1. your country

1. your country

2. can you sing your national anthem?

1. flag
2. No :DDD

>no Spaniard can say yes to this
Cannot fabricate

oh ganada.... i dond remember da resd :DDD

We can sing the anthems of our meme sub-nations.

Easiest of them all

I know it by heart.

I don't even remember the first verse


Can you help me finding an anthem? I think it goes
>hhun hum hum hum huhuhuhuhuhuhuhum

pretty much everyone can

no one fucking knows the full version tho, since usually only the first verse is played

Wonder why

Yeah, it's pretty easy to remember

I can't sing altogether. But I do know the words.

anyone below 70% on that map is cuck

used to sing it everyday at school but i forgot

Yeah. Pretty much everyone here knows it.

Not all the verses but the 3 we usually sing, yes

I'm surprised that even that many would actually fight for this pathetic shithole

I know the verses that are usually sang, but I don't know the entire thing.

1. Canada

2.) Yes, in French and English

I thought britts were really nationalisic and brave

Yes, but only the 2 verses that are most often sung.
Most people only know the first of the fifteen verses.



I guess that's why they have a fucking dictator now
>I'd fight for my country
>but not if it requires fighting for my country

Fucking sand people I swear

2.Literally first thing that our all television and radio stations broadcast in early morning is nationalistic song and anthem and it is compulsory to sing national anthem in assembly.So yes

I had to learn it at school, unfortunately.

What is your percentage?

No.pretty much nobody knows it

Aside from Christina Aguilera

Never learned it at school lmao


Usaians are cucks

I can but I'd rather not

The world super power by 2030 isn't a meme

Yes, the full Albanian AND Kosovan anthem

Tbf I think most Americans assume "fighting for your country" means going to some random place tens of thousands of miles away which emotionally doesn't really matter. If we're talking about a serious war like when Japan actually made it to our shores somehow it was not entirely uncommon to kill yourself if you were not fit for combat or couldn't go for some reason. Then again that was the 40s. I can 100% guarantee you if there was a war on our land somehow this place would become an angry hornets nest.



Love my cunt, but would never die for it.

I used to sing it at school, It's pretty long and split into two parts. I still remember the first part because it's sang during some events.

>Number of liars per nation state.

what are trying to say lol
why would people here not fight if it required them to fight
>haha look at these sand niggers not surrendering their country LOL

the TÜRK gets it
praise tengri

based FINNs are not cucks like amerifats
praise tengri indeed

Fear not! For the crimson flag that proudly ripples in this glorious twilight, shall never fade,
Before the last fiery hearth that is ablaze within my nation is extinguished.
For that is the star of my nation, and it will forever shine;
It is mine; and solely belongs to my valiant nation.
Frown not, I beseech you, oh thou coy crescent,
Smile upon my heroic race! Why the anger, why the rage?
Our blood which we shed for you might not be worthy otherwise;
For freedom is the absolute right of my God-worshipping nation.

I have been free since the beginning and forever shall be so.
What madman shall put me in chains! I defy the very idea!
I’m like the roaring flood; trampling and overflowing my dyke (weir),
I’ll tear apart the mountains, fill up the open seas and still gush out!

The West may have their armored walls of steel,
I have borders guarded by the mighty chest of a believer.
Recognize your innate strength, my friend! And think: how can this fiery faith ever be killed,
By that battered, single-fanged monster you call “civilization”?

My friend! Leave not my homeland to the hands of villainous men!
Render your chest as armor and your body as trench! Stop this disgraceful rush!
For soon shall come the joyous days of divine promise…
Who knows? Perhaps tomorrow? Perhaps even sooner!

t. just got that from the interwebs