If the protagonist was white instead of black, every one of the white characters was replaced with a Jew...

If the protagonist was white instead of black, every one of the white characters was replaced with a Jew, this would straight up be a Nazi-era propaganda flick.

Other urls found in this thread:


loved AW in this film

>changing the context of something creates a different message and effect
>not all actions are equivocal in all contexts

And there it is. The first limp-wristed, faggot lefty latté-sipping miscreant reply.

Pic related, eternal douchebag. It's YOU.

literally commit suicide you repulsive shill faggot

>making a movie about how a bunch of seemingly friendly people who all happen to be a member of the same race are secretly plotting against you is ok when it's one race, but racist when it's another
Oh, and Jordan Peele explicitly said Get Out was supposed to be about the 'everyday racism' he faces as a black man, too.

is get out posting the hottest meme of 2017?

>between 20 and 30
>wears glasses
>premature balding

What did they mean by this? Pretty sure around half of Sup Forums looks like this.

This is such a mind-numbing vacuous term. Just call it a white knight. Why do you faggots like to come up with a new buzzword for the same shit and then bandwagon it just to act like you're fitting in?

Same thing with special snowflake. We already have attentionwhore.

How's that patronage to Brianna coming along?

don't bother
liberals are immune to irony and self reflection

>trips twice

Well then, thread's over folks. Looks like I won it.

See, I don't even know who the fuck that is yet you're ready to paint anyone you dislike with that brush as a ready-to-go insult. If you're trying to use it as a term for guys sucking up to girls, you have fucking white knight already.

its been done

If the protagonist was Roman instead of black, every one of the white characters was replaced with a Carthaginian, this would straight up be a Roman-era propaganda flick.

Yeah, except Get Out is explicitly about ethnicity and not about nationality, so the Nazi comparison is more apt.

>muh white genocide

The fact that an millionaire black man can bleat about how he's oppressed by his daily interactions with white people and be applauded by liberals is pretty strange, to say the least.

Sauce on this please.

>“For while when we had a black president, we were living in this post-racial lie,” he added. “The idea of, ‘We’re past it – we’re past it all!’ For me, and for many people out there – as all black people know – there’s racism. I experience it on an everyday basis. This movie was meant to reveal that there’s this monster of racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations.”


Holy fuck.

I'm having a hard time seeing the director's "satire" angle. You know, the one where he claimed the movie was supposed to be about how certain uber left leaning people are racist too, somehow.

It's all so tiresome these days.

Add brown and you'd be right

Trips of truth

Did you guys watch the movie? For example, there's a reason there was an East Asian guy among the white people at the meetup. He asks if the black experience is a pro or a con, because of the way black people are able to pervade popular culture easier yet in terms of acceptance by white people Asians as a minority group aren't given the same disrespect as black people are given when any mode of racial superiority is brought up.

Well, Jordan Peele seems pretty open about regarding himself as a perpetual victim outside of his movie, m8.


>in terms of acceptance by people Asians as a minority group aren't given the same disrespect as black people


And now let's consider why that is. And afterward ask ourselves, as normal black people, why we cry racism in the face of a worldwide consensus when it is our own people who're presenting this ignorant, violent, amoral image to the world?

It's not so much that he's feeling sorry for himself as trying to capture what he imagines other blacks are going through as well. He has the the capability to tell this kind of story so he is. If everyone well off enough to put something out there that people pay attention to just embraced their good standing and called it a day you wouldn't hear about issues in the first place.

It's kind of the opposite of the glamorized rap industry. Look at how they get by just bragging about their money or gangster status and don't often talk about relatable problems. I'd rather hear about problems other people suffer than about your own comfort when it comes to reflection.


You ever notice how angry openly racist people get when someone says that racism exists?

He literally claimed to be a victim of racism on a daily basis as a fucking millionaire. The amount of self-pity from the privileged that you're willing to endure while claiming to care about the less fortunate just because it adheres to a certain racial narrative speaks for itself, faggot.

Of course racism exists. Get Out is a racist movie and liberals are celebrating it because they hate white people.

Delusional niggers gonna delusional

I'm pretty confident it's just the scope narrowed on the ones who do cry out because they're the ones crying out in the first place. I know many black people who don't play the victim card because they want to see if they can get by on their own capabilities without help. Some do well, some actually do meet suspiciously racial blockades in their way. But the point is, you're not going to hear from the quiet ones.


It's his delusional nigger entitlement speaking
Everything is "racism" to the blacks

If you're talking about that quote from he does take the scope outward, hence mentioning "for many people out there". He's not just talking about himself, but including himself because I'm sure he does see it. And look, the other thing is, racism isn't always anti-white. He's mixed, and probably gets shit from black people too.

>He's mixed, and probably gets shit from black people too.
Yeah, but he's not saying that, and neither is his movie. As far as the conversation he is advancing is concerned, racism is something that white people perpetuate on blacks. Even blacks who can buy and sell the average white person like Jordan Peele, apparently.


Anger can also manifest itself as passive aggression, just sayin' yo.

Jordan Peele doesn't deal with average white people. He deals with WASPs and Jews.

If Jordan people doesn't deal with average white people, he really has no basis to talk about what other people experience, does he?

And I'm specifically speaking about the everyday racism comment.

If you want to talk about the movie, I already brought up how he weaved in an Asian person to show that it's not just white people, let alone white bigoted people. The father in the movie says he voted for Obama among other 'pro-black' comments, but it's about taking things the wrong way or phrasing communication questionably.

He's only been rich for a few years.


>black people have an inferiority complex
>they must be elevated above everyone to feel equal
>there are millions of black people in america right now who unironically believe the government should take your (and parents) home, cars and money and give it to them as reparations

god bless, lmao.

>The father in the movie says he voted for Obama among other 'pro-black' comments, but it's about taking things the wrong way or phrasing communication questionably.
Which is why it's such bullshit. Racism is just being awkwardly nice to a black person while being a race other than black now, which begs the question as to why it's even something we should care about.

>some actually do meet suspiciously racial blockades
like what?
Not getting the job?
>Boohoo-hoo it's because I'm black isn't it?
Or maybe there was simply someone more qualified.

That's why it's satire. It makes fun of those kinds of exchanges that pacify surface relations that don't really mean anything when the family had far more sinister plans for the black guy. It makes fun of appropriation of black culture. The racism in the movie isn't as explicit as you're thinking. They don't hate him because he's black. But he's parodying the situation of this white family trying to get along with the times but going about it the wrong way. The horror is in the ends they're going to to do that. Racism still exists, hence the cop scene, but he's drawing attention to the family as the main issue, which is again the satire.

No, like being treated differently by law enforcement unjustly or being told they shouldn't be bothering with the SAT or STEM fields.

>if thing was different it would be different
Holy shit you're blowing my goddamn neurons here


>No, like being treated differently by law enforcement unjustly
>What are crime statistics

>or being told they shouldn't be bothering with the SAT or STEM fields.
>Someone gave me advice on what to pursue - oh noes! racism!

God the level of anti-white sentiment in American media is starting to get really unsettling. I wish I weren't white. In fact, I'm gonna get a blood test to confirm the likely scenario that my grandma was jewish, and maybe see if I can move to the chosen land.

It's just getting too weird and racist here.

>>What are crime statistics
That's a good question. What ARE crime statistics to you? Is that license to treat a set of people a certain way before individual provocation? And on top of that, I hope you realize black people already have an unnecessarily bloated tie-in with the criminal system. Judges selling black men to prisons, cops meeting quotas and exploiting black people to do it, cops booking black kids because their initial accusations were wrong and then being able to dismiss resistance to the unjust arrest as disorderly conduct, etc.

>>Someone gave me advice on what to pursue - oh noes! racism!
Sounds like you're just being obtuse now. Why the fuck would I mention it if it were a light-hearted nudge?

That's a lot of good fiction you wrote up there, pats on the backs all around.

>Why the fuck would I mention it if it were a light-hearted nudge
Because you're a retard that are posting in defense of racism for good boy points.

I don't have a single reason to believe anything you say, and you're most likely withholding details of these "incidents" to increase the "effect".
It won't work here.

Wasn't this movie a satyre of white liberals tho?

yeah these dudes look like alt-righters

Listen reddit, you don't make a meme by calling it a meme. That's called a forced meme, and its pathetic. Please kill yourself.

So here's my problems with it, and it's got some spoilers.

I get that it's supposed to show that even though it's not "shotgun on a porch" racism, the token black guy is still uncomfortable because of people treating him differently, making judgements about his genes and capabilities. But the coagula project isn't exactly racist in his case. He has a gift for photography. A blind guy (who unless we were shown that the family only lures black folk to use) only sees this guy for his talent, beyond race. It takes away from the message.

And the grandpa who invented the procedure. Guy probably spent decades perfecting the technique and passing it on to his son. Next obvious step is to lure a strong black man so he can do manual labor and he and his wife can be "the help" for the rest of their lives. The "powerful white men" that partake in the operation become a caricature of how black people assume they'll be treated in racist rural areas, regardless of the contents of character (aka being an old white person implanted into a body).

And finally. When the white girl is looking for her next victim, she googles "top ncaa picks". And all ten are black. This is affirming what peele was trying to say is bad, that we shouldn't assume that black people are only good for physical activity. But lo and behold, when you search for athletes, black people come up as the top result. His reflection of reality justifies the families view

because you're too stupid :(

20$ well spent imo shit was crazy to watch while high

Come up with your own terms at least.

Honestly I'm surprised this movie isn't in Sup Forums's top 10. Aside from the acting and the writing, it rips sjw a new asshole by calling out how creepy it is that white liberals constantly put black people on a pedestal

Liberals celebrate it because it beats whitie the fuck out

The rest of the world celebrate because it beats liberals out. It's pottery

You do realize that racists don't stop being racist just because you win the lottery, right? They might not burn a cross on your yard, but they're gonna throw some shade at you now and again if they can get away with it

Wow, if I change the characters it totally changes the context!

How thought provoking. Really makes you think.

So you just refuse to believe facts then.

>Because you're a retard that are posting in defense of racism for good boy points.

Honestly believing this puts you nowhere argumentatively. I can say you're assuming the worst out of all black people and not relenting one lick just because it gets you good boy points with friends on Sup Forums. You see how assumptions work?

>I don't have a single reason to believe anything you say, and you're most likely withholding details of these "incidents" to increase the "effect".

You don't have to believe me. You can look this shit up online -- this isn't some fairy tale anecdote. The fact of the matter is people like you who think black people suffer nothing at all nowadays are so out of touch you're the reason they come up with terms like white privilege. You have your head up your ass if you don't see what's going on around you. Yeah there are black people who exploit for attention, but if you actually think they're all like that and there's no such thing as black victimization in the current state of the country you're just willfully ignorant. I don't know how else to put it. The information is all there.

No. Idiots like you would assume that and not watch it just like you are now thinking its liberal cuck propaganda

So you've given up and resorted to shitposting now?
Alright, enjoy your fantasy land.

There's always exactly one movie every year that persistently haunts Sup Forums. Not in the sense that it spawns memes, but in that it greatly upsets and confuses people and spawns discussion, that while not necessarily intelligent, is quite serious and sincere. Not sure if Get Out will be this year's example but if nothing else comes out it probably will be.

im pol and i thought it was good

Why do people like you exist? You're a bitter son of a bitch who actively rejects all notions that people on the 'other side' can be suffering.

white people, I'm TSA

Whiney little man children get triggered over a movie.

And SJWs are supposed to be the cancer killing western civilisation? No, it's all you.

All the time.

>waah waah people won't believe me on the internet!
I've given you plenty of opportunities to present just a glimpse of evidence of any of the things you've said, yet you refuse.

>That scene where he goes through her photos and sees all her Black boyfriends

White people cant tell which black person is rich or not. They all look black to them. Michael Jackson was the only exception.

>Blind character in the only one immune to racism

What did they mean by this?
Seriously I want to know.



>what are crime statistics
Well, if there was a certain type of animal that's known for attacking humans without the slightest provocation I'd be wary of that nig-animal.

Goverments also gave white people the land and homes of Amerindians and blacks back in the day, too. You afraid whites gonna get bit in the ass for it?


America is a really racist country, I went there for like a week and on the third day some people yelled out NIGGER! from their car while I was out walking on the street, this would never happen in the UK.

Also everyone was smiling and happy all the time really creepy country.

>But...but why Black people?
>I don't know man I'm blind and I just want to see.

I'm seriously getting fucking tired of seeing that crying nigger face on Sup Forums's catalog

How do you want me to prove anecdotal evidence to you?

And as for the other things, you've never made yourself open to these things, just mocked them. You could have just asked for examples outright instead of playing the fool.




This shit's been going on all the time. Do you even pay attention to the news or do you live in a bubble?

Why not move to a town that only has white people so you can leave your doors unlocked at night?

>It's OK when one group does it but not the other group.

No, that's typically referred to as a double-standard, and double-standards dealing with race are typically called racism.

What are these links supposed to prove?

Let's watch something a little more informative.

>Judges selling black men to prisons, cops meeting quotas and exploiting black people to do it, cops booking black kids because their initial accusations were wrong and then being able to dismiss resistance to the unjust arrest as disorderly conduct

So tl;dr shit that doesn't happen, and everybody knows is your Persecution-Complex outside of a Black Tantrums Matter meeting?

>openly racist people

You mean Liberals?

Just like any progressive liberal, eh? :^)

>Wow, if I change the characters it totally changes the context!

Why would changing the races "change the context"?

I thought all races were equal?

And if changing the races changes the context, then racebending fictional characters it outright wrong.

>Liberals routinely do things where if the races were reversed they'd be screaming "NAZISM"

So what else is new?

Leftists are MASSIVE fucking hypocrites with an amazing amount of fact-blindness and a complete immunity to detecting irony.

Case in point: Swap the words "black" and "white" in this image, and then imagine it was posted at any sort of """alt-right""" event (i.e. literally anything not associated with SJW cultism these days), and guess how long before "controversy" about it would be all over CNN, MSNBC, social media, etc. with heaped piles of outrage and declarations of how it proves how "real" racism is.

That law enforcement is overreaching, much to the injustice of black lives. Don't be dense.

You don't have to convince me that more crimes are committed by blacks than whites, since I actually go to the bureau of justice for my statistical sources and know that they do. That doesn't change the argument of racial injustice against black people actually occurring today. Especially since the numbers your video is purporting aren't even as staggering as the guy claims, that just sounds like propaganda the way he's expanding it.

See the links. Or google it for yourself if you want examples.

Except we don't reject the notion that you guys suffer. Liberals actually have compassion. It's just infuriating to see your disrespect of suffering on our side.

>He unironically uses the term "nu-male"

So, in essence: blacks commit more crime and you're OK with that.

Got it.

Am I missing something or are you a schizophrenic?
You know that blacks commit more crimes than the rest of the population, yet you dismiss this issue by saying it's the po-lice's fault since dey rayciss?
And your evidence for the po-lice being racist is a bit of youtube videos which doesn't show a whole lot anyways.
Furthermore you linked a wikipedia article which didn't mention anything about blacks being targetted, and furthermore the parties involved were sentenced and punished, so I'm not even sure what that's going to prove.

>That law enforcement is overreaching, much to the injustice of black lives.

Funny how neither statistics or even basic logic backs this up.

Suck that Shaun King dick nice and hard though.