Ask a German teacher anything

Ask a German teacher anything.

Why are you such a closet nazis? Btw I like Germany unlike many people here.

Is your name Daniel Murphy?

Wieso sind alle Lehrer Links?

Warum sind deutsche Volk selbsthass "cucks"?
(I have no idea how to say cuck in german)

are sand niggers raping little boys and bitches in front of your house right now???

Do you teach your kids about the nazis?

Was lehrst du?

I don't think we are. However, I do think that Germans tend to think in extremes. It's either "genocide everyone" or "let's take in 2 million refugees". I have no explanation for this.


Viele Frauen und überwiegend Geisteswissenschaften.

See above.

No. But how's your town rapist doing, mate?

I don't teach history.

Englisch und Latein.

Was denkst du über deine ausländischen Schüler?

are online german courses worth anything ?

cool politics and current events thread

Hast du viele ausländische Schüler? Und die Mädchen, interessieren Sie sich mehr für die Deutschen Jungs oder für die Kanacken?

Why are you so scared of imperfect circles?
Why can't you say squirrel?

Are you a paedophile?

Kommt drauf an. Diejenigen, die relativ "frisch" nach Deutschland gekommen sind, sind meistens sehr motiviert, dankbar und diszipliniert.
Dann gibt's aber auch haufenweise Kanacken, die Ärger machen. Liegt aber eher am Bildungsgrad. Mit denen habe ich auch nicht viel zu tun.

Yeah, try them.


Nein, eher nicht so viele. Keine Ahnung. Die meisten sind sowieso ziemlich deutsch.

cuck = Hahnrei ... but it's an old word so most germans don't know it

how many nigs in your class

Do you have dindus or muhammads students?

If so.. con you see diferences between them and german kids? behaviour, degrees, etc.

>die Kanacken
what did he mean by this?

Kanacken=Turks, Arabs, Niggers

I'm also a teacher, are students in Germany also lazy little entitled cunts who plagiarize and want the highest grade for every little shit they do?

Pita ga jel se curama više sviđaju njemci ili stranci

>No. But how's your town rapist doing, mate?
hes hanging with the sand niggers


Which state do you teach in?

A few in the entire school. They aren't generally worse than German students. They are a bit louder and than the german boys, though. However, there sometimes are heavily religious girls. Hijab, extremely quiet and very submissve (not in a sexual way you degenerates). Very creepy if you ask me and you can already tell that the family is fucked up.

Some are, but most aren't. Depends on the teacher though. Mine aren't.


Znam ja kaj je pito al nisam čuo za tu riječ do sad
valjda ko naši kozojebi

How old are your students?

Wie stehst du zum Kommunismus?

Does everyone have a footballer meme haircut

what do you teach

>Ask a German teacher anything.
Are you condition your children to be exclusive extremism in whatever they do, to bounce from "much aryan mustard race" straight to "remember much 6 gorillion goyim!" or are germans naturally autistic that way?

we teach them about the polish concentration camps and how the evil poles collaborated with us.

How many times have you been RAPED by SHITSKINS

I teach grade 5 to 13

In der Theorie eine schöne Sache, halte ich aber für eine schöne Utopie und für nicht umsetzbar, zumindest nicht in meinem Leben.


Englisch und Latein

Yeah, I teach them to be fanatic zealots.

seventeen times today

How do you talk to immigrants?
Do they threaten to kill you?
How many women there is?
Do they even speak english?
How you are doing out there anyway?
Is everything fine?
Is it dangerous on the streets?

>we teach them about the polish concentration camps and how the evil poles collaborated with us.
ebin xDDD

>Yeah, I teach them to be fanatic zealots.
but it was a serious question

People on here should be history teachers and not english and latin teachers. You're doing it wrong. At least tell your students in subtle ways about how the world really works and who the enemy is, just like how the government tries to push it's leftist agenda down everyone's throat. Only it can afford to go full-blown leftist mode because the people will eat up anything at this point.

You can always redpill students regardless of the subjects. I often scorn girls when their behavior is not ladylike, I shit against socialism and moral relativism every time I can, I try to make them work instead of being lazy shits, etc. Students ask me if I'm a Christian and I say yes. One girl asked me would I vote for Trump and I said yes. When students value you, they ask you all kinds of questions that aren't related to the subject you're teaching.

Teach your students to love their country. BREAK this self-hatred on your youth.

Teach them about some great role-models like Arminius.

Red-pill them as much as possible on today's world events.


Germans need to be proud Germans again. and fuck the foreigners, by the way.

Why is my German teacher such a fucking weeb for Germoney and also a communist?

since sport halls are being used by refugee where do kids do sports? did refugees really trash the sport halls?

also how is educational attainment of refugees?

Why does this guy think I'm in Malaysia?

Are you the American that asked me if modern Germans even know Arminius in that dumb thread about haircolours yesterday?

Ever fucked a student?

Not sure, maybe?

Did the thread have this image?

Yes, but I don't think it was posted by the guy I'm talking about.

This guy gets it.

On it.

I don't know but he sounds like a faggot.

The hall at my school isn't used for refugees. I've heard that there some halls have been used to shelter them, but I don't know any schools where that is the case or whether it's true.

I don't teach refugees, but from what I have heard it is horrible.


ok thanks for response

>since sport halls are being used by refugee where do kids do sports?
Where I go to we had physical education for half a year, and now my class and many others don't have it for the rest of this year. I do wonder if we'll have it next year. I also suspect the sports festival next week got cancelled because of them.

Careful with the redpill dose. It takes one student with very liberal parents to get you into trouble nowadays.

How hot does that burqa you wear get in the Summer?

Lehrst du Migranten und ob das der Fall ist, wie verhalten sie sich?

what does a young german learn about his history?

How hard is it to learn German?

I agree completely btw.
Most important Germans we learn about are composers and philosophers, which I can appreciate now but as a teenager they were just boring to me and my classmates.
Even Bismarck was only thouched briefly but we had a whole book about 1933-1945

We are teached that Germans were Bad and done only Bad things, that it is bad to be German. We only learned about the WW1 and the WW2 from the German history

Do you redpill your students on a daily basis?


Haven't used German much since high school.

I assume you mean refugees. No I don't.

Great joke dude
>and they say Germans can't into humour

This meme needs to die. Where did you go to school? Looking at your English I assume nowhere?

If you mean Sup Forums-tier redpill, then no.
I do try to make them better people though, see this guy

See It's very hard for english speakers because everthing is gendered.

Do you have sandniggers in your class or your school? What is your opinion of them. Also, public school or university?

How many non germanic children are in your class?


I like you. A little less nowadays. But your banter is fucking abysmal.

Two Germans going at each other is cringey as fuck.

explain plz what else does germans learn about their history?


are you a Frau ?

>hating germans
>Not wanting a hot German to speak that sexy softer Germanic in your ear
>Not wanting a taste of the bratwurst
>Not wanting to put objects in holes like a true German

Du hast doch gesagt du bist kein Geschichtslehrer. Ich habe es doch selber erlebt. Als wir den WW2 behandelt haben, wurde uns nichts über die Sachen erzählt die dazu geführt haben, dass die Nazis damals an die Macht gekommen sind. Und jede Stunde hat uns unser Lehrer noch mitgegeben, dass wir ja damals 6 Millionen Juden getötet usw. Ich weiß nicht ob es am Lehrer lag oder ob es überall so ist

Can I get war reparations paid in kind

If you catch my drift.

read the thread


Everything. Charlemagne, West/East Francia, Ottonian dynasty, HRE, Prussia Austria, Bismarck, Kaiserreich, world war I, politics in Weimar in great detail, WW II, cold war, East Germany.
I'm too lazy to type everything out and also I do not teach history, but I provide more details if you wish.
The other user made it sound like we are taught nothing but "muh holocaust" "muh self hatred" which is bullshit.

Dann lag das am Lehrer. Die Lehrpläne sehen da anders aus. Was ich so mitbekomme von Kollegen und aus meiner eigenen Schulzeit, die auch noch nicht so lange her ist, ist völlig anders. Weimar wird ewig lange behandelt z.B.
Es wird deutlich mehr auf die Innen- und Außenpolitk sowie die appeasement Politik Englands eingegangen, als auf den Krieg und den Holocaust. Klar ist der obligatotische KZ-Besuch dabei, aber das wars.
Scheint so als hattest Du einfach Pech mit dem Lehrer.

Nah in the past in my school in east germany we were told alot about how Hitler got a hold of power
but yes it was kind of repeated, videos, trips all to tell us about what for a horrible past germany has.

Do you teach ww2 history?

Wir haben dieses Schuljahr nur ein Kapitel aus dem Geschichtsbuch behandelt, und das war der 2.Weltkrieg. Wir haben zum Schluss nur eine Stunde über die DDR/den Mauerfall geredet und das ging von mir aus, weil ich darüber ein Referat halten wollte.

What kind of school do you teach on?
Gymnasium, Real- oder Hauptschule?
Because that might explain some differences.

>In der Theorie eine schöne Sache, halte ich aber für eine schöne Utopie und für nicht umsetzbar, zumindest nicht in meinem Leben.

Even Sup Forums going german teachers are left wing scum.

Ich habs nicht so schwer gefunden uezs. (Obwohl ich kein Meister bin)

>Englisch und Latein.
Nothing to see here, I'm out

Easier than learning chinese, for sure. ;)

Wrong country for town rapists, Romania is gypsies and Moldova has town rapists.


Wie gesagt, das ist nicht so vorgesehen und liegt wohl am Lehrer.


Reading comprehension is hard my friend.


Ah, my bad. Easily confused, those two.

And for spaniards?

Ich glaube wäre Englischsprechern die Wortstellung und Fälle ziemlich schwerer. Ich kämpfe immer noch damit.

What the fuck Germans why do you have such complicated word order rules?

Spanish also has a gender for everything, right?
You might run into problems if those are different in German and our languages don't share a lot of words.

Yes, we have genders for everything. I was thinking about learning another language, russian or german, but since I've been told that russian is extremely difficult, I have almost decided to learn german.

If you wan't to make business with people take Russian, almost all of us speak at least some english.

Realschule here, we only learned about the holocaust, how people lived during medieval and prehistoric times and what lead to ww1

Thanks for the advice, I'll consider it.

About the same as our history classes except without the British Empire = Bad bullshit

Well what do you think about the wwii?

Why are you a Nazi?

Why are you Amerikaner?

Why did you vote for Merkel?

Hitler. Why is he still hates in that country when he is the only reason Germany wasn't pummeled into complete destruction in war between the USSR and the Allies?

How do the muslim/nigger kids behave on your lesson?

Kann das mit den Lehrplänen bestätigen, Weimar ist ein riesen Thema - vorallem für die Oberstufe am Gymnasium.

Insgesamt wird aber auch auf die Politik vor Weimar eingegangen - das bezieht sich nicht nur auf den Krieg sondern auch auf die ersten Revolutionsversuche und später auch Putschversuche.

vielen danke

Naja das kann dann ja gut sein weil ich am Berufskolleg von 11-13 dann kein Geschichte mehr hatte. Rip

Why are you German?