Animal Farm

>Rents Animal Farm (1954).
>Notices it's rated U/G.
>Thinks it's a kids film.
>Watches it.
>Notices it's a look on and reflection of Communism.
>Explains why it was written by George Orwell.
>Feels depressed afterwards.
>Goes back to store to give Animal Farm back.
>Says to the person at the desk:
>"Do you have anything I can kill myself with? I found out the world is unfair and humans will only use what they have to help themselves and their kind. I don't want to live in this cruel plague of a world anymore."

Other urls found in this thread:

>renting movies from a store

Where you from homie?

>it's a look on and reflection of Communism

some animals are more equal than others tho



But it is.

their laziest album desu


fuck off pol

>write 3 riffs
>stretch them out to 10 minutes each
>flee to france to avoid taxes

It was the beginning of the end, best album artwork though

I'd say close second, it they are both great albums. At least we can all agree the wall wasn't their best.

>American education

It's basically a retelling of the russian revolution

I have a soft spot for The Wall but it's a Roger solo album

>inb4 it was not communism but about totalitarianism ( not communism, guys) and owell was a socialist himself meme


The Wall still has more of a Pink Floyd feel at least.

The Final Cut is a Waters solo album. Should've been Roger Waters and his backing band Pink Floyd

Really makes Sup Forums think

Not OP, but I work at a video rental store in my hometown when I'm back for breaks from college. It's surprisingly busy on nights/weekends.

could be a library dingus
literally USSR: the allegory
democratic socialism, Orwell was against the authoritarian socialism

Not real Communism.

It never is apparently

What is real communism?

>>Thinks it's a kids film

You simply cannot be that stupid.


Only because like animal farm basically paint for the viewer or reader, even those with the best intentions fall to the corruption of power. Humans are not yet capable of communism in its purest form. That is why socialism is seen by many as the next step forward to attain that capability at some point.

Whatever you think Communism is isn't real Communism.

>Humans are not yet capable of communism in its purest form
they never will be apparently

Read the book, its like 50 pages.

I'm sure the men who slept in caves thought the same of wireless technology and democracy. 10000 years or more is a long time, and none of us have a crystal ball.

>not watching the bullshit free version

>I'm sure the men who slept in caves thought the same of wireless technology and democracy.
what are you basing this on pal


Nice source

I base it mostly on how long it took the west to move away from a slave like structure in serfdom to capitalism.

Also my beliefs are rooted on the fact that economic theory and structure is evolutionary, not this right or wrong. Capitalism is great for building a society but lacks strong theories on how to maintain a strong society without creating a system where the few control the many.

Real answer is that real communism is an utopia in which everyone is working along each other and not topping each other off in illusory hierarchies. To be an utopia means that it's always on the horizon, you never actually get there, but it compels you to move towards it.

That's why when people complain about something in socialist countries, some leftists will say it's not real communism. Because your criticism, to them, is not about communism itself ("see, if everyone is getting along working together, that's the issues that will appear), it's about something in the way of it (authority, money, external pressure, etc that stops communism from actually happening).

That's it, it's not hard to understand. Communism is "perfect", but not in a presumptuos way, only in the sense that people are discussing how to get to it. The problem they face is how to topple the capitalist authorities from using people and things for their own profit. So they need military force and a united strong government to regulate things, but still, that authority gets in the way and becomes a problematic thing on its own. But that's totally not the end goal of communism, which would be to organize society in such a way that makes impossible for a person to explore the other in the way.

>without creating a system where the few control the many.
This will always happen

t. nerds

you're the nerd

Can I have a brief synopsis on these guys? I keep seeing them everywhere and it's driving me crazy.

Yes, when you base your beliefs on what exists now. If you assume humans will maintain their same state forever, that is a possibility, yet we have the unique ability to shape how we evolve. So, in the end, it is only up to us and how we choose to move forward. Do we progress or fear the progression to the point that we destroy ourselves?

No, we fear those advocating this "progress"

That's not real Communism, either.

t. nerd

What you are referring to is progressives, which is not the same as talking about the progression of humanity. They are referring to the progression, or breaking from, constructs and beliefs laid down in society on rights basis. Although noble, it tends to be misguided and shrouded in deep lust for rebelling against the norm. That is not the progression I speak of.

>What you are referring to is progressives
No, I mean the people who advocate communism and the people who would actually have the power to shape it.


Americans always see communism as a boogeyman, that's just their culture, and is fucking funny for the rest of the world that most americans are that retarded.

My mum decided to let me watch this when I was 6/7 because it had cartoon animals in it. When the horse got sent to the glue factory and the donkeys heart broke it destroyed my soul. Thanks mum.

So communism is a pipe dream that human nature will always prevent from becoming achievable.

Kind of have to agree, I mean two -of the three- songs on the album were originally written for WYWH.
that said I still love the album

no we haven't tried it yet

Yeah, I've seen it in a tender age too. Shit's harsh, yo.

Some think that, sure. Then some think while human nature gets in the way, you can set arrangements so to diminish or end its effects. But a lot of people think that "human nature" is not something that exist or is set in stone like that.

The idea of communism did not came before a reading of capitalism. What Marx did was essentially take a good look through society and how was the flow of materials, work and profit organized. He noticed a lot of problems with it and made them evident. Communism starts when we try to fix these problems in search of it. Marx noticed that a lot of things that we take for being natural stuff was actually only the nature of our position in a giving arrangement. In other words, what comes first, the desire to top the other or fear of being topped over? To a lot of leftists, the capitalist system itself feeds this idea that it is absolutely natural, necessary, indispensable and prevents people from thinking we can relate to each other in a different way.

>human nature

Wait, so the goal of communism (or one of its core tenants) is to combat the human spirit? That doesn't sound sustainable or even mentally healthy for the individual.

No. On the contrary, user. It means to free the human spirit from thinking it can only exist in the way things are arranged to day and to allow itself to make a better world for this spirit to live.

>Capitalism is great for building a society but lacks strong theories on how to maintain a strong society without creating a system where the few control the many.
So, to combat a system where the few control the many in a de facto manner, you propose to create a system where the few control the many in a de jure manner? That does not sound like progress at all.

kys smallbrain

btw their best album was Meddle and it's not close

I remember watching this at my grandparents flat in early 90's, they had some movies on vhs and this one so it was the only movie that was kind of suiting my childish mind.
I shit you not, I must have watched it a few dozen times because many many years later it was aired on some cable channel and I remembered every single scene.
I was red-pilled in the age of 4.
Praise kek.

Not an argument.

Thats a nice thought, and obviously I agree that the human experience should move forward instead of backwards. But how does creating a totalitarian, single party governemnt that forcefully redistributes wealth and goods work to achieve that goal?

You are confusing politics with economics. How you choose to mandate an economic system within your society is up to you. There are totalitarian capitalist societies, but they tend to be called oligarchies. No one in America or even Europe is a part of the capitalist party. There are communist parties as they have to push for influence on how the economy is run in a capitalist dominated society.

>freedom is only what i determine it is

Not real argument.

>ITT deluded eurofags think communism works because of fairy tales they heard when they were young

As I said before, the problem is how to topple over the already existing powers. What stops the richest man on earth from becoming richer? What could the poorest man on earth do if he didn't even lunch?

There are a myriad of possible ways to tackle this, opinions diverge immensively. Even today, what some people call left (for example, what the left is in the US) attempts to bring some improvement on the system that we have, without revolutions or things like that. Some say that only mascarades the problem and will eventually serve those who are already in power. The ones who are not trying to reform, but to make a revolution, need to do so by force, it is a violent act, no doubt. That is, the workers to turn against those who oppress them. But the real problem is: what to do in the next morning? How can we organize ourselves? How can a revolution stand against foreign powers trying to exploit the fragile situation of a country right after such a transformation? This is a genuine and important question to which what we have as of yet were mere attempts to answer it and the degree of success to these attempts is complex and debatable.

The single party that emerged in this place is a step towards the goal of having no party at all. That is, from that moment on, they would be all together, if a problem exists in a country or within the party, then everyone in the country and the party must work to fix it. Instead of having two or more parties battling each other and stomping on the people as they do so. Of course, both scenarios (single party and multiple) have problems, both stomp on people, both degenerate into something else other than what's good for most, both have unpredictable people running things.

So basically: if people compete, they fight each other and don't cooperate. If there is one only in power, that one power will corrupt itself. And if there is no one in power, it cannot resist external powers. What to do? They also ask themselves that.

>ITT deluded Amerifags think capitalism works because of fairy tales they heard when they were young

How in the hell do you read that into what I said?

I hate when people do this, because it implies that it should be attempted again.

Kill yourself right fucking now.

My country still hasn't recovered from the damage the nazis and the commies caused.

Capatalism works because it has provably been working for America and the EU. Only now are socialist values destroying the work that previous generationslaid out for us. Gen Z is our only hope once they realize how fucking useless our generation is at maintaining these imperfect but working systems.

>But a lot of people think that "human nature" is not something that exist or is set in stone like that.
Yes, those people are called retards.

Amerifag here. I'm okay with capitalism or whatever form it has taken on here in America. I've worked with some people from South America and Russia and it seems pretty shitty compared to America. Especially the former seems really bad. They always love it here. When they come to the office they drool over my sports car because they could never have something like that in their country. I don't even make that much but I can afford it still because this country isn't an economic shithole, for the most part. Now I know those aren't European countries but the point is whatever we have going on here in America is pretty good.

Eurofag here.
I'd rather live in a shitty capitalistic world than in a shitty communistic world.
I actually value my freedom.

You got it wrong, Humans are incapable of living like that source = Every communist country ever

>>Capatalism works because it has provably been working for America and the EU.
What does "working" mean to you exactly? Statistically, more people starve to death every few years in capitalist countries, than died from any unnatural causes including starvation, mass killings, etc. under the entire worldwide historical reign of communism.

How do you have any freedom under capitalism, where everything is owned by someone else, who enforces the rules on you, and there is no public space, no commons, no national property to seek refuge in from that?

Need some sources on that Ivan the red, sounds incredibly speculative, Communism can never be achieved because you cannot change the nature of Humans, Capitalism while it isnt perfect, works for the West, Communism has never been successful see= Cold War.


>where everything is owned by someone else
I own my house and the only person that could take it from me is the state.
The only one that enforces rules on me is the state.
And there is no property to take refuge from the state other than the church.
Under communism i wouldnt own anything and i'd be ruled just the same, only this time it would be by my peers.

But it is. They actually changed the ending in th 50's version because it was too pro socialism (The pigs turn into Humans/capitalist oppressors).

>>Need some sources on that Ivan the red, sounds incredibly speculative

Sure. Approximately every 5-6 years, capitalism kills 100 million people, which is the entire death toll of communism by the most generous estimates.

Here is a calculation including other sources with a LOT of references:

Orwell literally fought for a communist militia, he only gave up on it after that and was always a libertarian socialist

>what was feudal Russia

kill yourself autist

>I own my house and the only person that could take it from me is the state.
>The only one that enforces rules on me is the state.
>And there is no property to take refuge from the state other than the church.
So literally and exactly just like in communism?

I think you people need to read a book maybe, to realize the difference between private property and personal property...

The difference is, that the capitalistic state that i'm in right now, wont take my house away.
And a real capitalistic state, one that doesnt exist, wouldnt take my house away either.
On the other side we have the communistic state that wouldnt waste a single second before setting up some disgusting prole in my yard.

And how will this magically change as our world only gets bigger and bigger? Somehow by taking people's wealth and redistributing it, we become more free? Communism is a nice thought but unfortunately it doesn't work in a big diverse country. Just a fuckin pipe dream really. Just accept reality and become your own escape. You must look inward for peace, don't rely on external influence.

>Peopol died from capitalism

I'd rather be dead than red.

>The difference is, that the capitalistic state that i'm in right now, wont take my house away.
Capitalistic states routinely take people's houses away, I can even describe to you the process in great detail, how courts inflate small debts and start proceedings to steal people's houses and make them the bank's property, and then the banks sit on them and use them for nothing or attempt to charge rent to people who were originally in them.

You must be in one of the capitalistic countries that exploits other "capitalistic" countries, this is being done in pretty much 50% of them (the "poor" 50% that has people and resources sucked out from them via globalism and funneled into the "rich" 50%).

Capitalism doesn't even work as an economic model without this process of exploitative expansion, and even that isn't enough anymore, so they have to steal the commons and repackage and sell it back to the people at a markup.

>look at these blog posts and tell me communism doesn't work

Are communists the most delusional faggots ever?

>Communism is a nice thought but unfortunately it doesn't work in a big diverse country.
So is capitalism.

Nothing works in a big diverse country, that's the problem.

You should look into distributism.

>You must be in one of the capitalistic countries that exploits other "capitalistic" countries
I live in a first world country, you're right.
And no, i dont care about your shithole third world country and that we're exploiting it.
Should've been born in a real country.

>People need to be deprived in order for others to thrive in the modern world

Wtf I hate capatalism now?

>Capitalism doesn't even work as an economic model without this process of exploitative expansion
Communism is no different


Gimme the quick rundown if you would.

Three Different Ones is one of their best songs though

Seeing as Orwell was a socialist he wouldn't have made much of a distinction between Russian nobility and modern western capitalists. They were all portrayed the same (as humans) along with Hitler in the story. The story ends with the Pigs (communist party leaders) joining them.

>I live in a first world country
So why do you seem to have the attitude of an American?

There are subtle changes, the pigs promise thing they originally want keep, until Snowball dies and so does the ideal, George became enamoured with a far more libertarian ideal of socialism in the Spanish Civil War which shows through in everything after he wrote Homage To Catalonia