Should the minimum wage be raised?

Should the minimum wage be raised?


I don't know but Karenposting should be bannable


remove minimum wage imo. you shouldn't try to make a living off of minimum wage jobs. that's for teenagers, old people looking for something to do, and college kids looking for beer money

it'll open up negotiations more, and employees that aren't shit, show up for work on time, and earn their pay will be able to negotiate for that $15/hour. if you expect $15/hour for being a lazy piece of shit, tough luck.

depends where you live i guess

$7.25/hr in the southeast is hilarious slavery/child labor though

Yes. If someone works a full-time job, they should at least be able to support 3 people. Inflation has outpaced wage growth, and when you look at productivity increase over the last couple decades it really looks like workers deserve more.

>lowering wages will increase wages
>fuck poor people they should all die

you get what you pay for. if you think you'll get loyal employees that won't steal shit for $2/hour, you'll learn quick from your mistake.

it's not fuck poor people. it's fuck people that are genuine human trash. a hard-working employee, and a shitty one shouldn't make the same minimum wage.

Only with inflation and perhaps with the rising cost of living.

but they will both make the same.. they will make whatever the minimum is

"fight for 15" is a joke but states paying people $7/hr is fucking criminal. people work the minimum hours (20 a week) and collect government benefits for everything else

no reason my taxes should be supporting niggers that have jobs so mcdonalds can turn a higher profit margin

Yes because it will speed up automation

It should be lowered. I want everyone that has a worse job than than me to not even be able to afford a bike. I want them to walk.

Should the minimum wage be abolished?

Only if you want to work in a sweatshop.

No because it wouldn't change anything besides useless discussion

The jobs ain't comin back


fuck globalization. trump will make white people great again

it depends on each state
more expensive cost of living states like CA should have higher

I think the correct question is if you work are you deserving of being paid enough to afford basic necessities like housing...etc

And I think so, there is no excuse for someone having to work 40 hours and still not able to afford the most basic of necessities.

> raises the minimum wage
> less workers and/or inflation
whoopsie daisy


>less workers being paid more is a bad thing

shut the fuck up you globalist jew

Yes, that means that less people have jobs, and that there would be more welfare
Unless we're talking about a technocracy or something but the world is not this advanced yet
> globalist jew
what the fuck does this have to do with globalism you nazi basement dweller piece of crap

the people working for minimum wage now are still on fucking welfare faggot

minimum wage should be enough to support yourself with no government subsistence. whats the fucking point of going to work if it doesn't pay the bills.

this world needs less people being paid more but faggots like you would rather see millions of uneducated foreigners shitting in the streets making $3/hr

>that means that less people have jobs
>If wages go up, jobs go down
There is actually very little historical evidence to support that claim.

I'd prefer the federal minimum wage be abolished. I'd like states as well, but that is to the prerogative of an individual state

kill yourself

Yes please, we would get our jobs back.

It should be up to the city.

Cost of living is not the same in both San Francisco and rural Texas.

Should minimum wage exist?

No unless you want robots to work for you. Let local governments decide.

Should Karen be raped?

This is the real question that needs to be bottomed out Minnesota time.

Abolished along with all forms of welfare. A universal basic income should replace it and that's it. No incentivizing of behavior through well fare state, a simple unbiased small amount of money everyone receives each month. No more money for dem programs, and no restrictions on the ability to sell ones labor.

The wage isnt the problem. Its the value of your money. They have raped the dollar for the past 40+ years. A factory worker could reasonable support his family back then. Now you are almost required to have mom and dad working to get by. Yes we have more shit now, but thats only a small portion of the problem.

It should probably be removed, there's literally no positive economic change when minimum wage is increased.

Not necessarily the value of money, but all the regulations that impose costs on businesses which ultimately take from the bottom line. We like to think we're helping the little guy with labor rights, but ultimately it will lower their wages when businesses have to satisfy safer work area regulations. I'm not against safe labor practices, and employees can request them if they are willing to lower their wages a small percentage to have them, but with the current laws employees don't even have the option to choice a higher-paying dangerous job or a lower-paying safer job. And I didn't even touch on hidden taxes like payroll and corporate taxes.

Maybe they should have to work 60 hours a week.

a lot of people do

$7.25 x 60 = ~$400 after taxes

this is why the niggers riot and break the law. they can either make $400 for working 60 hours or they can go sell weed and make $400 in an hour.