Does Sup Forums smoke?

Does Sup Forums smoke?


>being a degenerate
>getting lung cancer
no thanks

used to

>doesn't smoke

just cock

I thought you guys smoked a lot

only when i am drunk so maybe 1-2 packs/year

Never smoked.


>so maybe 1-2 packs/year
You're not drinking , Finland

No, but I love snus.

Only at the pubs

Stuff is gross to me. Nit a fan if the spitting either

Don't know what that is.
Snus is bags (or loose) of tobacco you put under your lip.

> Balkans
Jesus Christ

i know it's popular among low class whites here. my brother does it sometimes, ive tried it. I enjoy the rush but i dont like swallowing the taste sometimes

I see. Here in northern Sweden everyone uses it.

I smoked for liiterally a month before realizing how much fucking money it costs
also i dont want to die and run out of breath walking up stairs

I like smoking pipes.

But I'm too lazy to actually pack and light it most of the time so I just smoke cigars generally.

> 2017
> Do not burn scams
Do you hire a school, have a mental disability, or both?
> The curve of M mor
Well, I? Was life a race that has lived longer?
> Keep going!
He will not stand unless he is small and can be burned with discretion.
> s ... ka para!
Whoever forces you to buy a penis a day, a bee bee

used to

This is another meme from the Belle Époque
When americans came in Paris because it was the shit at the time they saw many french ppl smoking but in reality it was the same all over Europe, it's just rare in America

>before realizing how much fucking money it costs

Dude try living here where the cheap shitty cigs cost $25 a pack

Usually buy a pack when I go out drinking

I unironically smoke cigars and cigarillos.

im poor so i cant afford to smoke. but if people offer a cig (except for people i want to impress) i will have a cig

it wasn't "rare" in the US until the late 80s-90s.
