Damn... Made me actually think

Damn... Made me actually think

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So the white man has gout and the black chick has Elephantiasis.



the fuck

I don't get it

I don't know. It's difficult to top the original.

The shit is real deep, yo

It was just an exploitable.

Wait hes talking about Paris but thinking about NY while she is talking about cigarettes?

i dont get it either. do people just share stupid shit like this to make themselves feel smarter because other people won't get it?

> I wish I had an empire.
> Instead of just an eyeful.

> FAG!

Negros don't think?

>Cropped Comics

Hightly Rated Post

And in that, it perfectly explains white privilege.

Get on the right side of history bigot

Pretty much had to


Where the full comic?


If anyone wants to know where I got the comic

cow tools

> I want to go to Paris
>(But I secretly want to go to the Empire State Building)

>I want anthropomorphic cigarettes

Genuinely forced me to consider for sure.

At least they're being safe.

Yea, I don't get it either.

No lie, I am thinking really fucking hard rn


I give up. I've been staring at this image for too long by now, but I still can't figure it out.

I'm guessing the white guy has seen the Eiffel Tower and is thinking of seeing the Empire State Building. The black woman has only seen a cartoon cigarette.

How this is white privilege I don't know.

>I want anthropomorphic cigarettes

C-could it be possible that the author meant it as.... Sarcasm?! As though to imply that the concept is neither simple nor makes sense?

The white guy has the privilege of knowing of or traveling to other countries while the black girl can only think about cigarettes because of low education or little money?
It's the only thing I get from this pic I don't get it.

>I really like buildings
"Excuse me do you like buildings, like the Eiffel tower?"

"Happy cigarette man going to work!"

What's the meaning of the man's huge feet and the woman's massive hands though? Are the cigarette man's suitcase and businessman's hat relevant for deciphering the picture? Why are there three moons? What does any of this have to do with white privilege? Why is it labeled as "one simple image" when it's pretty difficult to understand?

So far this is my favourite explanation.

I think the idea is that it's impossible to truly describe something which doesn't exist.

I have been trying real hard for the past 20 minutes, but I don't understand the OP image and I am not a dumb guy.

Someone explain.


What the actual fuck is going on in that picture

Damn son. Where'd ya find this?

The fuck?