Tell me again how he ain't the best president ever in history you racist fuckheads

Other urls found in this thread:

last time this happened we got the 08 recession


It's almost like markets exhibit cyclical behavior and recover after recessions.

Hmmm.... really fires up the old neurons.

It's amazing what you can do when you use QE to buy billions in stocks every month

>stock value =\= economic health

He has propped up the stock market with artificially low interest rates and three rounds of Quantative Easing. Stocks are inflated not because of how productive the companies are, but on the fact that money is cheap and its the only place you can get a return. Just like the real estate bubble it will burst. If we were all so well of under Obama, why does Trump have so much momentum? Why is the labor force participation at record lows? Why are the rich getting richer and the middle class is going extinct? Why is debt to income ratios at record highs? Why why why?

>Tell me again how he ain't the best president ever in history you racist fuckheads

the upcoming big bank bubble blowout

Credit does not necessarily reflect on the Real Economy, esp. with privatised 'stockpiles' and 'pitfalls'

>one post by this ID


What fundamentals are driving this rally?

[thinking in progress]

> 2008
> Expecting a black American to be good with money and a budget

They buy fucking gold plates for their teeth and put rims on 20 year old Hondas.

Check. Fucking. Mate.

FED labor market indicator :(

Real unemployment (U-6) is at 9.6% and will only get worse with all the Financial institutions in the red (Looking at you, Eurozone)

manufacturing job growth has been stalling for 4 months, ISM is scraping levels he really shouldn't,

>gold plates for their teeth

judges tend to avoid ordering teeth removal to confiscate assets,

>put rims on 20 year old Hondas.

they steal those

>the Dow
Meanwhile the avg American is poorer than ever..

>oh boy corporations are raking in the profits
>globalism is great

Last year of bush compared to four years of Obama

Nice false equivalency

Because Bush stopped oversight of banks and let them do whatever the fuck they wanted for short-term gains, i.e. offering subprime mortgages to people who never, ever had any chance of paying them back. That's not happening this time. This is why Democrats are more fiscally responsible than Republicans at the moment. Also, for further evidence, check out the state of the economy of Kansas at the moment. The state is being run into the ground by a super-low tax, laissez-faire approach. People are just leaving.

Happening kiddos btfo

Get a job niggers

It is not so much Globalization as it is a major Giant Ponzi scheme.

Income disparity is simply ridiculous in the USA. How the fuck do Americans not notice this shit?

Great for rich investors. Not so much for anyone else

What's really interesting is the lack of evidence here. I'd like it if there was clear evidence that Obama has been economically irresponsible, but I'm yet to see that evidence. I think he's been an acceptable middle-of-the-road president who has been progressive on some social inclusion and diversity issues, especially in the past year. His legacy will be solid, especially in comparison with whoever is voted in next (who is sure to be worse).

Hes black.

Obviously pol thinks hes the worst president.

Unlike Shillary, who would actually end the US, Obama has done wonders.

Stocks don't mean shit.

>how do Americans not notice?

Because they get distracted with "race problems" and with "rape culture".

You dumbass

The big banks are still allowed to do whatever they want. Nobody got prosecuted after the 2008 crash.

I got a feeling it is becuz 'Muh Kapitalism'
>'Muh Free Markets'
Rigged as Fuck

Presidents don't create jobs.

I'm sorry to have to inform you OP.

I agree that the level of punishment was insufficient last time. That's a big problem. But regulatory regimes and oversight have changed so that the same level of debt risk is not being taken on by banks. That's why the situation now is not the same and we're not about to have a massive financial crash in the US. This difference is pretty crucial, don't you think?

yeah obama gets credit for something the federal reserve did ( which isn't controlled by any part of the government )

If anything obama and his buddies hurt the economy with his famous obama care, and companies deciding hiring temps and part time is better for cost reasons.

good news though being a temp or part time worker means your employed so he looks even better. Never mind 20% of the work force is under employed.

Link me some sources on where they actually changed the regulations.

I guarantee the 2008 crash will happen again. Those banker kikes were able to lobby congress to stop regulation from ever happening.

>cronies who funded the obaboo administration make a ton of money

Wow, it can't be true!

>Bush caused the housing crisis

Nope. Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter teamed up to make it so banks had to approve home loans to people who couldn't pay shit back so that poor minorities can achieve 'the American Dream' and it caused an influx of buyers who shouldn't have been buying.

This caused housing prices to fucking explode over a decade and a half to retarded levels. A house that was 30k in 1995? Shit jumped up to about 300k.

Boomers ate that shit up because their shitty houses were suddenly worth half a million dollars for borrowing cash and the housing market became an investor's paradise for Chinese investors and other foreign money changers. Why the USA allows foreign powers to buy land in the USA is beyond my understanding because pretty much no other country allows this to occur.

So, the housing market kind of levels off a little bit, then dips a little bit. Those banks that were flipping homes suddenly started to take a hit. The REPUBLICAN party under the Bush administration straight came out and addressed this issue. "Freddie and Fanny are in trouble. We need to do something to stop these lending policies before it all goes to shit." They cried. The Dems responded with, 'There is nothing wrong with the housing market, you are just trying to keep blacks and Mexicans from owning homes because you are a racist.' and enough opposition was raised to keep the government from interfering.

Shit crashed, hard. And since it happened under Bush's administration, he got the blame, despite trying to actually stop it from happening and the Dems, who made sure it happened, keep on pointing the economic problems in the USA at the Bush administration.

Bush was a shithead, but I can't blame the housing market crash on him. Nope, the Dems started that shit and the Dems refused to fix it and let it fall apart just to win political points.

Gary Johnson will be 10× better

Jesus Christ the level of nigger stupidity is astounding.



The stock market is only going up because there is nowhere else to put the money.

>A president's policies have a direct, immediate impact on the market, so great that it completely overshadows any other market activity, and is wholly independent of any congressional behavior, in such a way that all market behavior can be directly and accredited exclusively to the president.

this is fake, your economy is shit and on the verge of collapsing.
no matter if hillary or trump will win, the reaction from the market will look like brexit and from than its downhill.

For those that think I am full of shit.

You know very little about this or don't read the news. Most obviously, there was the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, restrictions on short selling, and requirements for greater capital reserves.

Try this for a starting point for a source:

Which Obama policy caused this?

Still gonna happen again unless you address the key fundamentals in the US economy

>stock indexes go up in the long run

Golly gee who woulda thunk

Hasn't the DOW broken records under every president? IT sort of just goes up and up and up, their are spikes and valleys, but over the course of a year or two the overall change will be positive, and will set a new record.

He and his administration are responsible for the creation of ISIS and the destruction of Europe.

But blame Obama when it all crashes. Got it

I've never come across the narrative of the story before. I thought it was basically a combination of declining living standards that pushed people to seek further credit, and then credit being made available far too easily. These were conditions that were overseen for seven years under George W. Bush. I'll check out the link you posted. Wikipedia states (fairly neutrally) that "Government over-regulation, failed regulation and deregulation have all been claimed as causes of the crisis. Increasing home ownership has been the goal of several presidents including Roosevelt, Reagan, Clinton and George W. Bush."

And then more generally, wikipedia gives the following summary:
"There are several "narratives" attempting to place the causes of the crisis into context, with overlapping elements. Four such narratives include:

There was the equivalent of a bank run on the shadow banking system, which includes investment banks and other non-depository financial entities. This system had grown to rival the depository system in scale yet was not subject to the same regulatory safeguards.[18][41]
The economy was being driven by a housing bubble. When it burst, private residential investment (i.e., housing construction) fell by nearly 4% GDP and consumption enabled by bubble-generated housing wealth also slowed. This created a gap in annual demand (GDP) of nearly $1 trillion. Government was unwilling to make up for this private sector shortfall.[42][43]
Record levels of household debt accumulated in the decades preceding the crisis resulted in a balance sheet recession (similar to debt deflation) once housing prices began falling in 2006. Consumers began paying down debt, which reduces their consumption, slowing down the economy for an extended period while debt levels are reduced."

Government policies that encouraged home ownership even for those who could not afford it, contributing to lax lending standards, unsustainable housing price increases, and indebtedness.[44]
Underlying narratives #1-3 is a hypothesis that growing income inequality and wage stagnation encouraged families to increase their household debt to maintain their desired living standard, fueling the bubble. Further, this greater share of income flowing to the top increased the political power of business interests, who used that power to deregulate or limit regulation of the shadow banking system."

>big companies are getting richer under obama
>suddenly liberals like big companies getting richer

Subprimes are still legal. Interest rates are 1/3 lower.

Subprimes are now even legal on autos. Are you really this dense?


Notice the date. Here's a qoute: "Government regulations have changed the playing field. Harrell isn't concerned about a housing crisis, in part, because the mortgage industry looks different today than it did in 2006. Most notably, the Dodd-Frank Act was passed in the wake of the recession to eliminate much of the risky behavior that led to the proliferation of subprime loans. The bill prohibited the use of negative amortization and certain balloon payments. It all but wiped out the possibility of lenders using so-called low-doc or no-doc loans that didn't require borrowers to substantiate their income. "The regulatory scrutiny is very high," Harrell says."

This is quite literally the same thing they said in 07. Buhh-but subprimes are only 1-3% of all loans, and they are highly scrutinized.

>This is why Democrats are more fiscally responsible than Republicans at the moment. Also, for further evidence, check out the state of the economy of Kansas at the moment. The state is being run into the ground by a super-low tax, laissez-faire approach. People are just leaving.

Holy fuck. Dude lurk moar. Have you ever heard of a correlation fallacy?

T. An actual trader. Go ahead and try me.

More info and particulars?

>economy is doing bad
>The president has little to do with the economy!

>economy is doing good
>Look what this individual person has brought to this country! Best Pres evar!

>Wage stagnation

I am glad they acknowledged this. Wages in the USA have been ridiculously stagnant ever since the early 80's while profits keep on going up.

Blame Obama!!!

>Goverment bonds are worthless
>Real estate bubbles here and there(In Europe mainly)
>German/Italy banks failing
>China investing pension money on stocks

Thanks babama

Remember those liberals who would say "Well the effects a president has on the economy takes about 8 years to kick in. That's why the economy is bad under obama, because Bush took over 8 years ago."?
Funny how you never hear that argument anymore.

Exactly, and no one ever wants to bring up the fact that bush inherited a bust from clinton. Clinton's boom would of lasted longer had he not sold out manufactuers on tariffs with china and mexico.

Also why don't liberals ever bring that up? Notice Walmart (His biggest donor) exploded after signing NAFTA. Gee I fucking wonder why.

you all will miss obama after he's gone. probably the last president that will put forth a genuine effort to better america.

The point was that the president has little effect on the economy

Also I was voting Hillary but your so dumb I changed my mind

If you're implying that I believe that, I don't, you accusative fuckwit.

No the president has a major effect on the economy. They pick the central bankers to head the board of governors that set the interest rates which is what causes speculation and the boom and bust. There is a lot more too it but this is the jist of it.

I thought subprime mortgages weren't being bundled in with other loans and onsold to risk-taking hedge funds. I thought they'd been separated out, which provides less incentives for banks to even provide the loans (if they can't onsell the debt). Interest rates are low, but I thought the level of high-risk debt now is also low. I had the idea that student loans were the highest risk area now, but they're underwritten by the whole of the US economy. Is this right?

I'll defer to your expertise and would appreciate elaboration in educated layman's terms.

The shining light of Obama's Love.
A little more seriously, the rally came off of the panic sell after brexit.
Good jobs report last friday, good earnings reports coming out of various companies.

From the article itself it says that very little has changed.

The crash WILL happen again. The root cause has not been addressed.

Funny how 8 years ago we entered the worse economic recession since the GD. Great policies senpai

The Nigger in Chief has nothing to do with market trends, you dumb cunt.

>I thought they'd been separated out, which provides less incentives for banks to even provide the loans (if they can't onsell the debt).

They cannot seperate them because it's a wieghted average. You can't sell shit. It's like imagine you want to hide the fact you have a bunch of shit students in a class so you put into effect a grading curve. (Assuming the smart kids will outweigh the shit kids)

>Interest rates are low, but I thought the level of high-risk debt now is also low.

Well and I'm not sure if you'll understand this, but interest rates control risk. With low rates debt soars because percieved risk is "low" but the problem comes when the tax base drops, and you have a recession. The price of goods dropping like housing causes a cascade effect. Does that make sense?

>I had the idea that student loans were the highest risk area now, but they're underwritten by the whole of the US economy. Is this right?

Yes, the government underwrites something like 97% of all student loans. The US taxpayer will eventually be on the hook for all that debt which is higher than all credit debt in the US.

Pic unrelated, just one of my favs.

It has more to do with brexit, the euro being worthless, and investors seeking shelter in the US.

Why doe that matter?

Who benefits from it? Why is the middle class dying? Why isn't America producing anything anymore? Why are there 100 million people out of the workforce?

>muh kike bankers get more money
meanwhile a literal race war is about to start

Welfare, high taxes, the fact we allowed countries to put tariffs on our goods so we can only import raw materials for free. (Clinton NAFTA)

Free trade deals have nothing to do with free trade no more than you can have free speech with hate speech laws. We we're sold out, it really is that simple.

As the people lost their jobs they settle for less, and less, everytime. And then too boot they flooded our domestic economy with mexico niggers which destroyed domestic labor rates.

2001 I made 16$ an hour.
2005 I made 25$ an hour.
2016 I make 10$ an hour.

this does make me think

Thanks for the details. Why are markets performing relatively strongly at the moment? Is it the case that risk is being managed better or that the majority of people have no fucking idea of what they're doing? I'm not hearing many people talking about an impending crash and those who are are usually overtly anti-Obama, which makes their position seem highly skewed. What's the reason for the relatively high amount of confidence around now if you think the situation is so bad? And as a trader, how are you managing this (i.e. are you going to do something like George Soros's bet against the pound in 1992, which made him billions and half-way destroyed Britain's currency)?

The DOW actually has more to do with the Fed injecting the stock market with credit.

Let me sum this whole thing up for you.

No banks are buying stocks, no hedge funds are buying stocks, only small retarded investors are. All the smart guys are selling this rally, and or shorting it.

Basically the boomers the last wealthy class in america rather then giving their savings to their kids is putting it back in the stock market to try and make that last buck before they kick the bucket, and they are about to be taken for a ride of their lives. Seen this happen in 07-08.

The market always makes it's highest highs before hitting lowest lows. This has always, and will always be the case.

I actually made my fortune in buying bitcoin so yeah. Other than that my strategy looks like this.

Buy gold silver on the dips. Use trading profits to buy cheapest stocks imaginable on companies that could turn around. That's about all I'm willing to share.

I've been hearing about this bullshit since 2011, good thing i didn't give a fuck and kept buying 100x leveraged positions in the ES all the way up

Ahhh, the beloved baby boomers who are living far longer than they expected and grew up with a new cult of self-serving individualism (whether hippy or conservative materialist). You're more pessimistic about the market stuff than most people I've heard. The basic economic indicators make it seem that we have decent jobs growth, a flourishing healthcare sector, expanding tech industries, expanding education, and tourism. Does this not give cause for a small level of optimism? Or are you hedging to gain from crashes in a bunch of different stock categories?

I frequently see reports like this: "Why the U.S. economy could keep growing until 2020"

>Le President controls the economy meme.

Presidents can fuck up an economy, but rarely are responsible for an upswing.

I'm assuming you mean minis. There is a saying in trading: past performance is not an indicator of future success. You're getting lucky in a bull market. Also you're more than likely full of shit. The indexes have only going up about 1% in the past 2 years. How was 2012-2013 by the way?

In two years up up around 850-870%. Hell just on my btc alone in a year I'm up around 135%.

Why is the market doing great and commodities are up at the same time?

Because they are not investors, they are just middle class small time investors. Somebody always buys the peaks, and helps the others profits, that person losses everything. And that person is the small middle-class investors.

Banks and hedge funds are mostly in commodites/cash right now.

>How was 2012-2013 by the way?
4 positions taken between june and july basically paid off for the entire year, including all the losses i took (about 10) and another dozen losses i took on the Nikkei and Dax

That being said i trade futures and spot fx, using a few quantitative strategies with some discretionality. I employ an aggressive long only position trading style exclusively on indexes because i know i can get away with it (it's not like central banks are letting the whole Ponzi scheme collapse)

There have been multiple pieces of legislation passed by the house recently that deregulate banks and let them do whatever they want. Republicans aren't giving up trying to fuck everyone over yet.

Depending on where we head he'll be remembered as Clinton or Carter lite.

Obama was not that bad of a president, especially when lined up next to bush. Where he fails is how he sold out his constituency and basically continued most policies while introducing disastrous new ones. What really makes me mad is he lies or misdirects, blaming everyone but himself and the democrats and everyone believes him. Meanwhile had he been a repub he would have been grilled. I will say that he as president allowed us to weather the recession relatively well (Yes it could have been better, yes he is a crook for transferring tons and tons of money to the ws crooks). Overally that could have been much worse.

He has many mistakes, but I think bush and potentially clinton would be much worse presidents (both clintons)

You do realize that those numbers are higher because they started using food stamps for federal disaster relief and also loosened up the requirements for qualifying for food stamps, right?

This is just as fucking stupid as showing charts that track poverty level increasing when they raised the poverty line.

Adjusted for inflation, and average real long term growth, the SP500 being at 2500 would put it at pre-2008 levels. It hit 2150 today, we still have room for 20% upside. It could be even greater actually since corporate debt is being financed so cheaply.

The real issue with this crisis will be cheap debt issued to governments which will not be able to pay it back. We're in a period of time where governments are unable to raise their federal funds rates above 1% because they borrowed too much money. Many long term bond rates are negative.

Letting 5-10+ years of monetary policy to prop up assets will create a worse fallout than 2008. This time it will be worldwide too.

>What really makes me mad is he lies or misdirects, blaming everyone but himself and the democrats and everyone believes him.

The only way you could believe this is by listening entirely to right wing media idiots like Rush Limbaugh try to twist everything he says into shit that he's not actually saying. They say that they're telling you about what he REALLY means (even though he didn't actually say anything of the sort). If you actually listen to what Obama and the white house press secretary actually say then you would never have this impression. It pisses me off how people hate Obama without ever even listening to him once.

> Bush

It was Rep Jew Barney Frank that caused this

this, based leaf understands finance someone.

none of these other poltards kno much about finance or how international finance works, beyond muh jews


Correlation does not equal causation.

>Implyng that the market hasnt had billions injected into it to prevent a post-Brexit collapse?
>Implying obummer is in any way connected to this...