Sanderfags, I'm curious what mental gymnastics you'll use to justify this...

Sanderfags, I'm curious what mental gymnastics you'll use to justify this. He effectively just endorsed everything he was claiming to oppose in his campaign.

Other urls found in this thread:

What else was he supposed to do?

A huge portion of Sander's Reddit has been banned from the sub for ripping Bernie

Not endorse at all?

Satan, for such an upstart, your spine has eroded.

>Jew without principles

>mfw basically every single penny Reddit donated now goes to helping Hillary get elected


Pragmatism. The US system is a two-option system. You have to put your weight behind the least bad option in order to prevent the country from going to shit. Then simultaneously you try to reform from the inside (by moving the Democrats left and by including younger voters). This is the only option other than revolution.

He's been brought to heel.

I'm not surprised that Spineless Bernie caved in. I was hoping he'd run third party to take votes away from her. Are his supporters going to stand for this or are they more principled?

KEKED! also saved

HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I hate Bernie but I honestly kind of believe she's threatening him to do this. LOOK AT THAT HUG

Two party system is fucking awful.

>thanks for the money suckers, I wish you could've used it to pay your college debts, but thank you for paying for hillary's campaign.

literally endorsing someone who robbed you of your nomination while at the same time going around talking about "corruption in washington"

bernie is the biggest cuck of our lifetimes

>You have to put your weight behind the least bad option in order to prevent the country from going to shit.
But that should be Trump since Bernie claimed to be anti-establishment, like Trump, while Hillary might be literally the biggest establishment sellout in the history of politics. Bernie revealed himself to be just another puppet.


No refunds!

Except Trump is incompetent and embarrassing. Even Republicans are trying to work out how they can not get caught up in the impending train wreck. Notice how many Republicans have made themselves unavailable to be VP or unavailable for the convention. They're seeking plausible deniability.

the main excuse they seem to go with is that 'sanders influenced clinton with a more progressive agenda'. which is complete bullshit of course.

clinton is the ultimate banking/corporate whore with full wall street support. any berniebot supporting her is a total fucking hypocrite piece of shit.


^ correct

I'm was never a Bernie Sanders supporter, especially since he let one of his speeches get so easily hijacked. Bernie seemed like a nice jewish man, but a weak leader. I'm glad he's out but now we got Hilldog running and I hate her.

I wasn't going to vote Trump in the beginning but now I'll have to. Hillary must not win. Also my parents were big Bernie fags. I'll ask them what they think of this.

We should concentrate our efforts on convincing bernie people that there is still a anit-establishment candidate left.

Bernie Sanders does not have a high net worth.

Its estimated that he and his wife have a net worth of around $800,000. And that's including his house.

its not difficult to buy off someone with such a low net worth for a major political figure. he was probably just bribed by the Clinton administration. Either that, or threatened with losing his pension. The Clinton foundation most likely threatened Director Comey's pension as well.

It's fairly obvious that his endorsement was an act of "well at least she's not trump". I doubt he likes her, and I sincerely doubt that most democrats like her either.

He endorsed because Hillary is far, far closer to him than Drumpf will ever be. He also knows the severe situation we face in this country with blacks getting killed over nothing and racism running amok. He is totally justified endorsing her, and I don't care what any butthurt says.

Everyone who isn't Drumpf needs to join in solidarity to keep him out, or we are going to see the whole country gone.

Those Republicans who don't support Trump are part of the same globalist establishment which is selling out this country. The fact is Trump is the only anti-globalist major party nominee we've had in decades, and every American who doesn't want this country to fall under their tyrannical control (more than it already has) should be voting for and endorsing Trump. Bernie has probably always been with the enemy.

"Political Pressure"

>$800,000 net worth
Jesus fucking Christ even I have more than that. I thought jews were good with money?

Probably going to be 50/50 split.

r-r-Ron paul!! :( *sheds tears*

>vote for the billionaire that wants to cut taxes and to reduce national healthcare coverage by repealing the aca

It amuses me how delusional Trumpets are.

His family is being held hostage . . .

Just think about this for a second. Putting conspiracies aside. It is Clinton's turn. If Bernie ran third part, he would steal votes. Do you think the Clinton machine would allow that?

fuck off, cuck

dude its for votes..
They are "beaten" and desperate it doesnt take much..


This actually kinda hurts. I liked Bernie's anti establishment message, and though I didn't entirely agree with his beliefs, I thought he had good intentions, which is rare in U.S. politics.

I never thought I'd say this, but is Trump really the right answer? I just find it hard to believe a businessman who has been playing the media could actually mean what he says in regards to his anti establishment, anti globalist, anti corruption policies.

He lives!

>I sincerely doubt that most democrats like her either.
They won't show up to vote. There will be huge attrition and morale issues for Hillary voters they won't be as determined to get out and vote.

Trump has this in the bag.

Run 3rd party with Jill Stien. All this proves is that he's a fraud. Bern-victims are acting like he doesn't have a choice.

Calm down nigger. They're not dumb enough to help Drumpf win. You should have expected this.

It's easy to understand. He's bought the idea that Trump is the anti-Christ, so the rational option is the lesser of two evils.
It's the same stick the neoliberals have been able to use to maintain control of the Democratic Party since Reagan obliterated Mondale. "Sure, we're corporatist swine, but the Republicans are corporatist swine, and they're rayciss."

and give the right advantage??? are you 12?

So you don't know if you believe Trump is for real. Fine. But you do know for sure that Hillary is a corrupt fraud. Are you really going to vote for the person you know is corrupt, instead of the person who might be corrupt?

I don't like it either but in a government like ours, it is the natural end result

Regretfully I feel like globalization is the only way we can go. We're either going to live in fear of our neighbors/other countries or we're going to have laws in place that bring us all together by force. It makes sense, we're never going to become space-faring race and colonize the stars if we can't even get all the countries to unite as one.
But because people are so shit the only people globalization really benefits are those at the top. Then they just seal themselves off in expensive cities/private properties with assets in remote islands with no laws to force them to put the money back into the system.

If he dident endorse her or ran third party they would have blamed him for decades for trump wining.

Being rich doesn't make Trump a globalist. Being a Globalist is about supporting their agenda to destroy the west through an immigrant invasion. Trump has openly talked about stopping the invasion at great harm to his reputation thanks to all the cucks out there. He wouldn't do that to himself if he didn't intend to follow through.

Sanders doesn't has any principles, even the GOP candidates Bush, Romney, Kasich, Cruz and Rubio have refused to endorse Trump.

Well with Shillary we know that she's a corrupt fraud and will do the same shit that Obongo's been doing.
But we really don't know what Trump will do, or how he will make America great again.
[spoiler]Building the wall doesn't count, we all know it's not really going to happen[/spoiler]

Not a bernout, but from it seems, the only way he gets any voice at all in changing the Democratic platform leveraging his votes, is by endorsing Hillary. If he runs independent, it would significantly split the votes that would otherwise end up with Hillary: the people who jumped ship to HIllary anticipating the endorsement would probably jump right back on to the Sanders crew. That's why, in the week or so leading up to the endorsement, you see Hillary change her rhetoric to appease the Sanders camp: it's a shit game of brinksmanship.

Of course, now that the endorsement's through, Shillary will go right on back to being a Wall-Street Whore, and the DNC will probably ignore all of Sanders calls anyways. The endorsement's not binding, but the media will play that hype up to drown out any chances of Sanders disavowing from Hillary if she reneges.


>the only people globalization really benefits are those at the top
That's the problem. In the end, globalism makes everyone end up worse than now except the 0.0000001% who get all our wealth and power and use it to enslave us. The sad part is how many people are supporting their own future destruction, most of them without realizing it.

Reddit is going pretty nuts. I just love this. Surely most of them will see through the lies and wake up before the General Election. The division could secure Trump the Presidency. Hillary is much more of a warhawk than him, the media can't keep bullshitting everyone about that forever.

I've been following Bernie since the beginning. I like his ideas, because I want everyone to have a better quality of life.

But over time, through Sup Forums and the Republican debates, I saw him as not a strong example of the kind of leader we needed.

If he was the nominee, I probably would have voted for him. But as he said himself, he can't control how people vote.
I'll either go third party or Trump, depending on trumps vp and what else happens til november

>"Come Bernie it's all over now, don''t you feel good that you resisted?"

> nigger
> a leaf

Who the fuck gave you permission to use OUR word?

The globalists are like immature kids, they can sit at the table and play as long it goes their way but as soon as they start losing they just throw a temper tantrum, kicks the tables and throws away the pieces.

If its looking like Trump is winning they will just use BLM useful idiots to start riots and then they will use snipers (Just like in Ukraine, Syrian, Libya etc) to escalate the violence between police and protesters and create an excuse for martial law.

If it looks like Trump might win there won't be an election.

I am currently going through TYT's run on anti Hillary stuff, those Bernie interviews.

Trying to find that short promo they did about how rigged the Hillary vs Bernie election was. They seem to be making a documentary on it.

I really wanna see how they slow turn Pro-Hillary. And telling ppl that Hillary is the best hope for America. With a Straight face.

Anyone But Trump 2016

The amount of $hills in this thread is insane.

They refused to endorse him to help him maintain his "anti-establishment" reputation.

This was so obviously going to happen
Basically when he got confirmed of getting BTFO by hillary and not being able to compete he switched all his arguments to solely be about Trump while he 'mysteriously' never mentioned Hillary despite shit hitting the fan with all her leaks
You could see this happening months ago

But fuck me if this butthurt isnt delicious

>you'll use to justify this.

It's going to be a good night for alcohol sales.

Pretty much this.

Careful, shills like this will be out in full force today, don't gt distracted, faggots.



He was just holding out to get some sort of deal behind closed doors. He's a fucking kike after all.

yeah they actually love him and the political infighting is for funsies

>GOP actively trying to oust Trump
>Long time Republican leaders and voters leaving party
>Nah man Hillary's toast
You're the type of who doesn't even realize he's been cucked.


>B-but muh memes
>Muh social media

Explains why he stayed campaigning even though Clinton was a done deal.

>two party

Adorable you think the two parties are in any way different.

Yeah they actually love him because the last 2 elections they got btfo so now they want to try something different so they try to pretend that he's like OMG totally crazy and outrageous and not at all part of the establishment.

It's ironic but the globalist infiltration of our government has gotten so bad that even the 3rd parties are under their heel (look at how closely their policies mirror the globalist agenda), and the only one free of their influence is a major party nominee, Trump. A vote for a 3rd party is as bad as a vote for Hillary, it's a vote to surrender our sovereignty and give away any freedom we have left.

It's simple. As bad as Hillary is, Trump is worse. He won't run third party or split the democratic vote because it would hand Trump the presidency.

He stayed in as long as he did to have influence on the platform, which he got 80% of what he wanted on the democratic platform. He's also an option for VP.

>muh partisan jew party politics matter more than ethics and principles

That's because as far as they're concerned, Trump is destroying their party and they really don't have a lesser of two evils to pick from between Hillary or Trump. Both of them are nightmare scenario candidates for them.

I wonder should it be close if hillary is willing to get him killed before the election to get sympathy votes
Actually no i am not wondering..

Great video, and more proof that Trump is genuine. He wouldn't publically name the globalist menace and put himself at the top of their list of enemies if he didn't mean everything he's been saying about stopping them and their agenda.


I just read what you wrote in the tone of a sportscaster which sends shivers down my spine imagining a future where politics is just a game.

oh damn it... I'm too late for that one, too, aren't I?


Politics is one of the oldest games in the world user.

>give the right advantage

Both are literally a poison.

I liked bernie, but i would never consider myself a sanderfag. Its obvious he wants to defeat trump, and hillary is the only one who can do that now.

>"Real Mayonnaise"
>No fucking Mustard of Dijon
>White cum-like industrial shit
>fucking americans

Pathetic. It just proves he's a massive phoney. If he really cared about the cause he was fighting for he would have given up the anti-Trump charade and told his supporters (who vote anti-establishment) to vote for the anti-establishment candidate.

I guess he knows he'd be thrown out of the dems if he supported a Republican and he wants to try again next election? If he even lives that long

>buying off a 75 year old jew

At his age, he probably doesn't have much use for money. Maybe a cabinet spot, or a promise not to (((suddenly and mysteriously))) die.


I actually feel bad for the guy. Maybe he needs testosterone injections or something?

The Gutman bernbot uses fear mongering and weak rationalization to justify getting behind one of the most corrupt politicians in US history.

It's fine though, your savior doesn't have much life left in him and he's gonna be less than a footnote in history. Toe the Democrat line, good boy.

>Yes, that's right. Tow the company line.

Here's what you Bernie faggots are going to do. You'll bitch for a while, then, when the time comes, you are going to shut the fuck up and tow the battleship Hillary into the harbor. That's right. Shut the fuck up kids, grow up, and shill for Hill. You wanna know why you going to vote for her? Because she'll have a (D) in front of her name come poll time. So listen dumbfucks. Bernie's gone, your money is gone, so you are all going to FALL IN LINE and vote for her. No refunds! Because as you all know, you have to vote Democrat if you want to be a good person. Your idiot friends and the TV said so.

True, but one is popular with blacks and the other is popular with whites. Therefore, Bernie a real nigga.

How do people like you even exist, do you honestly take everything at face value and haven't ever taken the time to actually research the facts as to why these mongoloids are getting shot over "Nothing".

I know for a fact that you were a Bernie fag, anyone as spineless as you must have gotten on that bandwagon. So just actually take a second to look at the candidate "Bernie the Cuck" has chosen to support now. Just the other day Hillary got out of a federal fucking crime, She's actually used the term "Colored people" in public, and her campaign is funded by big money, She is everything Bernie was so adamantly opposed to and yet he has changed his tune seemingly overnight.

What's this "no refunds" meme?