BLM is another OCCUPY and we have good ol' fashioned YELLOW JOURNALISM to thank

BLM is another OCCUPY and we have good ol' fashioned YELLOW JOURNALISM to thank.

The radical protests of BLM in recent weeks is sharing striking similarities with the Occupy protests. And MSM is milking it for everything it is worth. Here is the way I see it.

1. BLM, like OCCUPY, obfuscates it's organization as a tactic to prevent direct criticism. You can't make demands of BLM, only BLM can make demands on you.

2. BLM, like OCCUPY, is not interested in real world solution. It is only interested in changing the public conversation. BLM only seeks remembrance. There are no imperatives to make into policy.

3. BLM, like OCCUPY, has relied heavily on MSM dependency of social media. BLM drives social media to which MSM reacts to. It is a mutual relationship. BLM get's headlines, MSM get's readership.

BLM will amount to nothing. Let me be clear, BLM WILL AMOUNT TO NOTHING. It will fade away into obscurity and at most become a small footnote only to those interested in the trivial parts of history. No answers will come to BLM or to any who object or opposed to it. And why should it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Personally I think there are three reasons BLM is meaningless and forgettable.

1. It's made for and by social media narcissists. Its vocal participants all exhibit the same motivation: to be noticed. Its social media buzz is done strictly for the sake of generating buzz. Nothing else is aimed at beyond getting the attention. Complete silence. No follow up. No big picture argument. They just want your attention.

2. Both proponents and opponents of BLM are narcissistic. Narcissists don't like to have their world view changed. Both will fight to bitter end that their side is right. That their statistic are the right ones not the other side.

3. And because of those two factors the whole thing will fizzle out. People will get bored of something that doesn't do anything or go anywhere, it just repeats itself over and over and over.

To any and all BLM people, here is the most importance question you must ask yourself:

Why should the world care?





Is it possible to be racist but love black women?


? Are you implying she's not black because...

fine as FUCK
Whites would consider this black, yes. In 1790 if this girl was accused of being a slave, she would be put into slavery.

Fucking HOT


bump because this thread is one of the few truths on Sup Forums

Who's this semen demen?

Is it okay for whites to a have black wife?

whitopia confirmed by trips



They're both Bolshevik agitation groups funded by George Soros

Generic model for an escort ad. You're not gonna find more.

She's black only if you're going by one drop rule.

you should talk to kevin from nothiefsallowed on youtube

also pic is (You)

>You can't make demands of BLM, only BLM can make demands on you.

What demands is BLM making of me?

Token black women from playboy

blm and occupy are related to eachother through the now defunct acorn, which has ties to obama directly