Holy shit. This is a perfect movie

Holy shit. This is a perfect movie.

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It's about the duality of man. The Jungian thing.

not really

maximum pleb

not an argument

It was a statement

Plebes crash, God laughs

Before all the contrarian faggots jump on this thread I just want to say you're 100% right OP.

What was your argument?

Honestly one of the best movie experiences I've ever had. Watched it with just my dad and we talked about it for hours after.

My other favorite Malick is TTRL

>calling me pleb
>hey, can we discuss?

go fuck yourself, keep sucking malick's ass

You said "not really". That's not an argument either genius.

Malick gets better as he ages. He has a better sense of the world and has learned a lot with his experiences. Not to say his early work was bad, but Knight of Cups and Tree of Life and miles ahead of Badlands

It's about why you shouldn't be a cuck.


It was actually utter shit.


Best film ever made desu.

I found Ma Vlast on vinyl at a thrift store a few months back. Holy fuck does it sound good if you have a nice sound system. I admittedly don't know a ton about classical but it is definitely one of my favorite pieces.


czech 'em

this is what kino sounds like

>Knight of Cups and Tree of Life and miles ahead of Badlands
kys pleb

He's right.

I watched this on Sunday and made a couple thread ssince then but nobody responded

I'm going to die a nobody

I drink you. Now. Now.

>tfw haven't been able to see his last two films.

I wished they were shown in Alabama.

That's what you get for living in a nigger state

Hey fellow alabama malickbro. We never get anything resembling good films in theaters around here. What part of the state are you from?


ayy. It sucks that we don't get many good movies. I had to wait a week after Silence was released for it to come to a nearby theater.

I'm from Huntsville, but I'm in Auburn right now for college. What about you?

i guarentee this pleb thinks inland empire and mullholland falls are better than eraserhead and the elephant man too.

goodnight Sup Forums and please always stay at maximum contrarion mode.

>mullholland falls
drive, i mean.

falls was a better movie.

only because of boobs

lol fair enuff

>inland empire
What's the matter, too deep for you?

The most pretentious movie made until Knight of Cups was released.

kys yourself loser

Oh cool, I'm in Phenix City.
I keep dreaming that someone will open a revival house or arthouse theater around here but it's never going to happen.


Fun Fact, we helped Mr. Malick with the initial cuts of this movie.
The first cut was like fucking 12 hours. We got it down to around 10 when the project was passed off to another team.
You would not believe some of the shit that was cut. Like 99% of the adult stuff was cut, including an entire back and forth subplot with his father.


Sup Forums, duh

>tfw prefer to the wonder to the rest of his films but no one else does

Why is it that when someone didn't like this film everyone calls him a pleb without giving any argument saying why this is a good film?

It gives me the impression that the majority of people that say this is a good movie is because it will make them appear intelligent.

I do user! I love it so much :)

Why didn't he just release it as a miniseries or something?