Media says Trump was booed at National Title game

I watched the game live and didn't hear any boos, was I listening to another game or something? I'm very confused.

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Fake news never sleeps. Also anyone that's actually been around sports knows one boo drowns out five cheers.

they forcibly censored the boos out

People are jealous because Trump is a stable genius and, like, really smart!

>its another drumpkin making fake news threads to make his worthless leader look better

Umm sweetie no.

Obligatory stepfather of a beautiful syrian child post

his motorcade was booed heavily

him in the stadium had both cheers and boos, but you could tell it was more aggressive than a regular crowd cheering

Obligatory favela response by the son of a monkey who got raped 7 to 1 before becoming soup.

He probably ate cheeseburgers like a king.

Better than being a cucked liberal, now fuck off to reddit

thousands sounds about right, but the overall attendance was around 80k so...

Take off the proxy you faggot

I don't have a proxy. Why are you butthurt though?

Lick my french ass bitch

I heard a verbal u.s.a chant as he was walking, but not many boos.

If you insist though.

the stadium was too empty for there for have been thousands booing

check twitter

Fake news

Fake news

Patriots, Alabama, Trump. Name a more iconic trio

Even TMZ reported that he was mostly cheered

Rural and suburban retards, Russia, Trump

"piping" in crowd noise whether they be cheers or boos (especially to influence the mob mentality to "go along" with what's happening) is nothing new, happens all the time in WWE, which is essentially what the NFL has become.

And if you get caught, you get punished by the NFL