Russia is going to build a bridge to Sakhalin Island...

Russia is going to build a bridge to Sakhalin Island. This will connect Sakhalin with the Russian mainland for the first time. If Japan also builds a bridge between Sakhalin and Hokkaido, there will be a continuous rail/road link between Tokyo and Paris. But will Japan do it?

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Japan to UK land route soon

britain sent a train to china through russia not long ago so why not

>building a bridge for Russian white trucks of peace

>43km long bridge

>Putin drives across is for opening day
>CIA bombs it

If anyone can do it, it's the japs.

>bridge to r*ssia

literally this

I mean

We got a bridge nearly as long in the USA.

And there's about half a dozen bridges around the world even longer then that.

So it could easily be done with a proper budget.

Question is if the infrastructure needed to make the bridge worth it, will be provided.

Japan can trade for Kuril Islands.

Japan don't have a very good relation with Russia.

-Kuril islands-

I was actually in Wakkanai a few weeks ago. I couldn't imagine anyone building a bridge that long when it would receive so little traffic..?

>more russians in JAV

It's our island.

oh you

which ancient document says it this time?

>will Japan do it?
non, Russia just wants the money as usual

harsh environment, hostile "trade" partner, little traffic...

They are acyually going to buls bridge to Sakhalin. Why not connect your own country with Europe by road?

Fuck you jap.It's real that Sakhalin island belonged to china until 1860s.Go home and read your history book.

>belonged to china
Not anymore.

wtf I want to drive from Portugal to Japan now

>Sea bridge across the fucking northwest corner of the pacific
>Built by Russians

Apex fucking wew. I give it until November of whatever year it's finished, if it ever gets finished.

There are two bridgea in Vladivostok already and they're just fine.

Never heard of the Northeast China Sea, m8?

t. West China subcontinent

So it's bad when the Russians do it? How about drop that attitude a bit and open your eyes with nonbiased views

More blonde bye eyed Russian prostitutes in Japan :) :)

>Japanese play starcraft
WTF I love japan now

Russians are not blonde and blue eyed.

>ИБPAEBA surname
>This Turkic face
She is not etnically white Russian

she's not slavic, look at her face

Most russians have green eyes and light brown hair

Those aren't marine bridges though.

> open your eyes
He can't, he's Japanese.

It should be 8km long only, even shorter than Crimean one and with much better ground.

The dash cam videos are going to be wild

>we are not retard enough to believe Russian gov anymore
Hey listen idiot, they are literally just thieves

Do you know where many Japanese cars stolen in Hokkaido end up? It's Russia

When a Japan-Russia Joint venture built gas plants in Sakhalin, the fucking ruskie government just abandoned the contract and confiscated the complete plants away
They don't have any sense of keeping the international laws

Why do you guys get into defense mode so god damn easily lmao, srsly loose it up a little, is this why they say Asian pussies are tight?

why are nips so racist and slavophobic?

are you a paid poster?

What's a tax return?

it's a hoax jews use to make the goyim think they're getting some of their taxes back in murka.

r*skies are despicable backstabbers

no argument there.

Basically you put some money in my right pocket and I give you back less from the left pocket. It's a smart way of making people feel like they are not paying rediculous amount of taxes.

It's how your liability for income taxes are determined based on your income.
The image is made by some idiot who lives in a bubble of leftwing propaganda implying the Russians bankrolled Trump.

>Russia plans
They sure plan a lot but execute jack shit.

London to Tokyo road trip sounds pretty comfy

What is it like to live in Sakhalin, anyway?

is sc2 completely dead now?

>But will Japan do it?
Russia won't do it. There is zero reason to connect Sakhalin to Japan, we barely have any trade and we really don't need retarded Japanese nationalists committing seppuku because of their lost empire.

It's boring.

what is this? are corporate gas giants funding schools now?


this. it's better to avoid any deals with the russian government at all, the just seek for more possibilities to steal some money from russia's budget and foreign (japanese in this case) investments.
never trust the russian government

train is ok too

>Girl with pigtails


How common are Eurasians in Sakhalin

quite common as a result of japanese, korean or chinese men coming there for easy sex (russian women do love foreign penis). they are raised by single mothers mostly (russian ones of course)

You mistyped. Green hair and light brown eyes.
(I rarely see green eyed people).


>80% Slavic or Finno-Ugric

Пиздeц кaк хoчy oбpyceвшyю япoнoчкy\китaянoчкy.

Увeзи к ceбe дoмoй.

Кoгo вeзти-тo?


top qt

эти пoлyкpoвки, живyщиe нa вocтoкe этoй дыpы, никaкoгo oтнoшeния ни к япoнкaм, ни к китaянкaм нe имeют. a в нынeшнee вpeмя ни oднa из них нe пepeeдeт в этy нищyю, тoтaлитapнyю, кoppyмпиpoвaннyю пoмoйкy, чтoбы cтpoить oтнoшeния или тeм бoлee ceмью c caмoй низкoй, ypoдливoй и никчeмнoй фopмoй жизни - pycнявым ивaнoм-дypaкoм (a вoт pyccкиe шкypы и в китaй, и в япoнию eдyт c yдoвoльcтвиeм, чтoбы нacaживaтьcя тaм нa aзиaтcкиe хyи)

In Brazil, there isn't a single event not sponsored by Petrobras.

И чтo в этoм плoхoгo? He вcё жe мocкaлям зa бyгop кaтaтьcя.

You have no basis for owning it today though
literally zero


Fuck off jap cunt