What is Sup Forums's opinion on Catholicism...

What is Sup Forums's opinion on Catholicism? I've heard that they worship Mary and are considered bad by other Christians, but I've also heard they're based and have good morals.

t. possible convert

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Mary is held in high regard, but the doctrines make it crystal clear that she is not God.

I didn't say she was regarded as God, but aren't they accused of idol worship due to their "high regard" of Mary?

Also, get your self to a traditional congregation, where they still say the Latin mass. This is the last place where you would find support for degeneracy. Also, you could try one of the eastern Catholic churches-byzantine, Ukrainian etc.

yea and protestants play rock music and convulse like retards

There are some who would disagree with you.



The way Mary enters into Catholic practice is not very different than the other saints. There are icons and statues, as there are with St. Joseph, Saint Peter, and the rest, and we pray for the intercession of Saints as we believe in the communion of saints. Because Mary is the mother of God, she holds a special place, and we know because of the role she played at the wedding at Cana, that she is particularly important when it comes to intercession.

shit skin down south claim the virgin mary visited them a few times as the lady of guadalupe

Other Christians accuses us of praying to saints and people but we don't. We pretty much ask for saints to pray for us. Also Pope is just a figurehead that branches off into bishops cardinals a priest, who we don't pray to but do provide us with masses and such.

Not an expert on this stuff though.

The one true and best is orthodox mate

I'd plow Mary's unwashed poop dispenser.


>it's another Protestants can't learn the difference between praying to and idolizing episode

Take the Hail Mary as an example. Is it idolatrous to repeat the words of the angel, or to repeat the words of Elizabeth? Then, asking for her to pray for us-how much worse is that then asking your cousin to pray for your mom who is in the hospital?

Dogmatic and irrational in some of its tenets.

how did you choose Catholicism? I was thinking of converting and was looking at methodist

Mary was conceived and born without sin (the immaculate conception) making her the most perfect human to have ever walked the earth, whereas Jesus is human and divine at once, basically a facet of God. So people look up to Mary because while none of us can actually emulate Jesus's perfection, we can strive to emulate mary more closely. More importantly she has a lot of empathy for sinners (the apostles, Romans, mary magdelene, etc.) So she's sort of the softer touch to regular people, or as they see it.

T. 12 years a Catholic School kid

Yup. Though human and divine at once, Jesus still lives his mama

>eastern orthodox
Hang yourself you heretic there is only one holy see, the Vatican hill upon which St. Paul the apostle built his church.

See above, Turkish scum, Greek boyfucker, Macedonian wheelwright, white or babylon. You will not even be a swineherd in the kingdom of heaven

Well the Mexicans can't tell either, and they claim to be Catholic. Santeria and idoltry is rampant down there, ostensibly worshipping Nahua deities (facets of teotl) under the guise of saints, e.g. Santa muerte, Jesus malverde, etc.

>What is Sup Forums's opinion on Catholicism?

Cucks like all Christians.

If you want history and apostolic tradition, go for it. Irish catholic grandma matriarch types are fun to drink with, too.

I was raised Catholic. The other """""christians"""""" are heretics and you should never listen to their lies. The pervert the teachings of Jesus and are all going to hell. Also, Catholics do not worship Mary, they revere her and venerate the saints. Now is a bad time to be a Catholic, though, because Peter the Roman is working as hard as he can to destroy the Church from within.

>Hang yourself you heretic there is only one holy see, the Vatican hill upon which St. Paul the apostle built his church.
Educate yourself, friendo The Byzantine and Ukrainian and other eastern Catholic churches are in full communion with the holy father. I have met my Sunday obligation in such churches on several occasions in the past.

Daily reminder that the Catholic church does not consider Eastern Orthodoxy a heresy. They are schismatic, which is a different thing.

Also being hostile to them is really pointless imho, they have apostolic succession, the same sacraments, and like 99% of our teachingd are the same. Keep that zeal towards arguing with Protties instead or even better pray that the Greek and the Latin church become one again as soon as possible.

Have fun

I'm an Irish Catholic and I wish I was born a generation earlier. All my ancestors were drunken rabblerousers but they're all dead now. Uncle Patrick got kicked out of Ireland for being too rowdy and then kicked out of Scotland when he moved to Glasgow (totally fulfilling the Irish stereotype I guess) and during the war he was so much trouble he got the Nazis to kick him out of the POW camp. That was only one of my grandma's 7 brothers, I would have loved to meet the rest before they all died of drinking too much.

>Hungarian Catholic


You schismatic heretics want another fourth crusade? That's what I'm hearing here

Yeah I've actually heard of this. There are Orthodox Churches that are in full communion with Rome. So you can be both orthodox and catholic if you want to be a total edgelord.

Nobody mentioned anything about atheism, Christcuck. You're here in Sup Forums, get used to it.

A death cult just like all sand nigger religions.

Brother, all I'm asking you to do is the minimum amount of research. There is a difference between the Orthodox communion, and the eastern Catholic Churches. The latter are in full communion with Rome, the former are not.

They go to church every Sunday and cannibalise their god, let that sink in for a moment

t. Former christian

This. And they work hand in hand.

Catholics put men before Christ, most notably the pope. The whole idea that anyone other then the trinity can be infallibility is pure heresy. They are Christians because they still accept Jesus as their lord a saviour but the religion is a perversion of true Christianity.

That's some meme I'm unaware of right? Because Catholicism is the biggest religion in Hungary.

Wow you cut me on that edge there.

>being a retard on purpose
Catholicism, Roman, Orthodox or Coptic is the same religion

“Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.”
“Do not use force against an evil man.”
“Do not resist evil with evil.”
“Do not return evil for evil.”
“Overcome evil with good.”
“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’”


Catholics are the only true Christians. Protestants are adulterous posers.

i've never heard anything more irish

its a cult of the weak, terrible for europe.

>tfw only thing we had to to is listen to pic related.

That is what their youth group is called edgelords for the Lord.

even if they did worship mary...so what? what's wrong with having a pantheon

>Because Catholicism is the biggest religion in Hungary.

doesn't mean anything in Europe

Hungary is mainly Catholic.

How do we pervert Jesus' teachings?
At least we actually READ and study His teachings, rather than blindly repeating snippets of magical phrases that will supposedly save your soul if you say them a certain number of times in a row.
Plus the idea of praying to saints is blasphemy. It denies you a true relationship with the trinity. Why would you pray through a pope or a long dead mortal man/woman when you can commune with Him directly, which is the gift that is given to you when you accept Him as your savior?
Thats practically throwing that gift in His face and saying 'yeah, I know you gave me this awesome thing, but I'm just gonna go and do this through a third party broker.'

t.heretic faggot

>t.well informed and intelligent wise man

>its a cult of the weak, terrible for europe.


TradCath master race!



Transubstantiation is what it is

I should know, I was once a Catholic minister of the eucharist ffs

But they worship her as well as saints, which is forbidden by the book of myths. They also have a fetish for hearing people confessions, even thought the book of myths says you never have to go through an intermediary any more...well the extra book of myths prologue.

Calm down dudes im role playing a crusader do we not do that outside /his/?
Yep. He was an epic status mick. Most of them were, and they all had good war stories (they signed up before that Saving private Ryan brothers bullshit took effect).

Because God hears all prayers
it's insulting to pray to someone else than Him directly
as if Mary or a Saint can answer your prayers and God can't
Mary and Saints do not hear prayers

Catholic here. Protestants are low IQ knuckle draggers. No matter how many times you explain their mistakes they will keep repeating the same old canards.

You can't be a nazi Christian

Not even a nazi catholic

Jesus christ read the fucking bible you cringe worthy hitlerboo, just because America is full of shitty nationalistic Christians doesn't mean they aren't all totally wrong

>frequenting /his/
Why would you ever do that?

Also I was hoping you guys would catch some of the text of the Reply of the Zhaparzhian cossacks

The first commandment. There is only one God.

>im roleplaying

Can vegetarians cannibalize their god's son?

>Catholics put men before Christ,

Well, little boys actually.

That's how you tell Christian groups apart:
Rapes boys: Catholic
Rapes girls: Lutheran
Doesn't rape: Orthodox.

Also, what's with Lutherans and their damn "compound" building over in the US?

But hitler was a Catholic

>But they worship her as well as saints
Nope. Wrong. Catholics do NOT worship The Blessed Virgin Mary or any Saints. Catholics venerate her, and Catholics pray to Mary and the Saints to intercede with God for us. Like asking your mom to intercede with your dad when you really want something, and your dad has the final say but you know your mom has some power to sway him to your favor.

>from a fucking namefag
It has good threads every now and then that are fully outside the wheelhouse of the protestant fucks that spam there (e.g. everything not European and American) and I hold out hope that someday Hiro-sama will enforce stricter rules to make it better. Removing the "humanities" bit, adding Anthropology instead.

who gave you that idea? that people need to venerate her? Jesus treat her like another common woman

Hey costa Rica at least I don't have to role play as a western country.

>enforce stricter rules
It's already toxic as shit. Why you'd want it even more toxic is beyond me.

It should be noted that in 1933, German Catholics opposed the Nazi party. They overwhelmingly voted against Hitler. Protestants were much more supportive.

Goddess worship is considering a corruption or curse among Abrahamic religions.

Ancient Phoenician/Canaanite fertility goddess that pagans were really devoted to pissed off ancient Hebrew monotheists.

Mary is either adaptation meant to appease pagan converts that wanted a replacement for their females goddesses or the product of Goddess worshipers who twisted the religion.

Mary and Saint "appeals" seem to be something meant to appease or attract polytheists with bad habits... making the religion familiar

Catholics claim they aren't worshiping or praising Mary, just making appeals to her. Mary and the Saints are supposed to act like lobbyists for mortals. You pray to them so they lobby God on your behalf.

Are you shitting me? Read the gospels dude he so does not. In 3/4 his first act after he's been baptised and gained followers is to help her at the Wedding.

RAISED Catholic
He said a lot of things about religion and a lot of it was contradictory to itself.

please im the one who dont know about them, can you say the verses?

Well, why should you pray for something at all if the other """""""christians""""""" are already praying for it? Does God listen more to many than to one? Does God listen more to the preacher than to you? Why would you not want more people to pray for the same things you want to pray for? What makes you think you can only pray to either God or saints? And above all why do you think the most brilliant men in all of Europe for 2000 years working out Church doctrine and dogma are wrong? What do you know better than them?

Yes they do ya fucking dopehead. I was raised catholic and also went through 13 fucking years of catechism up until my confirmation (catholic bar mitzvah).
They fucking pray to saints even to find lost shit, or have safe travel.

It's only toxic because of (ironically) christfag theological spam. Start a thread about sumer, get the entirety of the posts debating about whether they're in purgatory or hell for not being proto-Christians (jews) who didn't even exist yet. I want all theological discussion off that board. What the fuck does Hitler have to do with anything
Sure m8 gimme a sec to grab the old bibble

>they worship Mary
>a literal female jew
What more do you need to know?

This is a legitimate case where the baby needs to be thrown out with the bath water.

>treat her like another common woman
She is not like "another common woman." She was a virgin chosen by God to gave birth to His son, Jesus Christ. She is the mother of our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ.

Praying to Mary and the saints is not worship. You are praying as a means of communication to ask them to ask God for help. You are asking them to intercede on your behalf.

Orthodox Christianity venerate Mary (Theotokos) too

I don't see this as a reason to avoid Catholicism, at least as a first step toward true Christianity - the Orthodoxy

>most brilliant men in all of Europe for 2000 years working out Church doctrine and dogma are wrong?
wow catholics, why dont you read a bible and let the Holy Spirit guide you?

It's toxic because you can't bant with people without getting fucking warnings from thin-skins, not because shit is being discussed. Fuck, this board has threads about "Kek" and circumcision - if I was referring to *that* kind of toxicity this board would be one of the worst.

>fucking dopehead
Lovely language.

I am Catholic too and also went through Confirmation. I don't know what kind of church you attended, but never in all my years have I heard a Catholic tell us to "worship" the Blessed Virgin. I did say we pray to Mary and to Saints, but we do not worship her or Saints. Learn reading comprehension 101.

so what? she did what she had to do, Joseph was Jesus's step dad, do you venerate him too?

False Christians. There is only one God, and Jesus was his final messenger.

I honestly want it to be more scholarly. If you take away theological shit the thin skins will evaporate.

Nope. Not really. He's pretty much only relevant during the nativity and in paying for the tomb that Jesus only rests in for 3 days.

Just looking at the Wedding at Cana in Luke, as well as his diction on the cross, indicates he holds her more special than a regular woman. He's doing bigger things obviously but he still loves her like a mother.

You can't have a scholarly open forum on Sup Forums. People can't even follow basic reasoning in premise-conclusion form.

>perversion of true christianity
>established by Christ

Also, papal infability means that the pope cannot contradict the catholic doctrine or the Word of God in matters of faith and morality. Only in matters of faith and morality.

>Joseph was Jesus's step dad, do you venerate him too?
Many do. Here is a lovely very ancient prayer for Saint Joseph:

Oh St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires.

Oh St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession and obtain for me from your divine son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, our Lord; so that having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers.

Oh St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not approach while he reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss his fine head for me, and ask him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for us. Amen



Didn't they read a bible and rely on the Spirit as well? Are you smarter than Thomas Aquinas or Augustine?

Listen Poindexter, selling trinkets of saints and praying to them is the same goddamn thing as worship. It's also exactly the same way Catholics worship God and Jesus...there's literally no difference. Trinkets and prayers.

Who compiled the Bible?

but dont you want to read it just cause?

The pope isn't God, he isn't infallible on anything. Full stop, any position other then that and you are worshiping a man. Pretty sure the ten commandments says something about that.

im pretty sure the only religon that doesn't hate everyone is islam.
just look and the inquisition and the scientific repression by christians
islam never did any of that.

>praying to them is the same goddamn thing as worship
>praying = worship
You are dumb.

Catholic are the only Christians. Pic related visiting a nice church in Poland where Mary apeard.

Infallible because the Holy Spirit guides him on the matters.
Not infallible by the popes own "power"

They place a higher value on mary than protestants do, similar to orthodox. If you are lookinh for a christian sect that places an even high value on her, neo-gnosticism is for you. It's small, but it does exist.

I don't like that the Pope is given so much regard and that Mary is worshipped.
Pic is my church. It's very old. About 900 years.

It's named St. Mary's.
The irony is clear.