Britbongs, explain how this happened

WTF is going on over at your island? Do we have to stage another Battle of Britain so you united against the Kraut infested mainland?

Stocks were up immediately after Leadsom said she had ZERO support.

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Do you know May is a Eurosceptic?

What the fuck is going on

Post 'em.

>Do you know May is a Eurosceptic?
She was in the Bremain camp. The only people who are not "Eurosceptic" in Europe are people who literally work for the European Union as unelected bureaucrats.

She was neutral and a mostly silent Eurosceptic during Project Fears campaigning before the referendum. I must admit Boris not getting the job was an eye opener to Ms May's skill to get to the top.

We got fucked by an ad-hoc alliance of Tory grandees and butthurt remainer journalists.

She was for Bremain, and said so multiple times, she is therefore pro-Europe. She didnt ever say she was natural, she never changed her mind or described herself as a skeptic. She always said she was with Bremain.

Anyway hopefully the knives will be out for her before she can de-select all Brexiters from the party. They will have to be quick.

May is Blair 2.0.

Nige is not part of the cons, his party ukip was set up to get the UK out of the EU. Now that he has won the brexit there isn't much point in ukip other than pulling the cons to the right and he knows as much. Boris was back stabbed by a mate.

She did right at the beginning of the Remain camp's PR stunts, then promptly vanished while Dave & George did most of the cheerleading for Bremain, Dave in particular.

I await a list of her cabinet appointments before making any concrete conclusions on how it will turn out.

It's almost as if Brexiters are all retarded.

>Now that he has won the brexit there isn't much point in ukip other than pulling the cons to the right and he knows as much.

Ok, so why doesn't he stay until the UK is actually out of the EU?

Did Cortez burn his ships the first sign he saw the coast of America? Or did he first land and then burn the ships?

>Ok, so why doesn't he stay until the UK is actually out of the EU?

Because he wasn't apart of the government and wasn't allowed to help negotiate the deal. What the fuck do you want him to do? The leader of UKIP has no real power, he was basically a campaigner on a single issue and he got what he wanted and rode off in to the sunset.

There's nothing left for him to do

Every time i told you folks that GB wasn't leaving the EU, i was called a shill and a jew.

Guess the truth is settling in, huh?

We need to do something about this, but pretending the powers that be aren't trying to stop GB from leaving will only lead to faillure.

typical swedish cuck

May was always Eurosceptic. She just went along with the official party line in order to develop her career. At the time, it seemed as though the Brexit was doomed to fail, so she stuck with the winning side. However, she remained as neutral as she could. After the Brexit happened, she was perfectly positioned to take power herself.


You're missing the naked mole rat, backstabbing, Gove.

Who run the world?


you mean who will crash the western world?

May has tough views on immigration, said today that "Brexit is Brexit, there will be no second ref, no going back to the EU through the back door".

What her reasons were for campaigning quietly for Remain are unknown, but she is a Euroscpetic. She will be a good PM, Brexit is happening. And we have a tough as nails PM to do the job, not some pansy who will bend over backwards and do nothing.

nigel can't really have any more influence, he's not even an elected mp and he's probably had enough at this point

boris didn't "chicken out", he got backstabbed by gove

andrea probably realised she couldn't win, dunno though she might have been a plant


Tony Blair said when elected he would not raise immigration. Then proceeded to turn London black.

If you judge politicians by their speeches and not their record, you have a shite mind.

>MP: The issue for today is depopulation. We are facing negative birthrates of the native british population and a large number of baby boomers reaching pension age with no one to support them.
>MP2: Then we should have more babies!!
>MP: Ayy that means we'll have to have more sex!!
(Applauding and back-patting commences)
>Female MP: I am a woman, you cant tell me what to do with my body you misogynists!
(Awkward silence)
>MP: Then what should we do?
>Female MP: We must admit more refugees to fill the working population
>Theresa May: Im post-menopausal and have bore no children. These are my rights you are talking about. Let me handle this...

Britain sinks into the sea within an months

>Who run the world?

Using your picture as an example?

Pic related, and his friends.

She sat behind the lines in the remain camp and waited to swoop in and take power untainted by the Brexit campaign.

I'm pretty sure May is a Eurosceptic who declared for remain for tactical reasons, much like BoJo declared for leave for tactical reasons. Now she'll be PM, whereas Boris is seen to run away from handling the situation he precipitated. I guess she played her cards pretty well.

Da fuck is that? A jar of skin shavings?

