When did it become trendy to criticize Islam

10 years ago Christians were getting the stick by atheists online. No one cared and Christians didn't really care.

Now, atheists are piling onto Muslims. What happened?

>atheists are piling onto Muslims
[citation needed]

I've only ever seen atheists defend them because "muh crusades" and shit.

But Islam is the religion of peace

one chilled out while the other started going boom


No I've always hated Islam over other religions

I'm not for "freedom of religion" or any bullshit. Pic related it all needs to go

No atheist (everyone I know, more people than you all think reading that) defends muslims for their faith. Muslims legitimately believe that an Arabian warlord was talked to by God and when he died he rode to heaven on a flying unicorn. They are clinically insane and intellectually irrelevant. They aren't defended because they are Muslims, they are people being defended who happen to be Muslims, for reasons other than.

Probably 9/11. I can only speak for Norway, but back in the 90s and before that, anti-immigration focused mostly on race. In the past decade or so, it's focused on Islam. I guess that's a good thing, because it's easier to try to discredit someone for criticizing race, rather than religion.


I mean more recently.

It seems Hawkins and all of those guys are making Islam their new whipping boy


Edgy. You know religion gave way to civilization, right? Without it, we'd still be warring with tribes of people who look just like us. You can be an atheist, but don't think Christianity causes any problems in the world. We've been pacified for 500 years.

>but don't think Christianity causes any problems in the world.

While not the whole of "christianity", the caothlic church legitimately thinks that condoms are evil and that dying of HIV/AIDS is preferable to wearing one. That is a problem, caused by a christian sect.

I wouldnt call myself an atheist but i think a lot of people realised islam is more of a threat to western culture than other religions.

After the muhammad cartoons controversy. that opened a lot of eyes

Ever since Theo van Gogh you fucking millennial

Eh Christianity as we know it and the values it espouses are just the same shit Plato and the Greeks were spreading. Don't fall for the Semitic Religion meme

It's primarily because of the staggering growth in the muslim population in Europe in the past decade or so, and the fall of Christianity and conservative values as the dominent moral compass.

True atheists were always critical of Islam; but it was the Bush years, and that wasn't the problem we should've been focusing on then. Besides, wouldn't you be a little pissed if some American came and blew up your home and occupied your country and subcontracted all the repair work to his second wife's cousin?

aids wouldnt be a problem if people werent degenerate sodomites and sexual liberty is a fast track to decline

Religion is to civilization as training wheels are to bicycles.

It helped us when we were younger, but now they're unnecessary and getting in the way.

Well, Muslims happened.
