DJ Douggpound is 44 years old

DJ Douggpound is 44 years old.

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What did he have to do to dogs to earn that nickname?

>look it up
>it's true

what the fuck? I literally thought he was like early 30's.

How is he older than Tim AND Eric?

He was already a working editor before Tim & Eric hired him.


you fuckin wit the champs

was acquainted with him long ago, one of the greatest and sweetest people I've met. Has a really great eye for human nature and our foibles. Hope he lives to 88.


Be named Douglas.

name's douggpound not dogpound.

I hope he keeps getting more refinition, he's more talented than Tim or Eric

2 Wet Crew saved my life

this, it's crazy how much better he is.

didn't know there were so many pound puppies on here, glad to see doug get some love, also what the fuck was with that guy from the last poundcast. Not to sound like a pound pimple but what a pretentious asshole, spent the entire time name dropping obscure bands and being assholish. Came of as a guy who thinks waaaay to highly of himself.

Do you also know Eric Fensler?

she dumped me because she thought im a geek

and now i cant play with my favorite antique

he needs to stop bringing on all these shitty LA hipster people and do more episodes with stand ups, candy dads is objectively the best episode of that podcast

he was stepping all over brent's bits too, really awkward

the byron bowers ep was dope

He seems like a top lad.

Hope he's having a nice time.

Also i hope they ever continue this, it is too comfy to end.

yeah there was even a point where he told brent something he said wasn't funny in like a legitimately mean way.

the fact that his dog is named boug is hilarious to me

it was alright, doug tries too hard around black people but brent is hilarious around black people so it evens out

that recent one with that tv director who was bi was awful though, I don't know how you live in LA surrounded by pretentious nu male liberal faggot cliches like that guy and not go insane

you sound like a fun guy to be around

>tfw Doug has no wife or kids
>tfw Doug is 44

I don't remember that guy being that bad.. but his stuff about being bisexual was painful to listen too. It actually gave credit to the idea that men are being socially pressured into being gay, because it did not sound like the guy was truly comfortable with fucking dudes. It sounded like he had no confidence in being a man and was scared of admitting it to himself.