter if it moves things forward, or even backwards, as long as you have a job.

We are well passed the age were people should have to worry about having a job to provide food and shelter for themselves. We could have been far into that utopia like civilization, where worrying about getting a job so you can feed yourself and keep yourself warm is trivial. It should be a GIVEN to start out with these things by now. With all of the technology and resources at our disposal.

As great as capitalism is, it's the very reason for why we are stagnant. The incentive to profit over making world progress has fucked humanity over and it sucks that countries and government with those ideals are the world powers.

No one would work if we didn't have to. Your communist paradise of people working to better themselves will never happen. Working because we have to is what drives humanity forward.

>No one would work if we didn't have to.

Sure they would. They wouldn't spend their time running the till at McDonalds for fun, but they would expend their energy in a productive way. Most hobbies are exactly this. How do you think open source software exists?

>Your communist paradise
Woah now, i never mentioned anything about social equality or wealth distribution.

It's a farfetched dream I know but I wouldn't consider it the commie dream.

This man understands what I am talking about.

People are retarded if they think people would literally just stop doing shit if they already had food and shelter. People kill themselves out of boredom/lack of fulfillment in life. People like having purpose, passion and drive to create and do things. What destroys that passion and drive and render people lazy and secluded is the modern world of hard work for the sake of hard work.

like that user said, removing the need to work to live will create room for passion driven labor.

>I can finally work on inventing that flying machine since I no longer have to worry about grinding my bones away 8+ hours a day just to live. All of my labor going to giving my boss a yacht and not ending this issue in anyway at all.

People who are too stupid to get a job they enjoy complain that they have to work. Shoulda done better in school kids!

>i am 12 years old

Too bad you wouldn't have any money with which to do your petty bullshit unless you were working.

Jefferson was an autiste though

Work is the opposite of thought

I actually don't mind going to work. I get bored sitting at home all day.

No they wouldn't. They would sit in front of the tv or computer and jerk off all day.

Yeah some people might do art or music or some other such bullshit.

No one is gonna study fucking engineering or math or fucking accounting if there's no monetary gain.

Work also used to mean something back then.

A lot of people spend their life doing something that makes them miserable and doesn't improve their wealth, or standing in society. No matter how hard they work they probably won't ever make much money or be respected by anyone and they won't grow much as a person, perhaps the working conditions are shitty too.

I'm 42 and have never held a job in my life. I make enough money to get by doing a few focus groups and filling out surveys every month. Come at me bros.

If there were no people working everyday, nobody else would have an easy life. If everyone stopped working, everyone would spend their days growing/searching for food, making/finding shelter, and dealing with random disease and disasters.

NEETs should realize that wageslaves are the only reason NEETs exist.

Having a full time job is the biggest plus and biggest minus at the same time.

You get money, but don't have any time to enjoy your hobbies anymore.

>focus groups and surveys

That is essentially your job, even though it does not require you to wake up every morning and go to an office or factory. People voluntarily paid you for some service that you voluntarily provided.

Because you're no longer working to ensure and improve the wellbeing of your family and community. Now you're working to enrich an elite class who despise you and to fund wealth transfers to minority groups who want to rape your children.