Papa franku

Is he redpilled?


shameless selfbump

OP can't bump
Why does he have a green screen if hes just going to leave it there?

the stuff with shopscould become become reality

>my german grandfather used to tuck me in at night, and he used to say "Ah Shlakkul Shlikkul Shlakkul"

Why do people watch stupid shit like this?

who the fuck is this guy?


"Filthy Frank is the embodiment of everything a person should not be. He is anti-PC, anti-social, and anti-couth. He behaves and reacts excessively to everything expressly to highlight the ridiculousness of racism, misogyny, legalism, injustice, ignorance and other social blights. He also sets an example to show how easy it is in the social media for any zany material to gain traction/followings by simply sharing unsavoury opinions and joking about topics many find offensive.Yes, there is no denying that the show is terribly offensive, but this terrible offensiveness is a deliberate and unapologetic parody of the whole social media machine and a reflection of the human microcosm that that social media is."

-His Youtube "About" page.

Why don't you just go suck a Muslim's dick? I'm sure that would alleviate boredom as well.

>watching shit made for 13 year olds

I don't know why all these 14 year old white kids like him so much, he shit talks them all the time

Real Sup Forums watches [h3]

So other people can use him in their videos.

Yeah, his interview with Cuckthony Politically-Correctano was enough for me to stop taking anything he says- in parody or in truth- seriously.

I still watch him for giggles sometimes, but he's gone downhill.

>Watching and giving money to literal jews who scam their 12 year old fans with a fake "lawsuit"

i read it as
>Is he retarded?

No he is bluepilled but not an sjw similar to how I function

He's part Jewish. Like a quarter.


pick one

He's being ironic.

Are you autistic? When people say something with irony it mean the contrary of what they're saying.

Basically he saw the thread about pokemon go here and made this video to laugh at the people in the thread, specifically.

Why? How is such thing possible even conceivable? Because you're being watched Sup Forums.

Right now you're the little underground gold mine of satire for the lurkers on the left.

The kiddy lurk here, take what they need and head back to redits where they use the material found here in statistical ways.

They do this all the fucking time. You're what they consider the deepweb and they think you're just as creepy as the sick shit going down there and it fuel their post on redit.

No. He is about as blue pilled as it comes.

>implying franku being a parody isn't part of the parody
The meta-irony is several layers deep.

he's half.

>It's just a prank

His videos are really shit lately. His one where he invited some animal rights person over and showed her videos of mice being eaten was awful. I don't care about animal rights but that video was trash
>hey you don't like seeing animals being killed so watch this video
>do you think this video is okay?
>No? Haha I don't care what you think. You're dumb for not wanting to watch mice die.
>haha I'll make a rap song about animal rights people being offended about stuff, shows them for caring about something
Besides, feeding live mice to snakes is really dangerous for the snake.

Is he circumcised?

>feeding live mice to snakes is really dangerous for the snake.

That's exactly what they evolved to eat, you delicate little hippy

I think he's pretty funny but i'm damn tired of people making /pol threads with ' hey is x youtuber that's not PC redpilled/pol'

eceleb board when?

He's a meme savvy normie. The reason he does cringy shit in public is because he has a camera filming him (so people will implicitly understand it's for some purpose and he's not just insane). Some find him funny, some don't, in either case he makes a lot of money. I couldn't say for sure, but I don't think he would agree with Sup Forums on many things.

Yeah and mice have evolved to try to avoid being eaten. If you value your pet snake's safety, you feed them dead mice.

Are you completely sure? In his Anthony Fantano interview, he was surprisingly candid about it being a legitimate parody.

I was always on the side of it being a double parody thing, layers on layers, but after the interview I can't be sure.

Based on his new crew though, I'd say he still might be. Max is a faggot, Howto is a faggot, and iDubbbz is hard to pin.


I had a bearded dragon as a kid. Crickets tore into his stomach and ate him alive over an hour, and we had no idea until it was too late

that's horrifying

god damn that mouse is hardcore

According to him the majority of his viewers are in their 20s.


this is way u dont racemix

>trusting the asiglo
did you learn nothing?

iDubbbz is following Gavin Mcinnes and used to follow Milo on twitter

I can confirm I know a sucessful doctor in his 30s who watches FF, he showed a clip of him yelling at a banana after a presentation of the physiology of potasium.