President Trump
VP: Ron Paul/Jim Webb
Sec of State: Michael Flynn
Sec of Defense: James Mattis
Sec of Treasury/Commerce: Carl Icahn
Sec of Energy: Elon Musk/Peter Thiel
Sec of Health: Ben Carson
Sec of Housing/UrbanDevelopment: Donald Bren
Sec of Education: Bernie Sanders
Press Secetary: Ben Sharpiro/Milo Yiannaplous

You're free to research these names, this is undoubtedly the best Cabinet for Donald Trump. I spent a lot forming this so please rate


>Literally a showboating bbc worshipping faggot who gets carried in on a thrown by low information MAGA meme sheep.
>Shepherd Smith

>Ron Paul as VP
Fucking gay.
>I'd go with Mattis as VP and make Stanley McChrystal as SoD.

>Press Secetary: Ben Sharpiro

He'd sooner commit mitsubishi

Is Bernie against Common Core? Genuine question

No he agrees with it according to his Website.

who should be sec of agriculture? I put Bernie as Sec Of Education because he would secure some Dem votes

I'd go with Sid Miller. He's currently the Commish of the Texas department of Agriculture.

>Comrade Sanders anywhere

Why the fuck would you want a Marxist ideologue in charge of the education of children.

I don't know anyone influential in the education world besides Sanders

Any 3rd grade teacher

Change VP to Anne Coulter and Ron Paul to the sec of education and you've got a better list.


Ben Carson

>not secretary of education jeb
>not realizing his destiny is to save the american education system
>whose laughing now ma and pa, I fucked your plans to destroy america
>slow and steady wins the race, now where's my guac?

>Sec of Education: Bernie Sanders

Stupidest shit I've ever read in my whole life.

Keep that fucking commie Sanders the fuck away from our schools! We have enough fucking shithead Marxists in the system already. Send Sanders back to his kibbutz.

Because the smart people are at Christian private schools and the really smart ones have fellowships at conservative think tanks. Hoover, Heritage, or AEI could provide some solid talent for SoEd.

I like this. Jeb's education policy in FL was good right?

Is this better?, removed Sec of Education because Trump is removing the DOE

President Trump
VP: Michael Flynn
Sec of State: Ron Paul
Sec of Defense: James Mattis
Sec of Homeland Security: Stanley McChrystal
Sec of Treasury: Carl Icahn
Sec of Energy: Elon Musk/Peter Thiel
Sec of Health: Ben Carson
Sec of Housing/UrbanDevelopment: Donald Bren
Sec of Commerce: Koch Brothers
Sec of Agriculture: Sid Miller
Press Secetary: Ben Sharpiro

>koch brothers

They create a lot of jobs and are involved in lots of industries.
I think they would be good in commerce. I was also considering the Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos

>A literal commie behind education
Do you want commie revolutions?
Because this is how you get commie revolutions.

>MFW Guac man saves education.

This looks fun and I think it's harder than it looks. Giving it a shot :

President Trump

VP: Rand Paul

Sec of State: Marco Rubio

Sec of Defense: Michael Flynn

Sec of Treasury/Commerce: Carl Icahn

Sec of Energy: Charles Koch

Sec of Health: Ben Carson

Sec of Housing/UrbanDevelopment: Dan Gilbert (jk fuck HUD get rid of it)

Sec of Education: William Damon (Hoover Institute / Stanford)

Press Secetary: Bill O'Reilly (friends with Trump, has to be ready to retire his show by now)