Literally all you need to do to guarantee an audience is pander like a motherfucker

>literally all you need to do to guarantee an audience is pander like a motherfucker

Other urls found in this thread:

>literally all you need to do to guarantee an audience is give them what they want

No shit.

Power Rangers was always diverse though.

Fucking degenerates

Winning the approval of "online progressives" doesn't translate to guaranteeing an audience.


>these people not knowing that the Fast and Furious Franchise exists

It's diverse as fuck and doesn't even pay attention to it, it's post-race as fuck.

>new generation of tumblrfags who don't even like power rangers suddenly love the movie because muh diversity

>Autism often goes unnoticed/undiagnosed in Black Children

Why is this?

Being diverse for the sake of marketing your product to as many demographics as possible for the purpose of making money is respectable.

Being diverse as a means of encouraging social change (i.e white genocide) is where the problems begin.

>B-but it objectifies women!
Actual complaint I heard from an SJW friend when I said that (at the time) Fury Road and Furious 7 were both prime examples of well-done action cinema.

I really hate that no one goes to see anything because they are genuinely interested in the story or want their world view and beliefs to be pushed and questioned. No one wants to be brought into a strange and uncomfortable place anymore. These people look for movies that pander to them and make sure that everything fits their small little world. What a sad existence that must be. I have no issue that they are going to see this and are feeling glad that autistic/gay/black people are being portrayed more, my issue is that is the one single reason why. I don't know why I expect anything different from Hollywood and the current state of mainstream audiences.

I love how assholes like you always act like you don't want to be pander to, but the moment they do they become 'your guy'.

When has this ever not been the case?

>cast is still half white
>"Oy vey! Not diverse enough, goys!"
>Paul Walker dies in an """""""accident"""""""
>One less whitey

Really activates the almonds

Black parents are difficult to find, and when they can be found, they're usually not doing high quality parenting.

Blacks are held to a lower standard than whites in all aspects of life. A disobedent white child is diagnosed with autism, but with a disobedient black a blind eye will be turned, for fear of being labelled as racist.

>>cast is still half white
Paul Walker is the only white person in that whole image.

You mixed that up bro.

>half white

There's only two whites, and ones barely there. There's literally more racially ambiguous actors in the movies than whites - excluding the villains.

>Original series had a part Indian American
>Asian chick
>2 white guys
>white chick
>black guy
>Hurr who would have thought Power Rangers was diverse

No. Wanting to sell your product to as many people as possible is just capitalism. Totally different to "fuck whitey" casting when they're actually choosing to make less money for the sake of social diversity. I.E making bond black.

This. They're loud on the internet, so it can seem like they permeate, but I've met very, very few IRL.

Blacks are just naturally antisocial anyway.

These people literally think they're only just inventing diversity today.

Diversity before the last few years was purely coincidental, hetero white cis males were still the default.

When are you going to realize diversity means as little white people as possible?

>it's post-race as fuck
Stealing this to describe FF from now on. Thx user.

Well then good thing the franchise doesn't have any left besides villains since Walker is dead and Brewster is barely even in them.

>hetero white cis males were still the default.

except when it wasn't

>as in being past caring about the race of the characters
>or as in being past the act of car racing

Holy shit, I gave it double meaning and didn't even realize it

Guess the RT score lads



lol @ "Black Autistic Character"

fucking power ranger trash

I don't like forced diversity. When you make an interesting character who is black/gay, it's fine. When you make a character interesting because he's black/gay, you've got a problem, and you're filling quotas for feelgood points.

power rangers is literally even worse than capeshit

The Negro often seems "off" by default.

If power rangers leads to our genocide we don't deserve to go on.

>le big bad memeborgs xDD

It's going to be way lower than that.

Because black boys are supposed to be masculine and cool because of stereotypes thay everyone(including other blacks) adheres to, if you went to a mixed school you would notice the nerdy black kids would either hang out with non blacks or be by themselves.

The time is right for a mainstream remake of Gay Niggers From Outer Space.

I think the most impressive thing when it comes to diversity in power rangers is the inclusions of asians and black women in leading hero roles.

I think black women were underrepresented as late as in 2014 when it comes to even speaking roles, while black men were overrepresented.
Asians also underrepresented.

Post race meaning they don't race anymore right?


4 POC????

The violent actions of a garden-variety nigger and a mentally unstable half-broken nigger are utterly indistinguishable.

Mmmmmmhm user, because there's only ever two sides to everything!

So I checked for you.
One of the women is of Mexican descent, and the other is one half Indian descent.

I guess when you're the kind of racist piece of shit whose primarily concern for a movie is what race the protagonists are, you learn to research actors' genealogy without prior stimulus.

why is the one girl so short

there is literally nothing wrong with white genocide.

It has ever been thus.

Person of colored descent.

She's a little person you fucking piece of shit

hi manveer, did you put in many job applications today

>white genocide

Why does representation matter? The Wire is one of my favorite TV shows of all time and I'm not black.

>t. white person

- people who wont pay to see the movie

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if they put all this out because they were worried about the take.

Hell, I'm seeing BOGO ticket offers on twitter for it.

I was excited about the power ranger marathon and the trailer but

>billy is a black autistic kid


they've gone too far

The Wire wasn't pandering..

These people are not intelligent. That's the whole reason they're latching onto an imaginary cause like this. They're incapable of empathizing with a character unless it looks like them.

Pretty sure they were all autistic fromt he start.

this guy capitalisms

It wasn't coincidental

>Fury Road, most overtly feminist film ever made
>objectifies women

>Diversity before the last few years was purely coincidental

Want to know how I know you're underaged?

Get Out would have been a better film if the entire cast was black.


B...but the original had plenty of diversity. So much diversity, they had to color code them in matching suits.

It even had an Asian female as a main character, which is a group that has less representation in television than blacks and hispanics, but are always left out of the 'muh diversity' debate, for some reason.

This is also true. They are car spies in the recent movie.

I like the premise of Beetleborgs, Its simple and effective.

B-Fighter nothing special. Black Beet is the only decent character on the show.

>white dude is the best looking man there

So all the teenage girls/gay dudes/whatever who go to see this will take one look at the other guys and see how ugly they are compared to the white guy and fawn all over him. Still seems like whites are coming out on top here.

It's already out

Because no one gave a shit before racist social justice retards came and told everyone identity politics was important

>Original Power Rangers had 3 whites and 2 minorities
>However, by Zeo, they all have a full on 5 token band
>Plenty of other seasons don't have a diversity issue in the first place.
>Billy was too smart in PR to be portrayed realistically, and was pretty odd in the first place. Making him autistic isn't the most out of character thing to add to the character.

I'm more pissed they are taking notes from that shitty fanfilm and made Jason jerk of a bull.

unironic, non Sup Forums meme answer: it's the soft bigotry of low expectations, to quote GWB.

People (see: teachers, counselors, police officers, case workers, etc) expect less of black people as a whole. So when a black kid is acting weird or "off", it's just tacitly assumed that maybe they're on something, or their home life is shit (which it probably is, but still), or maybe they just aren't well-adjusted socially.

And sometimes, it is just that, but other times, it's autism.

>it doesn't matter that the movie sucks as long as there are more dark people than white and there is a faggot!

Billy wasn't too odd when you consider him a foil to lovable oafs Bulk and Skull (except for Skull being able to play piano like a pro in that one episode).

>This is what movies will be like once white people are extinct
The horror

Turn back the parental lock on your browser

It's always been like that. Dunno about the gay stuff though.

Gal Gadot is Polish/German/Austrian.

Just because her grandparents left Europe doesn't mean she's "Middle Eastern"

>Diversity before the last few years was purely coincidental

Right, magic school bus and captain planet just so happened to have diverse casts.