
Either Obama will identify them as a terrorist organization or the rest of the world will. We did this Sup Forums, you should be proud just as I am.

These Dindu will soon understand they cannot shout for dead cops in the street after a shooting, loot when they are protesting or act blatantly racist in public without repercussion.


Feel honored user, you were apart of the final BLM solution.

>Sign it if you haven't already, the more people the better!

Other urls found in this thread:



Isn't this just "hey i don't like this groups political agenda so i will label them as a terrorist group to get rid of them" ?

That is not very cool and that is the same tactics that the left use to silence whoever they don't like.

Not for it

Except they're terrorists by definition.

Yea exactly and just so it's clear I'm not a shill, I hate kikes and their nigger dogs. Also even worse you just played into Obamas hands. Now he can speak ill of them without being seen as a traitor by them.

I am guessing you didn't see the video?

Calling out for the death of police officers not even hours after 14 were shot and 5 died.

That is called terrorism bud.

They literally are. They call for the death of authority figures and white people. They are literally domestic terrorists

It isn't. They've called for "open season" on killing all whites and police on public radio. They've used intimidation tactics to shut down Trump rallies and caused riots. They are terrorists.

100000 signatures isn't a lot.

Is this satire? Everybody knows these petitions don't mean jack shit.


They are terrorists and they deserve to be known as such.

I know you aren't from America but just about everyone already thinks he is a terrorist and are ready for his ass to be out of office, that is why this year has been thee literal worst year of his presidency because he is just trying to do as much bad as he can before it ends so he can enforce Martial law to extend it by force.

Doing such would roll out the red carpet to Hillary Clinton taking the presidency and supposedly with him by her side.


Sup Forums calls for deaths of several groups daily. Are we terrorists?

Barrack Obama is personally responsible for the deaths of the Dallas officers and any other police shot by niggers. He set the tone with Ferguson, he did not support the officer who was physically assaulted by Mike Brown and didn't discourage the looting or riots in the aftermath. He sympathized with the nigger community and he validated their anger and emotions. He had a chance to speak sharply and strongly against the false narrative in that case but instead allowed the city to burn. Then he repeated in Baltimore. Obama is a massive piece of shit.

Shill please, even if it is ignored it just allows 100000 people to know publicly Obama does not care about BLM and allows them to continue their reign of race baiting and violence.

And that itself is an accomplishment as it allows more people to open their eyes fully to the civil war on the horizon if they are not stopped.

A few outliers on this board being edgy on the internet is not the same as a mass of people on the streets chanting they want to kill the police and has done so already, come on now.

>On the streets looting
>On the street calling for the death of cops
>On the street shouting white people are racist
>While wearing shirts that say fuck white people
>White people must die
>Death to whites

>Sitting at home spouting racism over Sup Forums under an user identity.

If you can't see the difference bud I can't show you the light.


>few outliers
Don't play dumb with faggot, I'm not new here.

ya goyim nothing to see.
>funded by (((SOROS))).

Well doesnt it just mean that the White House have to give some kind of response?
It doesnt mean that they really have to do what you want

Not to mention the fact they would rather talk about Cops shooting actual thugs and criminals than the black on black crime that happens every day with the massive gang violence problem. Majority of black people are killed by other black people in gang violence.

Alton Sterling? Philando Castile? One was a Crip and sold drugs and burned CD's with a gun on probation, and Philando was a suspect in a known armed robbery case.


Funny as fuck they immediately think the cop who shot Philando was a white man when he was ASIAN not white at all. Then instead of fixing their mistake they say he was fuel by white rage?

>MFW the Aryan lion is tired of bring pushed around by the Jackals.

We can stand united or we can die divided.



I am not being disingenuous when I browse this site constantly, I can honestly say I don't see it that often. Even if what you said is true, it is still a false equivalence so fuck off with your concern troll nonsense.


People are actually this stupid

Yeah I saw that its down syndrome retarded. That is just asking to spread aids like wildfire.

The BLM poll has its points but a lot of these other polls are STUPID