I unironically believe this might be the best film I've seen in 2016

I unironically believe this might be the best film I've seen in 2016

I don't get why Jim could go to Libya without a problem from Pam but when he wanted to start a company she got all bitchy about it.

Do you think she was boning that camera man while he was fighting Isis?

i fell for this bait because of threads like yours, fuck you
it was an utter shit, it has no pacing, action scenes were laughable, no violence, no blood, i rolled my eyes in every single cliched scene, besides it was like 3hs long, and people compare this garbage with SPR, hacksaw ridge and behind enemy lines
shaking my goddamn head

I had no idea what was going on when the attacks started

But Hacksaw Ridge was bad too

>tfw Rone is die

I like Bay's style even if I'm not a fan of his movies, but this and The Rock prove he can make a great action film. It's a real shame since it's clear he never gave a shit about the Transformers franchise and would obviously rather be doing something else with his time.

kys, at least hacksaw had pacing
something indispensable in movies


>Trillion dollar company

>Thousands of bases around the world

>Not a single fire extinguisher


It was a sikrit baes

even more reason to have the tools to be self sufficient

I'm sure it was great propaganda

Both plebs, Bay is bae.

>come out of the panic room to put the fire out
>terrorists find you
>next thing you know you're getting your head cut off on live stream

>Keep extinguisher in panic room

>actually live

if 13 hours was a 2/10, hacksaw ridge was a 5/10. Let's be honest, they're both in the garbage end of the spectrum

Can't remember exactly but I thought they set the fire outside the room and they were suffocating to death in their panic room

yeah I liked it a lot

further proof that CIA are the baddies

>tfw when your fallout shelter doesn't have an extinguisher

Operators are GOTA, it's not their fault the government is run by insane psychopaths Jews

but they said a million times that the operators aren't CIA. They're just mercs to protect the evil CIA who are selling weapons to terrorists

Reported to John McCain